Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Jogging is good for weight loss...

Jogging is good for weight loss
jogging is good for your health, is to get rid of stress, and lose weight. It's like a drug to the extent that it is practical dosing effort to avoid excessive fatigue and injury, knee especially if overweight is especially important at the end of winter ... 

Must be PATIENT for the first results. DO NOT WORRY you double a runner, there will always be people faster, stronger, smarter than us. Alternate sessions at your own pace, age, current form, the season, but be'' Regular'' even if the summer is more conducive to better listen to your body. Other endurance sports such as cycling, swimming, hiking in the mountains in addition are also beneficial for reformatted. The relaxations are needed, remember to ask advice, and again others will be more likely to stretching exercises ...

 The purpose of the sessions of stretching and jogging is to bring well-being to his body as his head. So "DO NOT BURN THE WINGS". After 40 minutes of jogging (Alternate with walking if you are a beginner or resume the race), you begin to burn fat, even during the hours that followed, including night. Efforts to compensate, feed you watching your diet with carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, water varied. THAT platitudes! but they heard about a thousand times you are not addressed, it is a little voice inside me that advises the TO PRACTICE in the long term.

weight loss is evident with a frequency of 4 x 40 minutes / week.

initially run about 3 times a week and do not hesitate to alternate walking and running small strides as soon as you can support the effort.

- Run very slowly., Never force.

- Be careful to observe the temperature rises early sessions, about 10 minutes, and of course, stretching after -jogging.
- Run preferably in the morning.
- Pay attention to your diet, it goes without saying.
- Remove the sugar in his coffee and snacks between meals.
Alone and without meat sauce.
- Prepare salads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
- Always add the garlic and freshly cut.
- Prefer water to coca. Drink regularly during the day.
- Attention to alcohol and tobacco.
- Focus on green tea to coffee.
- it is possible to alternate jogging sessions with swimming sessions or even jumping rope.

                                                Good luck to all !                   

5 natural steps to lose weight...

 5 natural steps to lose weight
Here are 5 tips to diet and be on track for healthy eating, develop good eating habits and lose weight. Half of our preparations of meals for the week does not seem to be fair in all, so that you can try to follow these simple steps to lose weight.

1. You will need to get rid of your canned vegetables to lose weight and replace them with frozen vegetables. Canned vegetables are rich in sodium and very low in nutrition.

2. Get a device for steam because steaming your vegetables is one of the best ways to lose weight. When cooking steamed vegetables, almost all the natural nutrients are retained instead of seeping into the boiling water. This, of course, gives much more flavor to your vegetables and you're more likely to eat well and lose weight.

3. Do you have a big appetite? Menus in restaurants are usually much more generous than they should be. When we were children, we learned to "clean our plates" rule still hold now. Whenever possible, try to order a kids menu in which the portions are much smaller for weight loss.

4. Try to keep snacks on hand to lose weight. On your kitchen table, you should have a bowl of fruit. In the refrigerator, you should have carrots or celery. At the office, you should have fruit or breakfast bars when sudden hunger. It is important to remember is that you need to keep healthy foods in your fingertips in order to lose weight, not candy or cookies.

5. Drink plenty of water to lose weight. To keep your body in perfect health, the USDA recommends eating about 8 glasses of water per day. It is not only you feel full, but the water is ideal for cleaning your system, lose weight, help you digest food and keep you properly hydrated.

And finally do not forget jogging

jogging is good for your health, is to get rid of stress, and lose weight. It's like a drug to the extent that it is practical dosing effort to avoid excessive fatigue and injury, knee especially if overweight is especially important at the end of winter ...........................Sequel in the next topic

Watch the video can help you:       

                                        Good luck to all ! 

Reduce breast size naturally without surgery...

foods to reduce breast size naturally without surgery
Have breasts too big or too fat chest can be annoying when you're a woman. Some people like to put their chest forward. Others are more discreet and prefer to hide or show little.
If you are slightly overweight, losing weight can reduce the size of your breasts. Depending on the number of pounds to lose can lose 1 to 3 sizes of cap.

Why diet to lose breast

The grease is spread over the whole body. It is present in a slightly larger amount in some places (for women on the hips, thighs, and upper arms). But if you are chubby or a little overweight, you have a thin layer of fat all over your body.

This layer of fat is also present on the breasts. Losing weight, we can do reduce the size of breasts. The number of cup sizes you can lose losing weight depends on the amount of weight you have to lose.

An obese woman can pass a F cup to a C cup While a slightly overweight woman will probably spend D to C, and in some cases D to B. This difference is explained by the amount of fat on the breasts it is possible to lose.

To reduce breast size, so we can start weight loss. Losing weight will reduce the size of the layer of fat, and breast volume decrease. The breasts lose volume quickly, and you will see a difference after losing only 2 pounds!

overall diet

The grease is spread over the whole body. There is no way to target weight loss on breast only. It's the same thing for the stomach, thighs or hips: you can not lose a single location on the body.

Have you ever seen an obese chocolate bar with a well designed? Or thin legs like sticks? This is because it is impossible. Diet breast must lose weight overall - on the whole body.

To lose weight quickly, there is no need to follow a strict diet. Change habits slowly enough to lose several pounds per month. It is also important to develop good eating habits to stabilize weight once lost pounds.

Do not change your entire diet overnight. Instead, remove one after the other your bad eating habits at a rate of 2 or 3 a week. Here are some examples of habits to change:

Reduce and eliminate the consumption of sweetened beverages (sodas, juices, alcohol)
Eat less carbs than usual (pasta / rice / bread)
Eat more vegetables, fruits and more
Eat more legumes, starchy instead
Eat more protein (up to 1 g per day per kg of body weight)
Drink more water
Stop refills
Reduce snacking
Take a hearty breakfast regularly
Do not all these changes overnight. Aim 2 changes per week, and save your motivation because you will keep these changes over the long term. You must change your habits, not just make a temporary change.

Be careful : first ask the advice of a nutritionist.

Foods to increase breast size naturally...

Foods to increase breast size naturally
Many women dream of having a fuller bust, at least enough to reveal a nice curve. However, there are many who do not want to go under the knife, then how? To nutrition experts, the problem does not seem so complicated to solve...

Foods to increase breast size naturallyThe trick to having bigger breasts is a diet that includes foods with high levels of estrogen. This female sex hormone helps transform your body pretty girl child and then as a woman.

This is also what determines the beginning of your menstrual cycle, gives you feminine curves and makes your breasts grow. Why some women do not have a large chest that puberty is stopped too early, their breasts have not had time to fully develop.

At 16, puberty ends and estrogen levels drop drastically. The only natural way to make them volume is to eat foods rich in estrogen (especially of hytœstrogènes).

Among these include flaxseed, soybeans, tofu ... The natural estrogen-rich fruits include apples, cherries, dates, papayas, plums, pomegranates and tomatoes. Other foods are olive oil, baker's yeast, meat, licorice, anise, clover, dairy products, garlic, olives, red beans, rice, sage and sunflower seeds. By eating regularly (and without excess, because it can be dangerous!) These products, your breasts will grow one or two cups!

Pending a question we burn the lips: what is the soup and bread crusts? Say we were led to believe that this would help us to have a nice chest ... You talk, peanuts, yes!

Be careful : first ask the advice of a nutritionist, after the disaster that is dangling breasts.

                                                                               Good luck to all !    

Tips for whitening the skin of your face!..

Tips for whitening the skin of your face
You dream of having a face whiter and brighter complexion but you do not know how? Dounia Din offers some simple tips and quick to whiten your face naturally and finally get a radiant purity.

Most of us, especially women who suffer from facial skin want to find solutions for a more radiant complexion and whiten their face naturally without the use of creams containing chemicals and very harmful to our organization. Because of our active lifestyle, we are continually exposed to sun damage which can make our skin and brown colored our complexion. We offer some quick and easy tips to find a beautiful skin by repairing with natural ingredients and inexpensive.

At first, you can use the chickpea flour. Take a little in the palm of your hand mixing with a skin to form a paste. Apply it on your face and leave on the wet mask one or two minutes. Wash your face with cold water. If you want a more important and more visible quickly, you can use barley flour mixed with lemon juice and rose water. Apply on your face and leave wet mask dried. Wash your face wet with cold water.

If you have more small buttons, you can then add a small amount of neem leaves. This treatment can cure pimples and protect your face. There are many other natural treatments to whiten your skin and get rid of your ugly pimples. You can also soak five almonds in water overnight and in the morning, grind them to a fine paste and add 4 tablespoons milk. Apply this mixture on your wet face and let it sit about half an hour before rinsing with warm water. You can also mix some lemon juice with a little oil of nigella seeds. Apply the mixture on your face in the morning. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water or mix the crushed tomato with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

To whiten your facial skin directly by your organization and in addition to masks, you can drink a glass of milk before you go to bed or a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a another teaspoon of pure honey every morning before breakfast.

                                                                         Good luck to all !      

5 drinks for weight loss...

Watch your waistline does not require you to deprive yourself of your favorite treats. Try these healthier beverages and tantalizing flavors without the extra calories.

**Hot chocolate with chili**
5 drinks for weight loss
This hot chocolate is particularly suitable for cold winter days. A multitude of studies indicates that the chili would be good for the stomach, in addition to help protect against various diseases. In addition, it stimulates metabolism, helps burn fat and increases the feeling of satiety.

**orange juice, peach, spinach and carrots**
5 drinks for weight loss

You wake up tired the bed? You lack energy and motivation? To put more energy in your daily life, try this nutritious smoothie. Forget the coffee! Natural sugars, iron, spinach and citrus folic acid are sufficient to give you energy. Almond milk is a great source of protein too.

**tropical papaya, mango and passion fruit**

5 drinks for weight lossYou can whip up this smoothie with passion fruit, papaya, mango or even adding three. Why? According to researchers from the United States, New Zealand and Iran, the skin of passion fruit reduces pain and stiffness in the joints of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Beta-carotene in papaya can help reduce the symptoms of flu. Mango carotenoids may reduce the risk of breast cancer. A tropical dream deliciously good for your health!

**Smoothie with avocado and blueberry**

5 drinks for weight lossTake care of your mind and your heart with this milkshake two floors that we have adapted the Wild Blueberry Association of North America. Wild blueberries are good food for brain health and avocados contain a type of fat that helps lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. This smoothie is a healthy breakfast that will keep you satisfy in the morning. Do you have children? They will be unable to resist these colorful story that can be eaten with a nice straw.

**Frappe tropical soybean**

5 drinks for weight lossNot only soy milk is it delicious, but can also reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. According to a study published in 2009 in The Journal of the American Medical Association, survivors of breast cancer who drank 11 grams of soy per day were 32% less likely to reoffend. Try this smoothie for breakfast!

                                                          Good luck to all !

4 salads to lose weight...

These tasty salads contain in proper proportions carbohydrates, protein, and unsaturated fatty micronutrients, besides being full of healthy ingredients and fill the appetite. In addition, they are preparing a wink and require minimal cooking utensils. In short, the dish of choice for a weeknight!

4 salads to lose weight... **Lentil salad with lemon and vegetables**

This salad is consistently inspired by the cuisine of the Middle East. The lentils are cooked with lemon and spices, then served while still hot. Colorful vegetables, dried apricots, goat cheese and sunflower seeds are a feast for the eyes and palate.

**Warm salad with chicken and sesame**
4 salads to lose weight...

Strips of chicken coated with a breading made ​​of sesame seeds, breadcrumbs and cornflakes are served on a crisp salad vinaigrette with fresh herbs. A touch of spice adds just enough spice to the dish.

**Salad with turkey, grapes and pecans**
4 salads to lose weight...
This sumptuous salad flavors and contrasting textures can easily take the place of meals without providing so far, large amounts of saturated fat. This is an excellent way to prepare turkey leftovers.

**Salad Warm kasha and seafood**
4 salads to lose weight...
Kasha, name given to roasted buckwheat is an excellent substitute for rice and pasta. Add seafood and raw vegetables, and you will then a nice lunch salad unusual scents.

                                                           Good luck to all !

7 tips for faster weight loss naturally...

7 tips for faster weight loss naturally...
Remember and apply these simple rules can sometimes be enough to help you lose weight naturally.

Know the difference between weight loss and the long-term to short-term

Weight loss in the short term does not last more than a few days and is often due to the elimination of excess water than fat. This quick weight loss can be achieved through diets low in calories. Expose you to a risk however, that the rapid recovery of weight.

In contrast, long-term weight loss involves a combination of a reduced calorie diet and exercise.

Learn to understand the functioning of metabolism

If you know how your metabolism works, you know how to burn calories efficiently. Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy by your body.

Exercise for weight loss: combine aerobics, strength training and bodybuilding discontinuous

With aerobics, you can speed up your heart rate and burn calories. Variants: running, walking, swimming or cycling.

7 tips for faster weight loss naturally...
Strength training batch or the art of alternating intense exercises and gentle exercise will help you boost your metabolism because they force you to consume more oxygen. This type of exercise helps you burn calories even after exercise.

Finally, thanks to bodybuilding, you stimulate your metabolism by contracting your muscles, you burn more calories than when they are at rest. In addition, the fact develop your muscle mass positively influences the efficiency of your metabolism.

Varying the nature and quantity of exercises to lose weight

Your body is smart: it adapts when a settled routine. If you always run at the same speed or if you lift the same weight every day, exercises to lose weight will be less effective. New series of exercises seek new muscles and break the routine.

Making changes in your diet that will boost your metabolism

Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and water and prolong satiety. Another advantage slimming introduce into your diet: green tea. It is a natural metabolism boosting. You can drink and add green tea leaves in salads, sandwiches or marinades.

Finally, protein helps you consume fewer calories throughout the day. Eat skim milk, low-fat cheese, eggs, chicken and turkey.

Water helps you lose weight

Drink 2 liters of water per day fills your stomach and gives you the energy you need for your daily exercise. The cold water helps you burn calories faster.

Go to a sauna!

Losing weight is not necessarily synonymous with suffering. The perspiring allows you to eliminate toxins and burn calories without effort.

                                              Good luck to all !

1 WEEK - 3 KG! - Lose weight...

1 WEEK - 3 KG! - Lose weight...
Accustomed chronic diets, I ended up making a personalized diet program that I want to share with all the girls complexed with their bodies, as I understand them. With this diet, I lose up to 3 pounds in 3 days and the medium term. All my tricks, guaranteed:

Keep its good resolutions


- Eat a fruit (apple or grapefruit) without adding sugar.
- Drink fresh orange juice (unconditioned yourself by pressing your oranges and no added sugar).
- Avoid coffee, lattes and other sweet drinks or milk, even skim.


- Do not take once every dish in small quantities (it prevents bloating in the abdomen).
- Do not eat bread or cheese or desserts other than fruit.
- Do not dip the dishes, salads or seasoning.
- Drink plenty of water (appetite suppressant + accelerated elimination of toxins retained in the body).
- Make a block current (often less than a mile, little tiring but good to eradicate the curves and the blood flowing!)

The afternoon

- When hungry, eat only fruits such apple, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, watermelon (seasonal) or vegetables (1 or 2 raw tomatoes, carrots will). Avoid fibrous fruits, a banana, kiwi, apricot, mango ...
- Drink a lot of water (appetite suppressant + accelerated elimination of toxins retained in the body).


- Same as "lunchtime"

To keep going:

- Reread the program every day and every temptation.
- Every temptation to run (it eliminates the frustration very efficiently!)
- Always remember its purpose: to restore well-being and self-confidence, no longer complexed.
- Listen to music on which imagines dancing, thinner, or delivering to win, or motivate, simply.
- Complete the following dashboards (to remember his efforts as his blunders helps to feel proud and to continue the effort):

  * In the first table, enter the details of your diet at different stages of the day (morning, midday, afternoon and evening) throughout the week. Add a box "balance" at the end of each day and write about 4 (eg, if you feel you have correctly completed the program in the morning and evening, but not at lunch or in the afternoon, give you 2/4, 1 point corresponding to a step of the day). Repeat each new week and each new month.

  * In a second table, note the amount of water drunk per day and per stage of the day, adding again a box "balance" and noting on you 4. Here is a point to drink a liter of water. To help you, get yourself a bottle of 50cl. Two bottles correspond to 1L. Repeat each new week and each new month.

  * In a third and final table, note the number of times that you ran in the day. Warning, do not write the number of miles traveled, it is not a marathon, or even a test. This part of the program is to supplement the diet, fitness cure. Even if you do not run once per day, it is already four quarters. One tip though, it helps enormously the body to be in harmony with the regime. Exercise tightens the skin where fat has disappeared, avoiding stretch marks and appearance "orange peel". Repeat each new week and each new month.

I know that my diet seems drastic, but not be fooled, there's no quick fix to lose weight effectively and permanently, and it is not left sprawled on the couch in baggy pills supposedly revolutionary the pounds too will disappear leaving skin soft, washed with Monsavon (LoL!)
I suggest something that works after everyone to follow my advice or not! For cons, I do not advocate the stoppage of supply or deprivation Herculean. A small gap from time to time does not mean relapse if this difference is controlled.

                                                         Good luck to all (and all)!

Love, Mental and physical Health ...

Love, Mental and physical Health ...
No relationship is the same. For some, love a feeling of well-being and happiness that fills and helps them to feel good psychologically. For others, it is the sharing and discovery of perpetual else that helps them to be happy.

 Falling in love would have many impacts on mental health. A relationship is often a way to excel in order to please the other, to feel reassured by the other to flourish and have self-confidence. Love, also thanks to hormones secreted during a relationship, would actually be a kind of antidepressant! In addition, sexuality help to reduce stress and generally lead to happiness according to a survey of Quebec.

But love is not only good sides and can be synonymous with stress and anxiety. Like any relationship with each other, love is a series of complex and conflicting feelings: well-being, jealousy, development, anger, passion, stress, anxiety ... The disputes within the couple, jealousy or infidelity can cause annoyance and cause stress and anxiety. Being in love is not always easy and it can have a negative impact on our mental health. The health of the couple is often at the center of mental health, which fluctuates according to then goodwill or difficulties.

Codes on modern relationships and sexuality can also be factors of stress and anxiety. Want to comply with current shots showing what should be a couple or sex life does not necessarily lead to happiness and anxiety would be a factor even further self-denial.

Love and physical health

Many experts agree that there is a parallel between physical and mental health. Physical health would reflect emotional health. When a person feels depressed or stressed, his physical health may deteriorate, increasing the risk of illness in relation to a person who feels happy.

Love, accompanied by a feeling of well-being and happiness would be a good way to stay in shape. According to a study, those living in couples are less and have seized more effective immune responses than those living alone.

Sexual relations are also a way to stay in shape. Numerous scientific studies have been conducted and found that sex contribute to the well-being and happiness. According to a study in Britain, sexual activity would reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease and prevent hypertension and various cancers, including prostate and breast cancer.

Love sign of good health?..

Between the stress of married life, the desire to have modern great sex or the notion of commitment is sometimes a problem, we can imagine that love life is not always synonymous with happiness or peace. However, it is often said that "love is health." What is it really?

Love: a cocktail of hormones

The process of love, whether it is the attraction of mutual affection or desire, involves many hormones. These are related to sensations or emotions are beneficial to health.

The excitement of the early days

When you fall in love, the feeling of euphoria, excitement and joy is linked to the secretion of a hormone: phenylethylamine (PEA). It is also known as the "hormone of love" and chocolate known for its positive effects on mood contains. The phenethylamines have a neurotransmitter (= chemical molecule that transmits messages from one neuron to another) which allows them to have a specific action on some neurons. In this case, phenylethylamine soothes stress and anxiety and is also a psycho-stimulant1.

Attachment and the construction of the torque

After challenging the actions of those involved phenylethylamine dopamine (happy hormone) and oxytocin (hormone binding). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and addiction. It would intervene in the process of attachment and feelings of loyalty.
The ocytocine2 is naturally secreted by the brain. Also produced naturally during childbirth and lactation, this hormone is responsible for the feeling of relaxation, attraction and attachment to another person. It would be a powerful anti-stress effects would dopants on the immune system. It is secreted in a hug, a loving thought or a glance.

The enduring love

Throughout the relationship, endorphins are responsible for the feeling of well-being. These hormones are neurotransmitters in the opiate family. They act in the same way as morphine by binding to specific receptors that block the transmission of pain signals and reduce the sensation of pain. They serve to combat anxiety. The endorphin can be produced by the body after a major effort as a sporting activity, for example. Endorphin addiction is strong but harmless to health. Endorphins may also favorably alter our immune responses.

Flat stomach: I take four simple steps...

Flat stomach: I take four simple steps...
By getting used to new gestures, we easily change its shape and appearance of his belly. Seen or known, works his abs everyday for a long lasting effect.

Act 1: upon awakening.

Before going to bed, take the habit of putting on your bedside table a glass of water with a lemon juice. The next morning when you leave the arms of Morpheus and even before setting foot on the ground, and drink it slowly in small sips. This natural beverage facilitate your transit and fight against constipation. Attention! The water should not be too cold but at room temperature.

Gesture 2: in the shower.

With the pommel of warm water, gently circular motion starting from the navel and expand outward circles. Always in the direction of clockwise. This light massage boosts circulation, fight against cellulite and improves digestion. Once a week, consider using an exfoliating product to refine the grain of your skin.

Act 3: the day.

Make sure your posture constantly. The ideal: back straight, shoulders relaxed, perineum and tight abs. Slumped position causes muscle relaxation and forces the appearance of a small tummy! In cars, public transport, in front of your computer: think about it all the time! Very quickly, it becomes a reflex.

Gesture 4: during meals.

  Try to eat slowly. Take time to chew your food (even rest your fork down between bites) to limit the amount of air absorbed ... And therefore the presence of gas!

Depression: Prevalence, Causes, Complications..

Depression: Prevalence, Causes, Complications..
Depression is a real illness that is characterized by a great sadness, hopelessness, loss of motivation and the feeling of not having value as an individual.

In the medical community, major depression is the term often used to describe this disease. Depression usually occurs in the form of periods of depression that can last from 2 weeks to several years, even a lifetime. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, depression is described as mild, moderate or severe. In more severe cases, depression can lead to suicide.

Depression affects mood, thoughts and behavior, but also the organic functions. This explains why a person who suffers from depression or other more vulnerable to colds and other infections, the immune system is weakened.


The term "depression" is still taboo there not so long ago, is often incorrectly used in everyday language to describe the inevitable periods of sadness, boredom and melancholy that all are called to live at a time when to another.

For example, being sad after the loss of a loved one or a sense of failure in case of problems at work is quite normal. But when these feelings come back every day for no particular reason or overly persistent, it may be depression. Depression is a real illness is chronic, which responds to specific diagnostic criteria.

Besides the sadness, the depressed person maintains negative thoughts and demeaning: "I'm really no", "I'll never", "I hate what I am." She feels worthless and difficult to plan for the future. She has no interest in activities previously enjoyed. Sometimes it is rather the predominant irritable.


Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. According to a survey conducted by the public health authorities in Quebec, approximately 8% of people aged 12 and over reported having experienced a period of depression in the past 12 months1. According to Health Canada, about 11% of Canadians and 16% of Canadians suffer from major depression during their vie75.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2020, depression will become the second leading cause of disability worldwide, after cardiovasculaires2 disorders.

Depression can occur at any age, including childhood, but it appears for the first time more often in late adolescence or early adulthood adulte76.


It is not known exactly what causes depression, but it is a complex disease involving multiple factors related to heredity, biology, life events and the environment and habits of life.

Heredity. Following long-term studies on families as well as twin (separated at birth or not), it has been shown that depression has a certain hereditary component, although it did not identify specific genes involved in this disease. Thus, a history of depression in the family can be a risk factor.

Biology. Although the biology of the brain is complex and still poorly understood, it has been observed in depressed individuals deficiency or imbalance of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin. This deficiency disrupts communication between nerve cells in the brain. Other physiological problems, such as a hormonal disturbance (hypothyroidism or menopause, for example) can also contribute to depression.

Environment and lifestyle. Bad habits (smoking, low physical activity, excess télévision88 or video games, etc..) And living conditions (poor economic conditions, stress, social isolation) is likely to harm deep psychological . For example, the accumulation of stress at work can lead to burnout and eventually to depression.

Life events. The loss of a loved one, divorce, illness, job loss or other trauma can trigger depression in people predisposed to the disease. Similarly, abuse or trauma in childhood make them more susceptible to depression in adulthood, especially because they disrupt the operation of sustainably genes related to stress.


There are several potential complications related to depression:

- Abuse of drugs or alcohol.
- Family or professional conflict, social isolation.
  Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In fact, depression is associated with a higher risk of heart problems or stroke. Moreover, the fact of depression may accelerate slightly the onset of diabetes in people already risque70. The researchers argue that people with depression are also less likely to exercise and eat well. In addition, some medications can increase appetite and cause weight gain. All these factors increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
- Suicide. With accidents is one of the leading causes of premature death in Canada for people under 45 years. Depressive men over 70 are the most at risk of suicide.

Tips for good digestion...

Tips for good digestion...
Bloating, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, heartburn, headache, vomiting ... digestive problems can positively ruin your life. Some principles food to help relieve them.

If your digestion is difficult, aware that what's in your plate as well as the way you eat can affect the quality of hours after meals.

A meal in good conditions for digestion excludes any form of stress: a bad habit is to eat a sandwich and a salad on a corner office at the computer. Take the time to sit down, chew food in a quiet and well ventilated.

Prefer several small meals rather than big heavy meals. The enemies of digestion are gargantuan meals and fat followed by a period of inactivity. Take your lunch and take a short walk in the evening, avoid large meals and do not sleep on a full stomach, it is better to eat early in the evening. A good way to help digestion is to loosen your belt so as not to obstruct the bowel activity.

Practice regular physical activity. Physical inactivity promotes constipation when physical activity helps intestinal transit smoothly. If you're stressed, choose relaxation, yoga or walking. If you are active, choose biking, swimming, gymnastics, or any help for good digestion!

Eat fiber! They activate the transit absorb up to 25 times their volume in water and increase stool volume. Cooked, they are less irritating to the intestines. You can find fiber in fruits and vegetables, but also in whole grains.

Drink plain water, which hydrates the intestinal contents. Limit alcohol, tea and coffee. Fruit juices should be drunk sparingly due to their laxative effect.

Our board
Indigestion should not last more than twelve hours, time for your body to perform the digestion. Beyond this period, consult your doctor. It may be a virus, food poisoning or appendicitis.

Health Tips against gastroenteritis...

Health Tips against gastroenteritis
It is not yet winter and there is already talk of an outbreak of gastroenteritis throughout France. Do not panic if you or a loved one is reached. Here are our tips to heal.

A study by Inserm Invs announced in mid-December that the annual epidemic of gastroenteritis began in France. As every year, approximately 1 million French should suffer this winter. But you will not be one of them! To know the right thing at the onset of symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain), here are some simple steps to take.


Gastroenteritis désydrate strongly. It is therefore advisable to drink large quantities of at least two liters per day. Water, salted broth, tea or sweet tea is very good for this, as long as you move them to remove any gas.

Feed on

You are sick and you do not particularly want to eat. But we must eat when you are suffering from gastro! If you do not obsess appetite, make small meals all day long. It is usually recommended to nibble, then you can! Preferred foods are starches (rice and pasta), fish and meat, carrots, always well cooked. For dairy products, hard cheeses and yogurt are suitable.
Avoid: fresh fruits, except bananas, which should be eaten ripe. It is recommended to eat rather compotes or frozen. He must avoid all vegetable fibers contained in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greasy foods, which can cause nausea and diarrhea.

Protect your family

Gastroenteritis is highly contagious. Better to wash their hands regularly: this is the best protection against the disease. If this is your child sick ets, it is best to wash your hands after systematically changing diapers or giving him his bottle.

If symptoms persist

If you lose too much weight and the diarrhea and vomiting persist, you should consult your doctor. Any blood in the stool should lead to visit immediately.

These habits quickly improve the health status of adults in a few days. Néanmois, it is strongly recommended that infants and elderly or frail to consult a doctor at the first signs of gastroenteritis.


A cold, a little stress, and it is the neck toast. When one is blocked by a stiff neck, it is relieved by rest and boost alternative medicines.


Torticollis is a warning sign: the body says I can not stand it, stop! "Says Dr. Dominique Blanc, osteopath. Airflow, bad position in front of the screen ... The pain from a muscle spasm that prevents movement. Good reflexes? Rest and warmth. In principle, the pain passes after two or three days. Otherwise, see your GP, especially if it is accompanied by a stiff neck, fever or headache.

Essential oils reduce pain

Massage the sensitive area. "Apply 2 drops of essential oil of rosemary camphor, three or four times a day," advises Danièle Festy, pharmacist. Attention, the essential oil of rosemary camphor is not suitable for pregnant women.

If symptoms persist : mix 1 drop of essential oil of rosemary camphor, helichrysum, peppermint and wintergreen fields with 3 drops of vegetable oils hypericum and arnica. Massage three to five times per day.
Another solution : to relax with a hot stone massage. Warm some smooth pebbles in a water bath, then place them on the painful area before or after the application of essential oil. Relaxing effect guaranteed!

Homeopathy reduces contractures

If the shoulder muscles (trapezius) are contracted and almost as hard as wood. A dose of Actaea racemosa 9 CH once.

If the pain gets worse at the slightest movement. Associate Lachnantes 5 CH 5 CH and Bryonia. Take 3 pellets every hour if torticollis is always painful and space as soon as you can move again head. The symptoms subside in principle the day.

Sleep would lose weight!..

Sleep would lose weight!..
A U.S. study showed that sleep quality was playing on the body mass index (BMI). How does sleep we would he lose weight?

Lose weight sleeping, we all dream! Who has not wanted to have fun without deprivation, and lose everything without effort? Is it the promise of the study just published? According to American researchers who presented their findings at the 105th meeting of the "American Thoracic Society", San Diego, sleep influences thinness.

More specifically, the body mass index (BMI) among others depend on the quality and amount of sleep. To achieve such results, the researchers examined the sleep of 14 nurses Army Medical Center "Walter Reed Army" in Washington. The activity and energy expended by these women were also analyzed.

Each nurse wore an armband to measure their body temperature, its activity, its different positions and elements evaluated in motion and at rest. "In analyzing the results and separating them according to the categories of" short sleepers "and" long sleepers ", we realized that those who sleep less have an average body mass index of 28.3 kg / m², while those who sleep a lot have a mean body mass index of 24.5. those who sleep less are experiencing difficulty falling a sleep, "said Arn Eliasson, the lead author of the study.

Paradoxically, it appears that overweight people are more active than others, for example, they walk over them. Indeed, overweight individuals travel on average 14,000 steps per day, while others would not 11,300, a difference of 25%. This would these people spend 1000 calories more than the others on average per day.

The researchers wanted to explain these overweight individuals despite this additional energy expenditure. Arn Eliasson said that sleep contributes to hormonal balance, which would change the situation. Do not sleep as needed reduce leptin levels in the body, also called satiety hormone. And lack of this hormone could encourage these people to eat more.

Another factor in weight gain, stress: it could also be responsible for reducing the quality of sleep time, and could also cause increased hunger, etc.. "Stress and lack of sleep pourraientt make these people less organized than others, so that they would require more work to perform similar tasks," said Arn Eliasson. "This could further increase their stress and encourage behavior as nervous nibbling."

Other scientists are working on these issues in order to assess the role of stress and sleep our metabolism.

True / False on orphan diseases..

Orphan diseases plague the lives of three million French. Yet we are all concerned. Are you aware of the main challenges?

An orphan disease is rare.

TRUE. An orphan disease affects a small number of people compared to the general population. The threshold is accepted in Europe on a person with 2000, less than 30,000 people for a given disease in France.

Few people are affected by this problem.

FALSE. More than 3 million French people suffer from a rare disease. In Europe, 27 million people are victims of an orphan disease. And 6-8% of the world population would be concerned, directly or indirectly, by these diseases.

There are hundreds of rare diseases identified.

FALSE. Nearly 7,000 rare diseases identified are more or less disabling unknown and neglected. And five new diseases are described every week in the world.
Fifty rare diseases affect each a few thousand people in France, the most famous being cystic fibrosis with 5 000-6 000 patients in France.
Five hundred others did reach a few hundred, as progeria or premature aging that affects only 100 cases worldwide. And thousands of others affect only a few dozen people.

These rare diseases are serious.

TRUE to 65%. Approximately 80% of diseases have an impact on life expectancy. And 35% are directly involved in death before the age of one year. They cause significant discomfort in everyday life in over 65% of cases. They are causing a complete loss of autonomy in 9% of cases.

There are few treatments.
FALSE. Or almost zero treatment currently exists.

Diet pills: beware of danger?

As we approach the sale of non-prescription anti-obesity pill, AFSSAPS up to the plate and warns against the risks of drugs to lose weight.

A few days before the arrival of Alli pill to treat obesity sold without a prescription, the French Agency for Safety of Health Products has reiterated its warning on medicines for weight loss.

As a reminder, Alli, launched in the U.S. in June 2007, is in the intestines by eliminating a quarter of the fat ingested. Taking this treatment (2 € per day for 6 months) is accompanied by a reduced-calorie diet, low in fat and physical exercise to help weight loss.

Specialists Philippe Lechat, Director of the Evaluation of Medicinal and Biological Products and Anne Castot, Head of Evaluation, recalled that overweight must be accompanied by a medical care, over the long haul, to achieve sustainable results.

Moreover, this support is most essential since it plays a vital role for sustainable change dietary habits and the maintenance of weight loss upon discontinuation of treatment.

The experts also revealed the adverse effects of the diet pill Alli, soon for sale without a prescription in France. This medicine can cause gastrointestinal side effects, including flatulence and stool incontinence, it is not associated with a low fat diet.

To monitor the occurrence of adverse effects of this product, a regional pharmacovigilance center will be named.

Eye Surgery: sight correction through laser...

Your dream you wake up in the morning and see clearly! One possibility offered by the eye surgery. Explanations.

Until the fifteenth century, myopes had no way to see clearly. It was only after that first appeared lenses. Then in the 60s the first soft contact lenses. And as you can not stop progress, you can even now get rid of myopia in minutes with the laser. Operation coveted by the myopic tired of wearing contact lenses or glasses. With eye surgery, completed the daily ritual of laying lens constraints hygienic panic if we forget his glasses at home.

Where is myopia?

To see clearly, the eye should project an image on the retina. If the image is formed in front of the retina, it becomes blurred. This is called myopia. Often sighted are very close and pain away, but some can not see myopia correctly only a few centimeters. Obviously, the discomfort is daily. Get bread without glasses or contact lenses can be a real nightmare, as out of the house without saying goodbye to a friend or neighbor simply because you did not recognize! Myopia appears during childhood or adolescence and progresses up to 20 years, sometimes more. That myopia is high or low, it can be corrected using the laser to change the thickness of the cornea.


A visit to your ophthalmologist is essential. It will let you know any conditions that may prevent the transaction and the specifics of your visual system. The intervention lasts only a few minutes (between 10 and 15 on average). It is done under local anesthesia (using anesthetic eye drops). Before the operation, it is necessary to remove the lenses and put in each eye antibiotic eye drops. The excimer laser was the first real technique using laser, followed Lasik, which remains the most common method. In the case of the latter technique, the laser power varies with each myopia and recovery is rapid. The procedure, which takes about twenty minutes, involves cutting a small portion in the cornea followed by laser treatment.
After surgery, it is important to avoid getting bacteria. To avoid contamination, bathing, swimming, strong winds, rubbing his eyes with his hand should be avoided.
Price side, it will take between 2500 and 3000 euros. If you prefer to opt for an even more sophisticated, there is a technique called femtosecond cutting the flap of the cornea laser directly. The main advantages are the precision and comfort but the price is higher: about 3500 to 4000 euros.
Unfortunately for the wallet, these operations are not covered by Social Security. However, there is additional insurance that can take over a part of the intervention.

Who is affected?

Refractive surgery does not address the myopia of more than 10 diopters. The operation is only possible if the myopia has stabilized. Generally, it takes at least 22 years old to have in order to qualify. The thickness of the cornea also plays an important role in the intervention. Presbyopes can also take advantage of new surgical techniques. Your ophthalmologist may suggest several solutions: special lenses, multifocal implants or surgery of the cornea Laser (whose goal is to make multifocal, that is to say, allow a clear vision of near and far for each eye).

Ocular implants

Low myopia (between -1 and - 4 diopters) or presbyopia can opt for ocular implants. It is placed inside rings of the cornea. Myopia strongest will turn instead to intraocular lenses but their cost is quite high. These solutions have some drawbacks: a good doctor's, eyestrain can be annoying. But these implants are reversible so in case of problems, they can be easily removed. Rely on average between 500 and 1000 euros per implant.

True / False on contraception...

The pill helps you some cancers it? The IUD is it only for women who have had a child? The morning after pill is it 100% reliable? As many questions as you may be asking again then test your knowledge to counter misconceptions about contraception.

1. Pill makes you fat

This bad reputation dates back to the 60's when the pill has made its appearance on the market. At the time, the doses of estrogen were significantly higher and could cause water retention. Today, the very low dose of estrogen and progestin next generation greatly reduce the risk of gaining weight. While some women take a few pounds at the beginning of the pill, it can result from a cons-indication for oral contraception.

2. The pill helps some cancers

No study has shown that the pill increases the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, the pill provides protection against cancers of the ovary, colon and endometrial cancer.

3. The morning after pill is 100% effective

The effectiveness of the morning after pill is not complete: 95% if taking occurs within 24 hours after intercourse, 85% between 24 and 48 hours and 58% between 48 and 72 hours. Beyond three days, consult a doctor and do a pregnancy test if your period is delayed more than 5 days. Note that making emergency contraception is exceptional and does not replace other means of contraception. In addition, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

4. The IUD may be prescribed for women who have never had children

Gynecologists may recommend IUDs to nulliparous women (women who have not had children) if they have a steady partner and they can not take another method of contraception.

5. The hormonal IUD decreases the rules

Unlike copper IUD may increase menstrual important and painful, the hormonal IUD reduces the duration or the abundance of rules, to delete some women.

6. The contraceptive patch is applied to any part of the body

The patch should never be applied on the breasts because they are very sensitive to hormones.

7. The implant placement is painless

Placement of the implant is done under local anesthesia and no pain should be felt.

8. Spermicides protect against sexually transmitted diseases

Spermicides do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Only préservatis male and female can do.

New methods of contraception: vaginal ring..

Available from 2004 pharmacy, the vaginal ring has gradually managed to get a place among the means of contraception in sales and appeal to a non-negligible number of women who want to get rid of the pill.

It is a flexible, transparent ring of 5.4 cm diameter that continuously releases a low dose of estrogen and progesterone. It fits into the vagina and left in place for a period of 3 weeks. Must then remove one week, during which your rules appear. Then, in a new place the same day at your previous cycle.

Do not worry, the ring fits easily and holds firmly in place. In a crouched position, lying or standing with one foot in height, pinch it between your thumb and forefinger and then insert into the vagina with one finger until you feel no more discomfort. If the ring is placed, you or your partner will not feel it during intercourse.

The ring is ideal for the heads up, women who travel a lot or have irregular hours because we must think twice in the month during insertion and withdrawal. It is a means of contraception whose use is controlled by women and can be stopped at any time. Moreover, "it tends to reduce the risk of fungal or yeast infections, and increase libido," says Dr. Jonathan Ouahba, obstetrician-gynecologist in Paris Low-dose hormones, it rarely causes minor bleeding among rules and may reduce some side effects such as weight gain or breast tenderness. But as with any method of contraception, it is possible that what benefits a woman agrees not necessarily to another.

"The cons-indications are the same as those that apply to the pill," says the doctor. Diabetics, women with a disease in the liver, gallbladder, high blood pressure or with heart problems should not use this type of contraception. Its main drawback is its relatively high price: a ring costs about 15 euros and is not reimbursed by social security.

Virtual sports coaches, slimming shape: the bootcamp Valerie Orsoni...

Most dynamic sports coaches put his energy into your weight loss in a program where it follows you every day!

The principle

LeBootCamp is a course developed by Valerie Orsoni weight loss, a sports coach famous for having coached stars in the United States. It consists of 4 phases: detox, attack, defense and stabilization to not believe in fad diets, a diet and exercise as walking 30 minutes per day on an empty stomach.
Its approach is based on four pillars: nutrition, fitness, motivation and stress management.

The test

Everything goes through the internet and the site delivers daily videos with tips Valérie Orsoni, a forum to share with other members, a weight curve interactive follow its evolution, a private blog to fulfill what you eat, bathroom Fitness interactive exercises categorized by body parts, and a daily email program includes unlimited questions to a team coach.

The daily mail contains: a motivational message, a video or sound recording to help you start the day off right, a Sports Council to help you squeeze more movement into your day, nutritional counseling easy to apply, a trick or secret star, the results of a new study and the recipe of the day.

Strong point

The personality of the coach! His energy feels in the pages of your site and the familiar close to us. Every week, you can chat in a chat room and ask your questions live to the entire team of the BootCamp.

Weak point

The program is well established and very focused "practice". Perhaps when registering on the internet marketing side very or is intended as a brake. We prefer to call before going.


Program leading and motivating but probably a little difficult for most defeatist as everything seems so easy. But for those who know sesame let contaminated by the motivation of the coach to the continued presence and everyday well-crafted, the program is really the point.

Sport: I tested the Waterbike..

Cycling in the water, he was thinking! Imagine that someone had this idea by creating the Water Bike. For some time either in group or in a specialized center you can enjoy this new activity, halfway between aerobics and cycling. We tested it for you!

After dropping my phone and made an appointment for a first test session (this is recommended before taking the subscription), I get into my nice gym bag: my swimsuit, a towel (although the center to make available) and a bottle of water to put into practice the famous "drink, eliminate."

Upon my arrival, I discovered several cabins before me. At one point, doubt assails me, and I wonder if I have not confused the place with my traditional UV center. The sliding door opens the hostess enough to reassure me. In this small room, there is a sort of big bath inside which is installed a bike. As I lay in battle dress, the water begins to flow to fill the basin. Before it reaches the level of the door, the woman has to settle on the bike in explaining that once the door closed tight (better) the water will flow down to my waist.

If I turn the small button it tells me to the left, the work will help me refine the legs, if the contrary, it is right, I musclerai. To be consistent, so I decided to refine before muscle. The meter indicates 30 minutes. A trifle I thought, as I begin to ride, full of goodwill. Except that more water rises, the more I find that the minutes scrolls slowly.

The water changes color, which soothes, I pedal again and again and I see life in pink, then blue, then yellow. In addition, there are jet propelled on my buttocks and the top of my thighs. Undaunted, I pedal pedal pedal or should I say, "I train, I train, I train."

In any case, what is certain is that it is effective and not unpleasant. The water is neither too hot nor too cold, I see the thermometer from 26 to 30 ° As for my efforts.

Several hundred pedal strokes, and a dozen clips shown on the screen in front of me later, it remains for me more than ten minutes. I'll get there, there's no doubt! And while the timer stops and the pool begins to empty, I'm almost sad that the time has passed so quickly because once the rhythm is taken, it could continue for several more minutes.

The session is over, once dried, rehydrated and dressed, I'm already thinking again. In the corridor I meet even a TV host who told me how she found it great! I confirm cycling in water, it is a sport to do and redo. Taking up appointment, I said all along to see the first results, it will be ten sessions Waterbike.