Without energy, no life. Our body does not escape this rule. The only source of energy is found in human food. Fortunately, eating is a nice strain meats, cheeses and vegetables are all varied enough to satisfy both the needs of the organization ... and give us pleasure.
Maintain his body
Eating and drinking is essential. No living being can survive without food. Neither plants nor animals nor men. Each meal provides the body with the elements it needs to grow and develop. In the body, this wonderful laboratory, food is sorted, processed, become somewhat builders or maintenance personnel. After many changes, that way they can maintain our bodies or make a part of our trillions of cells. Because they play their role and die after some time, the cells must indeed be constantly renewed. Thus, what we eat and drink becomes a part of ourselves.
A large energy consumer
Foods during processing, we also provide energy. This, in essence, the proper functioning of the body. Even a person in bed, completely inactive, requires a minimum amount of energy to stay alive.
In addition, the thermal energy regulates: it keeps the body at a good temperature - ideally 37 ° C - and helps fight against the cold or heat. It is also used during physical activity: the forced laborers, athletes consume a lot. After a long walk, a run, an afternoon full, we can even experience mild dizziness if we do not eat our peu.Tous acts require a certain amount of energy. It must be supplied to the body every day.
Different nutrients
All foods give us energy. But some contain more calories - a calorie expresses a certain amount of energy - while others tend to favor the cell renewal. Each food actually contains nutrients known nutrients, including effects on the body are different and complementary: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. No food alone does not contain all the nutrients it contains two or three, depending on varying amounts. So, bread brought mostly carbohydrates, vitamins vegetables, the meat proteins. To eat well, we must eat a little of everything. It is considered that the main food categories are indispensable meat or fish, vegetables or fruits, fats, sugars or grains, and finally dairy products.
Lipid champions calories
Lipids, in equal amounts, provide two times more calories than carbohydrates or protein.
These are essentially fat present in olive oil, butter, margarine, lard ... 100 g of olive oil, for example, provide 900 kcal, almost enough to satisfy the minimum energy needed for a child under six years. Meat, fish,? Eggs, dairy products also contain lipids. But beware! If lipids are essential because they allow the body to build up a reserve of energy and help to build cell membranes, they can also be harmful. In excessive doses, animal fats for example, can encourage the elderly artery disease.
Sugars and carbohydrates
For calories, carbs are just after lipids. However, there are two kinds of carbohydrates. Each present in simple sugars (sucrose), are assimilated directly and immediately turn calories. This explains a piece of sugar can help someone taken ill. Sugar is the only food fast acting energy. Other carbohydrates, called slow and complex, like all nutrients must be digested longer to be effective. They are found in legumes, tubers like potatoes, especially in cereals. Whether wheat, corn or rice, cereals are the main component of the meal in many countries.
Of protein for growth
Proteins are the last category of nutrients that give us energy. Including their calories help the body to fight against the cold. But that is not the primary function of these nutrients. Proteins are foremost source of protein, a major constituent of the human body. They play a major role in the growth and especially in the manufacture of certain essential substances, such as hormones or enzymes. They are especially recommended for children, adolescents or people recovering. Meat,? Eggs, fish, dairy products contain a lot. Most of the time, all these products are also rich in vitamins.
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