Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Slimming summer program: Week 2..

Slimming summer program: Week 2..
Improve your fitness with our 8 week program. Goal of the week: develop your strength by increasing exercise and changing your cardio routine.

If you've done the first three series of exercises, you can get started in the second week of the program. You have taken the first step in your health course successfully, congratulations! (You missed the first week No problem, you can always start now:. First week)

Allow an extra day of exercise this week. It is for you to burn more calories and get ready for the third week of the program. In short, this is another step in the right direction.

Vary your cardio exercises

You will notice that each of the four days of exercises below includes cardio party. Last week, you did the same exercise for 3 days, that is to say, walking. This is one of the best ways to start a workout because walking is easy.

However, you will get better results over time if you change your routine. This week, try a new cardio exercise during a workout. For example you could walk the first three days and jump on the stationary bike or the elliptical last fourth day.

Strength exercises: Improve your physical strength and accuracy of your movements

If you felt a little muscle pain last week, you do not feel the same this week.

You repeat the strength exercises you already know, this will be the perfect time to improve the accuracy of your actions. Now that you're used to the movement, pay attention to carry and pace. Do not rush: when moving, take 2 to 4 seconds to raise (or lower) the dumbbells.

Before you start

Exercises 8-week program is designed for healthy people who want to get in shape. It is therefore important to consult your doctor to see if they are suitable for you.

Allow 4 workouts this week

First day of exercises (40 minutes)

Warm up for three minutes, then start cardio exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes. Increase your effort twice for 5 minutes, after 10 minutes and after 20 (or 25) minutes. Slow down gradually during the last 7 minutes to rest, then do some stretching. (No strength exercises)

2nd day of exercises (40 minutes)

Cardio (25 minutes)
• Warm-up (3 minutes): Walk at a brisk pace without forcing.
• Cardio (20 minutes): Increase the pace (moderate effort).
• Relaxation (2 minutes): Slow down. Maintain a normal rate.

Strength exercises (5-6 minutes)

These are the years of the 1st week. Make a series of 8 to 12 repetitions without rest (almost) between each exercise. Use weights heavy enough to tire your muscles (not kidding) after 8 or 12 repetitions.

• Squats (no weight): bend your legs as if you were going to sit. The knees should not exceed your toes.

• Pumps (without weights): hands spread slightly beyond the scope of the shoulders. Knees and toes should touch the ground.

• Pulling: standing, move one leg and lean forward by bending the waist, back straight, arms to the ground and palms facing the body. Bend your arms upwards elbows as high as possible, then release the arm.

• Rear slot alternating (without weights): Stand with feet slightly apart, move a big step right foot, bending the knee until it touches the ground. Your left knee should not exceed your toes when you lower thigh. Take the initial position. Do the same on the other side (equivalent to a repetition).

• Curls forearm holding the dumbbells along the body, bend the right arm to bring the dumbbell to shoulder. Return the arm to the starting position. Repeat on the other side (corresponds to a repetition).

• Half curl (without weights): Lie on your back, arms crossed over your chest or hands behind the ears arm. Using abs, lift your head and shoulders. Take the initial position.

• Extension of the bust (without weights): Lie on your stomach with arms along the body, toes pointed. Using the lower back, slowly lift your shoulders, then resume the starting position.

Flexibility exercises (4-5 minutes)

Stretch the following parts of the body for 20 to 30 seconds: arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips and legs.

3rd day of exercise (40 minutes)

Repeat the series of exercises first day.

4th day of exercise (40 minutes)

It is time to change the routine, if it is already done! Here's how: repeat the series of exercises the second day this week, but with the following modifications:

• 20 minutes of cardio (includes 3 minutes of warm-up routine and two minutes of relaxation).

• Two sets of each strength exercise: Do all exercises once (squats extensions to the bust). Sit 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat.

The diet pill is it effective for weight loss?

The diet pill is it effective for weight loss?
Can not lose weight and consider a more radical way? Here's what you need to know about the effectiveness of the diet pill.

Only weight loss drug approved in Canada, orlistat (Xenical) works by blocking the absorption of fat by the body. That sounds encouraging, but in a study conducted in the United States from 5000 overweight or obese subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes, weight loss drug had little effect on those who took it. Some have very little increased their weight loss (1%), while others have lost less weight than subjects who stuck to dieting and exercise.

Of course, we can not be content with the results of a single study. In fact, experts believe that weight loss drugs may slightly accelerate the effects of a program combining diet and exercise. Each account gain, however small it may be. Thus, losing only 5% of your body weight, you will make less insulin resistance, better control over your blood sugar and will lower your blood pressure.

Am I a good candidate?

If you have a BMI of 27 or more, the answer is yes. Doctors often recommend such a drug to those patients who have failed to lose enough weight after a few months of diet and a frequent exercise program.

How much weight will I lose?

You could lose 2.25 kg to 2.75 kg in combination with diet and exercise. Researchers also found that the administration of an antidepressant could afford to lose 2.75 kg to 5 kg. However, keep in mind that you may regain the lost weight after stopping the medication.

Are there any side effects?

Yes, including the risk of making steatorrhea or abnormal concentration of fat in the stool. This can result in a greasy diarrhea, fecal incontinence, urgency of bowel movement and an accompanying loss oily flatulence, especially if you consume more fat than recommended amounts. Orlistat can also cause stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness, and in rare cases, serious liver damage. According to the authors of an article recently published in The Lancet, its abuse may lead to nutritional deficiencies undiagnosed.

4 advices to lose weight in the holidays...

4 advices to lose weight in the holidays
The Ranch at Live Oak, Malibu, Californie

What to expect: a comprehensive assessment of your health habits and your physical abilities. The day at the ranch includes six to seven hours of moderate exercise, yoga sessions, massages in the afternoon, take a nap and more. The food is vegetarian and organic and does not contain alcohol or caffeine or sugar.

Included in the package: a one-week stay, daily activities, hikes and course meals using organic locally grown food through sustainable agriculture.

Fitness Bay Resort, Bermuda

What to expect: a continuous movement, with five hours of the day are devoted to the practice of exercise in the gym, in the pool or somewhere on the island. Clients also learn to choose healthy foods, training that will serve them back home.

Included in the package: one week Fitness Bay Resort, a course of personal fitness and hiking, a counseling session on diet and three meals a day with fresh and nutritious food.

Hilton Head Health, Hilton Head, South Carolina

What to expect: an overview on fitness, nutrition and personal change goals. Customers have a choice between camping Beach Boot, kayaking in Broad Creek and bike rides Pinckney Island. They have a personalized diet and learn how to reduce stress and increase their sense of personal satisfaction.

Included in the package: seven days and six nights at Hilton Head Health, full board, with snacks. An assessment of his health, unlimited access to fitness classes, food and cooking, group sessions on stress management and more.

Rancho La Puerta, Baja California, Mexico

What to expect: the gold medal fitness programs. The story goes that he would be the first retreat center in the world on physical fitness. Rancho La Puerta offers approximately 50 daily workouts to maximize results and provides its customers with locally grown food at the organic farm.

Included in the package: seven nights and eight days' accommodation at the ranch, including three meals and two snacks daily, unlimited use of the fitness center, spa and recreational facilities, structured group classes, guided hikes, concierge service spa and fitness center, nightly entertainment and recreational programs.

5 actions to increase your caloric expenditure..

5 actions to increase your caloric expenditure
These small gestures can instantly burn calories. Here are the ones you should include in your daily habits.

Enable mode diet

As we age, calorie needs decrease, which is mainly because muscle mass is smaller, which moves less and we have continued to grow. The problem is that we continue to eat as much and taking each year one or two pounds.

What can be done to speed up their metabolism to be healthier and lose its excess weight? Of course, we can do nothing against the chemical processes at work in our bodies, but there are lots of little things to do to increase their energy expenditure during the day. We have several to suggest.

1. Make your purchases at merchants rather than shop online.

It burns about 200 calories an hour to move into a shopping center, by cons, no surfing the Internet. In addition, you will encourage merchants in your community. To increase the effectiveness of this exercise, walk around the mall when you move from one shop to another.

2. Cook more often.

In addition to eating better, you will make the benefits of actions that demand the preparation of a meal. In fact, cooking can burn twice as many calories as dialing a phone number or to browse a magazine while waiting for the pizza. You also burn more cleaning the table and doing the dishes if you just throw empty containers in the trash.

3. Move immediately after supper.

Dance after eating is a wonderful ritual, especially if you can convince someone to join you. In 20 minutes of rhythmic dance, you will burn 160 calories. If dancing is not packed up, go for a walk every night after dinner. In fact, do any activity for 30 minutes rather than sitting: gardening, games formatting on the Wii, cleaning, etc..

4. Eat something every 3 hours.

The body is genetically programmed to conserve energy, that is to say, burn fewer calories when it has not received food for a relatively long period. Therefore, it is much healthier to eat frequently but in small quantities to the metabolism running at full speed.

5. Drink lots of ice water.

The water promotes weight loss in many ways: it satisfies, your body must burn calories to bring its temperature, replacing drinks and food so good for health. These benefits do not in itself a significant weight loss, but they are a good reason to increase your intake. Many people claim to have succeeded because they drank more.

                                                                      good luck to all!!

5 slimming stuff that you have not tried...

5 slimming stuff that you have not tried
Think you've tried everything to lose weight and you are still looking? Do not lose hope! Here are 10 things you probably have not yet tried.

1. Dominate your appetite

You would not order a club sandwich with fries, but a rolled Tuscan Chicken with red pepper aioli leave you helpless? Yes! Prestigious terms can cause you to eat less preferred foods and eat more than they need, says Brian Wanskin, PhD, director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University and author of Mindless Eating: Why we eat more than we think. In terms of gluttony, meals that seem expensive are often high in calories.

2. Finish with fruit

For dessert, fresh fruit, no ice cream - are your best asset. If you want high sugar, sprinkle over a small bag designed for coffee or tea. Most other desserts are dietary disasters. Rick Gallop suggest you forget the desserts, just. If you are offered a slice of birthday cake, share your portion with another guest. Some fourchetées to accompany your deca should settle your case with a minimum damage diet!

3. Remember the rule of 90 percent. 100

A plan is not a straitjacket. Most people have already won the game when they watch 90% of their diet, if one believes the honcho diets, Rick Gallop, in his book The GI Diabetes Clinic. This 10% indulgence can be used to accommodate some special treats: a small glass that you can not refuse or lunch with friends who love all dishes defended.

4. Hire the services of a dietitian

In two sessions ($ 50 or $ 75 each, performed by some benefit plans), the dietitian will compose a diet to your liking. A study published in the Journal of Health records women showed that women who had been given structured weight loss programs in the days following childbirth had lost an average of 7.2 kg (16 pounds) in a year, while those who received only vague advice had lost only 1.3 kg (3 pounds). Total cost: $ 100 to $ 150.

5. Keep evidence

You rinse the dishes between services, you throw the packaging candy that you nibble papers. The effect is the same: you eat more. Brian Wansink found that people eat less when they leave evidence lying around their greed.

                                                                good luck to all !!

Stress, 5 foods to lose weight..

Stress, 5 foods to lose weight..
When we are stressed, we tend to make poor food choices. Many studies show that our diet greatly influences the impact of stress on our bodies. Here are 5 foods to help you combat stress and avoid extra pounds.

No. 1: Fish

According to a recent study by the University of Ohio, the fatty acids of the omega-3 (especially eicosapentaenoic acid EPA) to help reduce stress. In times of stress, our body releases hormones called inflammatory cytokines. They are necessary if you save to any threat, but negative in your life. The researchers found that omega-3 help to slow by 14% the production of these hormones.

Fatty fish living in cold waters are rich in EPA. Opt for wild salmon, halibut, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines.

No. 2: Bananas

Bananas contain tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin. This substance relaxes us and makes us smile. The high amount of potassium also helps to control blood pressure, which helps keep cortisol levels low. Doctors even advice consuming a banana an hour before bedtime to promote sleep.

No. 3: Whole grains

Whole grains - whole wheat bread and some breakfast cereals like bran flakes and shredded wheat - are rich in selenium, a mineral that calms anxiety and restores the spirit. But they are also rich in magnesium. This mineral sends a signal to our muscles to relax.

No. 4: Nuts

According to a recent study from the University of Pennsylvania, eat a handful of nuts regularly can reduce stress. The author of the study, Sheila G. West, attempted to discover whether the fatty acids of the omega-3 plant would blunt the cardiovascular response to stress. The result walnuts and walnut oil may reduce blood pressure during a stressful time. A change in diet may well help our bodies better respond.

No. 5: Potatoes

Just like bananas, potatoes contain a high amount of potassium (the latter helps keep cortisol levels down). But baked potatoes had another advantage: Vitamin B6. Stress reduces the vitamin B6, which helps produce serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter. So for your next meal, put the cooked potatoes (with skin) in the spotlight!

                                                                   good luck to all!!

Newlyweds:5 things not to fatten

Newlyweds:5 things not to fatten
The role of newlyweds can bring stress, but it should not bring extra pounds. Here are some simple tips to avoid the dreaded love handles.

1. No scheme before marriage

Yes, it is normal to want to look her best on her wedding day, but if you change your diet significantly to get there, it will move back to haunt you after the honeymoon. "Many brides are undertaking a major diet. When they return to their regular diet, good habits fly. "Says Bree Burnett, certified holistic nutritionist in Nutritional Balance. Instead of fixing the wedding day as the end date of your diet, make these new eating habits one of the changes in your lifestyle.

2. Practice your portion control

Eat the same portions that her husband is one of the reasons why brides are gaining weight, according to Sarah Maughan, certified holistic nutritionist at Totum Life Science. It's normal to want the same portion as her husband, but in reality, your calorie needs are very different. "If a woman with a man 1.58 m 1.83 m comparing the difference can vary from 500 to 800 calories per day, depending on the level of activity," she says. Learn how to assess your own needs and do not be embarrassed to tell your husband that you do not have the same needs as him.

3. Say "no"

It is possible that your husband enjoys snacks that you prefer to see in your home, such as chips, crackers or other products of the same family, and you know that hiding is not a viable solution. "Learn to make different choices, suggests Jill Wood, holistic nutritionist certified Nutritional Balance, which recommends that when a fruit tastes sweet or baked chips rather than oil. Explain to your husband that you are aiming to eat healthy and make compromise on the amount of junk food that will come home. "

4. Try the buffet

A good way to adapt a meal without preparing two completely different menus is to separate the proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables for everyone to compose his portion in the proportions that suit them. "With a casserole, it is more difficult to eliminate a food that we do not want." Says Sarah Maughan. In this way, there will be no problem if your husband needs more carbohydrates because it causes a lot and you do not want.

5. Beware of snacks while watching TV

"Newlyweds often spend more time watching television than gym. Attend the couch and exercise less contributes to weight gain because you reduce your energy consumption while giving your body the energy is not needed. "Says Sarah Maughan. When you snack in front of the TV, you use a bowl or dish and do not take a second portion. "When you eat out of the bag, you can not stop you," says Sarah Maughan. Suggest to your husband to take the same habits not expose you to the temptation to dip into his bag of chips.

6 secrets to lose weight...

6 secrets to lose weight...
Lose weight with these tips from research.

1. Keep the evidence under your nose

When you clear the plates between the various departments of food or packaging your treats, you eat more. In contrast, according to research conducted by Brian Wansink, we eat less when you are surrounded by trash.

2. Balance your calorie budget

You go to the gym a few times a week? Congratulations! However, a 30-minute aerobic session does not allow all overeating. According to a 2007 survey by the International Food Information Council Foundation, only 10% of Americans know how many calories they consume each day and only 44% in spend as much as they ingest (like 59% of Canadian adults overweight or obese, we do not have what we boast in this regard!). One suggestion to help you balance your caloric budget, get a watch with a calorie counter.

3. Avoid extreme diets

According to the Dietitians of Canada, the body reacts to rapid weight loss by burning calories less efficiently and storing more easily as fat. Overly restrictive diets can also trigger cravings that contribute to weight regain. Beware of any program supposed to make you lose more than half a kilo a week or without you having to exercise: it will not fit the road.

4. Beware the gourmet in you

Of course, you do not would order a club sandwich with fries, but a Tuscan roll with red pepper aioli, it can only be good, right? However Brian Wansick advises to beware of dishes pompous names: they have an irresistible attraction, but in their refined out, they often hide a mountain of calories.

5. Consult a qualified dietitian

You might benefit even if you know everything, everything, everything in nutrition. According to the results of a small study conducted at the University of Minnesota, participants who were taking weekly lessons with a qualified dietician lost more weight than those who were alone. Consult the database of the Dietitians of Canada to find a professional practicing in your region it will help you develop a plan to measure and suggest strategies for you to lose weight.

6. Turn off the TV

We would all know what happens in the next episode of CSI: Trilogy, right? But according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States, people spend four or more hours per day watching TV or computer are more likely than others to regain the lost weight. So get out of that chair and get moving!

The Dangers of Diet 4 methods...

The Dangers of Diet 4 methods.
The miraculous methods to lose weight seem attractive, but they are often unhealthy. Here are dangers that await you if you give in to their promises...

You may suffer convulsions and fainting.

Canadians are increasingly using colonic irrigation to lose weight. Although Lisa Keith, specializing in colon hydrotherapy, recognize that colonic irrigation does not lose weight permanently, it notes that many of his clients hope to release gas and bloating and feel "lighter" .

According to Dr. David Armstrong, a gastroenterologist and associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine at McMaster University, the process can be extremely painful. We risk losing electrolytes and consequently suffer from convulsions and fainting people with a history of heart disease or kidney disease and those taking drugs against hypertension even run the risk of die.

You could increase your bad cholesterol.

Diets rich in saturated fat (up to 26% of calories in the Atkins diet against the 10% or less than experts recommend) are not good for health because they raise the bad cholesterol (LDL). It is true that in its latest version, the Atkins diet focuses on lean poultry and
seafood, but the fact remains that many people undertake it in order to eat butter and bacon will .

You may suffer complications.

Bariatric surgery is generally effective for losing weight. But according to the results of a large study conducted at the University of New York, the complication rate stood at 9% for gastroplasty and 24% for gastric bypass. The observed effects were sometimes minor, such as fever, dehydration, nausea and vomiting, sometimes serious, including infections, bleeding and accidents requiring further intervention.

You could increase your risk of metabolic syndrome.

If you take artificial sweeteners in order to lose weight, you will not succeed. In a study whose results were published in the August 2008 issue of the journal Obesity, it was observed that patients of normal weight who drank more than 21 drinks diet sweetened with aspartame per week were two times more likely to be overweight than those who did not sweeteners. Sharon Fowler, one of the authors of the study and assistant professor of clinical epidemiology in the Health Science Center of the University of Texas at San Antonio, added: "It has been observed in two large studies that daily ingestion of diet soda was associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome [group of symptoms related to heart disease and diabetes]. "

                                                               good luck to all !

8 mistakes to avoid to lose weight...

8 mistakes to avoid to lose weight...
  If you have trouble losing those extra pounds, you are questioning strategies. See what are the 8 most common mistakes not to make when you want to lose weight. The following tips will help you.

1. Diet too rigid

Do not think that diet is a straitjacket. People watching their diet 90% of the time, may rejoice to have reached their end. Regarding the remaining 10%, they are reserved for small pleasures, like this irresistible drink or meal with friends that have a reputation for being mad all that is forbidden.

2. draconian regime

Some diets oversized, we are collecting food as a threat, not a source of livelihood and well-being. The repetitive weight-loss, which are constantly flex balance, are certainly not very beneficial. When you reduce your food intake, the body slows down your metabolism to conserve energy reserves, by way of self-defense. This would explain the sudden cravings for chocolate, felt by some to quickly restore energy levels, and weight decrease less obvious in the weeks following the start of the diet.

Tip: To achieve and maintain a realistic body weight, follow a balanced diet consisting of nutritious foods, which will help prevent disease and to provide energy and optimal psychological well-being.

3. Protein deficiency

Loss of muscle mass usually begins in middle age, resulting in decreased metabolism and a possible increase in weight. According to some studies, a diet consisting of 50% protein suitable for most of us (except for people with kidney disease). An adult weighing 130 kg can easily consume 70 grams of protein per day. This protein intake is generally low in fat and calories.

4. Lack of sleep

Fatigue push us to eat comfort foods that are not necessarily good for health. But according to Joey Shulman, author of The Last 15 A Weight Loss Breakthrough-established in Thornhill, Ontario, it would also affect hormone levels. "People who do not get enough sleep usually secrete more cortisol, a hormone responsible for increasing the level of stress, which thereby activate the mechanism of accumulation of fat," she says. In addition, lack of sleep is associated with a change in the secretion of leptin and ghrelin, two hormones responsible for appetite and satiety.

5. Workout routine too

Can be as effective as a program of physical training, force to do the same repetitive actions every day, you eventually get bored and discouraged. In his first book, 5-Factor Fitness, trainer Harley Pasternak Hollywood suggest we do new exercises every day to work a different part of the body. By varying the number of repetitions, alternating cardio and endurance, we manage to avoid monotony. "We must at all costs introduce a different routine every day," says Pasternak.

6. The excesses of the weekend

If you want to avoid binge on Saturday and Sunday, decrease the portions of each meal, weigh yourself every day (or at least on Friday and Monday) and monitor your alcohol consumption, a source of empty calories potentially reduce the inhibitory effect on food intake. According to some researchers, people ignore that they tend to eat more on weekends, especially on Saturday, the day during which they consume more fat. Calories absorbed and have the effect of reducing the process of weight loss.

7. Cluttered kitchen counter

Counters should be used only in food preparation and not leave hanging containers of cookies or other temptations, says Peter Walsh, author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Do not live in disorder. "It is difficult to make a healthy choice in a kitchen crammed with all sorts of disparate objects. Could you eat in a restaurant where there is a mess? ".

8. Eager to lose weight

You have decided to follow a diet, believing obtain satisfactory results and immediate. However, the idea of ​​losing a pound a week you put in all your statements: what about those women who manage to lose 15 pounds in just one month? After a few weeks, you give up, convinced that you failed, not being managed to lose weight referred to in the time that you had set.

Tip: Remember, it took you years to reach your current weight, so you will also need time to lose. The people who lose weight gradually are more likely to maintain their ideal weight over a longer period.

                                                                    good luck to all!

6 tips to start losing weight...

6 tips to start losing weight
You have decided to lose weight and it is time to take action. Here are 6 tips to start your weight loss program.

Now remove the pounds

You have decided to lose weight? How will you achieve your intentions? "To achieve weight loss, people must make changes. Moreover, it is easier said than done. "Says Dr. Walji Shahebina family physician at the Medical Center Weight Management Calgary. If you are overweight, simply to lose five percent may improve your health and decrease the risk of disease. This is why it is useful to apply the six tips below.

1. Do not skip breakfast

You may believe that you will lose weight if you eliminate the breakfast, but the effect is quite the opposite. The morning meal is the one who sets in motion your metabolism for the day. "If you skip breakfast, your metabolism will run at idle. Eat well in the morning you will also avoid overeating at other meals. "Says Dr. Walji.

For best results, take portions large enough and well balanced high fiber cereal, fruit and protein. If this is a big change for you, start with small portions that will increase gradually, but stop skip this meal. And the more you eat earlier, the better. "Do not wait three hours or the time to get to work. Eat out of bed. "Advises Dr. Walji.

2. Drinking water

In general, the majority of us do not drink enough water during the day. Water contains no calories and is the basis of good health and may even give you a feeling of fullness when you are hungry. Even better, if you drink water instead of other beverages, you probably replace hundreds of calories that hide in juices, soft drinks, specialty coffees and alcohol: a cup of orange juice contains 120 calories and an iced cappuccino has more than 200. Take a glass of water with each meal and each snack.

3. Opt for whole grains

When choosing your food, choose whole grains and low-sugar products instead of products made ​​from white flour and refined sugar. Not only will he fewer calories to reach satiety (a slice of whole wheat bread and a tablespoon of light cream cheese contains 120 calories, a jelly donut contains 300), but give you more nutrients to your body while preventing the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

4. Move only 10 more minutes

Only a superhero can turn a sedentary an active person who trains an hour a day at the gym. But simply adding 10 minutes of exercise to your day is the first step towards weight reduction and risk reduction of all kinds for health. Exercise also has a positive effect on metabolism. But do not forget that you will not lose any weight program if you use these new moments of activity as an excuse to eat another donut chocolate. "Many people overestimate the amount of weight they can lose by exercising and to compensate, they begin to eat more," says Dr. Walji.

5. Reflect on their motivations

Take the time to write down the reasons why you want to lose weight, and do not put your spouse because you reproached or because your doctor advises. Do you want more energy, entering a narrow jeans, reduce the risk of diabetes? When you are about to succumb to the temptation to open a bag of chips or miss your Pilates, use your list of goals to motivate you. Talk to friends who understand and practice with partners who share your motivations.

6. Enjoy the moment

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to make resolutions, but soon come new priorities take place. What often happens is that we decided to postpone its program of weight reduction, until things settle. "Many people expect to have completed a stressful project at work or home from vacation. Start now by telling you that this is the best time to do so. If your goals are clear and you have a program, the best time to get started is now. "Says Dr. Walji.
                                                                             good luck to all!

The 4 best fitness equipment for weight loss...

The 4 best fitness equipment for weight loss
If weight loss is one of your goals, try these four cardiovascular exercise equipment designed to help you maximize the time of exercise By Amanda Vogel

The treadmill

Usual in most gyms, treadmills are very popular for a good reason: it can be used, regardless of fitness level and goal. If weight loss is on your list, do the treadmill must be as well. "The treadmill is a great way to burn calories and lose weight, because it simulates life activity: walking or running," says Colin Westerman, personal trainer and owner of FIT by Colin Personal Training in Vancouver, British Columbia

There is something, however, which increases your ability to burn calories to lose weight on a treadmill, "You must bear the burden of your weight," says Westerman. This means not holding the handles on the sides as you walk or run.

The characteristics of the treadmill is as effective for weight loss. "You must support the speed of the treadmill so that you can not relax or take it easy," says Westerman. The ability to tilt the device allows you to increase the intensity and caloric expenditure without moving more quickly or have to run if you prefer walking pace.


Most gyms are equipped devélos stationary but the best for weight loss are often installed in the group exercise studio - you to ride in a course or alone. "The spinning stationary bike is different," says Krista Popowych, fitness specialist in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Master Instructor at Keiser, a company that makes bicycles and bicycle advocacy group.

"These bikes have more setting options, such as seat height, the front and rear positions of the saddle, handlebar height and front and rear positions of the handlebar.» More you can adjust the camera to your body, your ride will be more comfortable. And the more you feel comfortable on the bike, the more you'll be able to run long, which account for the weight loss.

"The bikes also offer a smooth pedaling, Popowych said, because they are designed to mimic walking outside." For this reason, they are complementary techniques such as interval training, which burn lot of calories.

Rower Indo-Row

Rowing machines are making a comeback, thanks in part to Indo-Row, which offers group classes and characteristics of the machines that help you get the most out of this program cardio. For example, the flywheel filled with water Indo-Row, in front of the apparatus simulates the dynamic resistance of a boat sliding on the water.

"The water gives a feeling of authenticity and uniform resistance throughout the movement," says Josh Crosby, instructor and creator of Indo-Row in Los Angeles. "The action very soft, comfortable seat and ergonomic handles allow you to increase both the intensity and duration. This is a perfect recipe for burning calories. "

If you think that rowing does move the arms and back, think again. "Indo-Row Machine uses more than 80% of muscle mass, causing the body in a range of dynamic movements," says Crosby. "By spreading the workload over the entire body, you are able to exercise a higher intensity or longer." Anyway, you burn more calories during training.

Stair of Stairmaster

Like a steep staircase to gym, this machine stimulate climbing stairs, but these are the steps that move! "This is one of cardio most demanding," says Westerman. "It's like a treadmill with the steps."

One of the reasons why this product is so effective for weight loss is its potential for calorie intake - you can get the equivalent of 10 or 20 floors. "You struggle against gravity, essentially climbing a flight of stairs, and you are forced to wear the most of your body weight," says Westerman.

"What's more, he adds, you must lift your foot and put it on the next step, as opposed to an elliptical where the feet remain on the caliper during the workout. The additional movement requires more work and burn more calories. "

                                                               good luck to all!

The worst diet resolutions...

The worst diet resolutions
When it comes to losing weight, it is important to be specific, but realistic goals is even more important. As proof, here is a list of the worst resolutions to lose weight.

1. Refrain from consuming "bad" foods

The diet you follow excludes food you prefer (chocolate, cheese, ice cream, chips, etc..), Which already causes a sense of deprivation. You will hold good few weeks, of course, but you get tired very quickly this plan, then you will fall. The result? You will begin to eat food "excluded" without restraint to compensate for weeks of deprivation.

2. Skipping meals to cut calories

"Skipping meals can have an impact on your metabolism," says Aviva Allen, Toronto nutritionist. Your body will store a surplus of fat in anticipation of a possible lack of food. Instead of refraining from eating, eat small, frequent meals instead of food or snacks rich in nutrients (ideally every three hours) and avoid, if possible, to eat after 19 h, because the metabolism idling in end of the day.

In addition, eating regularly increases your chances of success while skipping meals is not a realistic way to achieve this. Moreover, "the biggest mistake you can make is to view your diet as a temporary means to achieve your goals of weight loss, reveals the specialist, and if you intend to return to your old habits once the terminated plan, you will regain the lost weight very quickly, "she adds.

3. Perform the same routine every day

Perform the same routine day after day is hard on morale and this may discourage you. In his first book, 5-Factor Fitness Harley Pasternak recommends a different workout for each day of the week, each to a specific part of the body. Increase repetitions, change the order of exercises, regardless of the type of changes you make in training, the key is to vary your routine enough not to get bored. "It is necessary to introduce a change per day, at least," he suggests.

4. Agree to follow the latest fad diet

The fad diets, those that require the purchase of special foods and whose plan excludes certain food groups give only temporary results. You end up regaining the lost weight. "You must at all costs avoid yo-yo with your weight, because in the long run, your metabolism will take a hit and it will be harder to lose weight," says Joey Shulman, a specialist in nutrition. It is for you to choose a plan that fits your lifestyle, a diet that you can follow even after reaching your weight loss goals.

5. Eliminate carbohydrates from their diet

If you fail to consume the foods one food group, you exclude nutrients you probably need to lose weight and stay healthy. "You must include all important food groups, including carbohydrates, advises nutritionist Aviva Allen. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes and vegetables are important sources of fiber, which are essential in maintaining regularity and digestive function in the process of removing excess cholesterol, fat and toxins from our body. "

                                                   good luck to all!

Why your diet does not work...??!!

Why your diet does not work

You follow to the letter your diet, but you do not lose weight? Here are 6 reasons for this lack of 

Your goal is unrealistic.

Let's be honest, most of us do not have the body of a mannequin. Our body resembles that of Naomi Campell or rather that of Oprah Winfrey, our silhouette depends largely on our genetics. "If I put two people in a controlled environment and I make them eat the same number of calories, one can easily gain weight and the other not, that's what makes genetics," says Arya Sharma, physician and president of the Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta.

You continue to consume soft drinks.

Most soft drinks and processed foods contain corn syrup high in fructose, a sugar substitute cheap that would be linked to obesity, according to a study at Yale. The study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that consumption of fructose does not calm the appetite "remains the desire to eat," said Robert Sherwin CTV, an endocrinologist at Yale University. Clearly, the consumption of corn syrup high fructose does that stimulate hunger, thus contributing to weight gain.

You eat too fast.

Chew your food well. This board reminds you he childhood memories? It turns out that your mother was right to insist that you eat slowly. "The eating quickly prevents your brain to interpret the satiety signal that sends your body," says Richard Béliveau, Chair in Prevention and Treatment of Cancer at the University of Quebec in Montreal and author of the book health by the pleasure of eating well. The result? You always have the feeling of hunger, when in reality, just give some time to your body so it can signal the brain that you are full.

You do not sleep enough.

"The regulation of sleep depends on the hormonal activity. In addition, when you are tired, you tend to eat unhealthy foods (fatty or sweet). In addition, lack of sleep increases the secretion of cortisol (a stress hormone), which has the effect of increasing fat storage in the body, "says Joey Shulman (Thornhill, Ontario), author of The last 15-A Weight Loss Breakthrough.

You resume your old habits.

It is easy to resume his old habits after completing a diet. If this is the case (you start to nibble at Spread generously, eat dessert every night, for example.), You are likely to regain lost weight.

You do not follow your plan weight loss during the weekends.

We tend to eat more during weekends than during the week. In fact, researchers
of Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis (Missouri), have shown that dieters lose weight during the week, but not during the weekend. So prepare healthy meals during the weekend and pay particular attention to portion sizes can help in this regard (especially in the restaurant).

                                     Good luck to all !

Training program to start jogging...

Training program to start jogging
When I was in elementary school, we were taught that it was important to move in order to keep our bodies healthy. To achieve this, we suggested a variety of activities. Whether it's playing hockey, baseball or karate, we are advising activities were based on a little more traditional sports. When he saw someone move beside us while jogging, the first thing that we had in mind was: "But then he run?".

Indeed, before the advent of the new millennium, jogging did not really score and most people believed that discipline was reserved for the elite. Then, slowly but surely, more and more people have adopted this discipline that requires only a pair of sneakers and a minimum of technique. However, too many people start to attack the dirt or asphalt without the knowledge necessary for the practice of this sport, and give up after a few workouts because their bodies simply do not follow.

Nevertheless, by investing a minimum of time, you will be able to run a distance of five kilometers in a short time. How to get there? Here is a plan designed for all those who want to start running and wondering how to start.

There is no need to run, you have to start point!

Indulge in jogging without the right equipment will prevent you from fully enjoying the sport and, in the worst case, you could even cause injury. For clothing, no matter the season, choose those that are strung one above the other, like the image of onion skin. Avoid insulated jackets style "8 in 1" which will quickly raise your body temperature and absorb your sweat, making it useless.
For sneakers, here are some tips to choose the ones you need.

1) Shop Evening
By dint of walk and do physical activity, your foot is slightly expanded throughout the day. In order not to end up with a too tight shoe, shop in the late afternoon or early evening.

2) Bring your stockings
While most shops can provide a low during the fitting of the shoe, they are not necessarily similar to those you wear in everyday life.

3) The correct width
If you've always felt cramped in your sneakers, it is possible that you need a larger width. Although many people do not dare to ask a few brands offer shoes with different widths. Do not be afraid to ask your advisor.

4) Try the product
Even though the sneaker that catches your eye and putting your foot it fits like a glove, take the time to try walking and / or jogging in the store.

About the Program

Program running has been designed for all those who do not have physical cons-indications such as morbid obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease and / or others.

If you believe that your health does not allow you to follow this plan, please consult your doctor before starting an exercise program, whatever. The proposed program has three outputs week. I strongly suggest that you stagger the days of exercises with rest days, this will allow your body to adapt to training.

Successfully run 5 km in 5 weeks
- Trot movement jogging very light and easy. Following is not high and the feet are close to the ground.

- Running: Movement more pronounced. Following is more intense and feet leave the ground to markedly accelerate the movement.

Week 1 - Day 1

Description: Beginning
Intensity: moderate
Duration: 21 minutes (4 x 5 minutes)

For each interval, walk briskly for 3 minutes, then trot 2 minutes.

Week 1 - Day 2

Description: Long walk
Intensity: Low
Duration: 45 minutes

Make a long walk at your own pace.

Week 1 - Day 3

Description: Interval 5
Intensity: moderate
Duration: 30 minutes (6 x 5 minutes)

For each interval, walk briskly for 2 minutes, then trot for 3 minutes.

Week 2 - Day 1

Description: Interval 5
Intensity: moderate
Duration: 30 minutes (6 x5minutes)

For each interval, walk briskly for 3 minutes and trot for 2 minutes.

Week 2 - Day 2

Description: Endurance
Intensity: Moderate to high
Duration: 15 minutes (3 x 5 minutes)

It is 5 minutes to perform trot without stopping. Once you have achieved the goal, walk normally for 2 minutes, then repeat 2 more times.

Week 2 - Day 3

Description: Interval 6
Intensity: Moderate to high
Duration: 30 minutes (6 minutes x5)

For each interval, walk briskly for 3 minutes, then trot for 2 minutes and finish with 1 minute of jogging.

Week 3 - Day 1

Description: Interval 10
Intensity: Moderate
Duration: 40 minutes (4 x 10 minutes)

For each interval, walk briskly for 4 minutes, then trot for 3 minutes and finish with 2 minutes of jogging.

Week 3 - Day 2

Description: Endurance
Intensity: High
Duration: 30 minutes (20 + 10)

You must pass alternating trot and jog without stopping as long as possible (maximum 20 minutes). Finish with 10 minutes of brisk walking.

Week 3 - Day 3

Description: Interval 6
Intensity: Moderate to high
Duration: 36 minutes

For each interval, walk briskly for 2 minutes, 1 minute trot and jog for 3 minutes.

Week 4 - Day 1

Description: 9 Intervals
Intensity: Moderate
Duration: 36 minutes (4 x 9 minutes)

For each interval, trot for 2 minutes, then jog for 5 minutes and finish with 2 minutes of trot.

Week 4 - Day 2

Description: Endurance
Intensity: High
Duration: 40 minutes (20 x 2)

This is to make two 20-minute periods alternating trotting and jogging. Between each period, take a 5 minute break by walking quickly.

Week 4 - Day 3

Description: 6 Intervals
Intensity: Moderate to high
Duration: 36 minutes (6 x 6 minutes)

For each interval, perform 2 minutes of trot, and then 4 minutes of jogging.

Week 5 - Day 1

Description: 5 Intervals
Intensity: Moderate
Duration: 35 minutes (7 x 5 minutes)

For each interval, perform 2 minutes of trot followed by 5 minutes of jogging.

Week 5 - Day 2

Description: Endurance
Intensity: Moderate
Duration: 1 hour

Make a brisk walk lasting 60 minutes. If you feel like it, you can also alternate walking fast trot.

Week 5 - Day 3

Description: 5 km
Intensity: Moderate to high
Duration: Between 30 to 40 minutes

This is the big day! At your own pace, covers a distance of 5 km by varying the trot with jogging. Congratulations!


As a coach, I can assure you that this program works perfectly. However, it may be that you need more time to be able to trot and / or run your first five kilometers without stopping. If you feel that your body does not allow you to do it in five weeks, you can change the intervals to allow your system to adjust. If, when you train, you feel like abandoning everything, remember that in life, to get great results, you must rush in adversity!

4 programs to lose weight and stay healthy...

4 programs to lose weight and stay healthy
You are concerned about your weight or your relationship with food? There are several programs, as good as each other. We present four.

Choosing to lose weight?

Choose the program to lose weight? is a group process developed by ÉquiLibre to help women concerned about their weight. The program is offered in some CLSCs, hospitals, women's centers, community centers and private clinics across Canada.

Weight Watchers 360°

All the success of Weight Watchers 360° based on a simple principle: nothing is forbidden, but should be eaten in controlled amounts. A specific amount of points is assigned to each food, and you have to meet quotas which you are entitled. Result? A varied and balanced diet with reduced fat intake.


Based on Canada's Food Guide, Minçavi is a food program that is aimed at people who want to lose weight and those who want to learn to eat healthy. Since this is a program rich in protein and low in fat, menus kinds provide 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbohydrates.

Kilo project

Kilo project offers to make small changes to your lifestyle losing weight meal at a time! For 12 weeks, the program teaches you how to control your food portions by eating the foods you love. More than 85 recipes for delicious and healthy meals to help you plan your meals. The program offers a variety of treats such as pancakes, muffins and pasta and cheese.

                                                       Good luck to all !

A pill to stop menstruation ... dangerous?

A pill to stop menstruation ... dangerous?Nowadays, there are more women who take their oral contraceptives continuously, without days off or placebo pills. The usual main effect of preventing menstruation to occur. We must admit, this is an important advantage: who likes to have her period?

Despite this, there are concerns. This practice is the subject of many rumors and urban legends. They say it would be detrimental to fertility or cause any rules abnormally heavy once returned to normal. Some even claim that the act of taking the pill continuously increases the risk of certain diseases. But what is it really?

The mechanics of the pill

Typically, the pills are designed to "imitate" a menstrual cycle of 28 days, which corresponds to the average normal cycle of a woman. For 21 days, we normally take pills containing hormones. They prevent ovulation and thus prevent fertilization, with a 99.9% success in general, if the pill is taken correctly. After 21 days, the woman does not take a pill for 7 days or it takes a sugar pill (placebo) during the same period of time.

During this time she does not take hormones, the woman has vaginal bleeding that resemble menstruation. However, it is not true menstruation, since women who use the pill do not ovulate. It is rather a withdrawal bleeding, due to the cessation of the use of hormones. You understand that, contrary to what many women believe, it is not no rules when taking the pill!

Why these placebos?

Since we menstruation when taking the pill are not really why he suggested stopping the pill 7 days cycle? You may be surprised to learn that the reasons are primarily ethical.

First, from the beginning, the church was far from being in favor of this method of contraception which gave much power to women. The stoppage of menstruation would have made the pill even more evil in the eyes of the church, which once had a lot of power! 7 days of judgment constituted a kind of compromise. Also, for the first pill users, these artificial menstruation were reassuring and gave the impression that everything was normal and could easily regain their fertility ceasing to use contraception.

Medical reasons

A pill to stop menstruation ... dangerous?However, there are medical reasons that justify a stop of 7 days of taking oral contraceptives for some women. First, young women who are sexually active, or at any woman could have a very responsible attitude in relation to sexuality, stopping the pill and withdrawal bleeding may help to diagnose pregnancy . Indeed, the effectiveness of the pill is much less when taken at irregular hours or we forget one occasion.

Also, withdrawal bleeding or lack thereof sometimes indicate the presence of a health problem, in the same way as menstruation do. The absence of bleeding (amenorrhea) can be a symptom of an eating disorder or endocrine disease, for example. Also heavy losses, smelly or strange appearance can sound the alarm and help diagnose various problems.

The benefits of taking the pill continuously

For most healthy women, there is therefore no major cons-indications to take the pill continuously and not pause a few times a year. A new pill available for a few years in Canada, offering specialized cycles of 91 days, which allows women do experience four menstrual periods per year dummy. Continuous pill has many advantages.

- Contraception is more effective, because if you miss a pill after several weeks continuously, we may experience withdrawal bleeding, but much less get pregnant.

- Side effects (cramps, PMS, migraines, etc..) That accompany menstruation and bleeding for many women disappear. Of course, the mere fact that the pill can already reduce these effects.

- The period of stopping the pill often causes side effects such as headaches, due to the fluctuating hormone levels. When you take the pill continuously, the hormone levels remain stable and adverse effects are avoided.

- Women in menopause or pre-menopause are often prescribe a pill continuously to relieve their symptoms.

- Like it or not, the rules and conditions that accompany the rules often restrict women's activities. They are even a cause of school absenteeism and professional! Escaping the menstruation, many women find a better quality of life.

- The woman has control over her menstrual cycle and can thus avoid having her period at times when it is particularly disturbing: holidays, travel, sports competitions, etc..

So we see that there are many benefits to taking the pill continuously ... It is not for nothing that many believe that this is too good to be true!

Side effects?

Some wonder if the fact of taking the pill continuously causes adverse effects. In fact, although some are pointing significantly larger amount of hormones which then enters the body, no research has shown that taking the pill continuously occasioned more side effects for women 7 days stop cycles. The risk of complications do not appear to be more increased. Studies on this topic are rare so far.

Anyway, before you change the way you use your method of birth control for an extended period, it is best to talk to your doctor. Even if the expert opinion is still divided and sometimes tinged with ideology, the fact remains that it is a health care professional who can best advise you.

                                         Good luck to all !

Ideas to entertain children during meal preparation...

Ideas to entertain children during meal preparation...
To cook and supervise the duties of the oldest while keeping an eye on the younger is not an easy task. How can we organize the time of the preparation of meals when you're alone with the children at home, and that they are very small? Short of ideas, here are suggestions for fun, make your life easier and avoid crises.

How, indeed, happen to match efficiently homework time and preparation of meals if your young child working in his room?

In this case, it is preferable to use the kitchen table as a work and as playground. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to talk with your children about their day and bring you closer.

Create winning conditions for the one who does his homework

When arrives this time of day must first be improvised. A little planning is required if you want to make it an enjoyable time for all.

-To promote concentration, a quiet environment is essential.

-We ensure that our child has all his equipment with him. It would be useful at the beginning of the year to keep the house a pencil case full.

-Your eldest is ready to get to work, you are available for younger guests.

Activities for Toddlers: Exploring the world

The age of your children is a factor in the choice of activities if you want to capture and maintain their attention. It should also reflect the personality and interests.

Toddlers love to explore the world around them, let them experience for themselves allows them to make new discoveries.

Manipulation games

-Provide a container with an average opening and objects of different sizes. Some may come and some do not. Game trial / error.

-An alternative is to create a basket full of jars and lids of various shapes and colors. Minutes of pleasure to handle and to fit into each other. For safety, avoid glass containers.


Attach several scarves one after another. Drag them into his shirt and let one end than the first scarf. Baby pull on the scarf and the others will follow. And again.


From the age of 2 years, a child can complete the puzzle. From the age of 2 years, a child can complete the puzzle. Effective classic is timeless and proven.

Activities for older: for creativity!

Creation kit

Gather the following items in a box and it will become a creation kit for your child and a box of troubleshooting for you: colored pencils, felt pens, scissors with fancy patterns, glue stick, glitter, stickers, paper. ..

Treasure Box

With the creation kit and a box of shoes, your child could make a great gift for storing treasures box.

Create placemats

Pick up large white sheet and use the creation kit. Offer to create placemats for each member of the family or to mark the events of the year, seasons, holidays (Valentine's Day, Halloween ...).


Bought or homemade play dough to create a magical world within minutes. You may also suggest your child to reproduce the meal you are preparing.


Some sites allow you to print your children's favorite characters will color them with great pleasure. Go browse the site and choose a theme coloring: animals, circus, sports, there is something for everyone.


Give a life to your magazines and flyers. Your child will work his imagination and dexterity for long minutes. He will love to cut and paste on paper and thus make collages with or without theme. Variation: cutting designs colorful and whimsical way to paste into an abstract painting.

Photo Albums

Children (and adults) do not tire of watching the old photos. Get out your photo albums: those where you were a child, those last vacation, their first Christmas. By the way, tell him a story, let him guess who's on the photo and where it was taken.

Activities for the child who is eager to go to school

Ideas to entertain children during meal preparation...The little sister is dying to imitate his big brother and also have homework to do. Here are some ideas to fill his thirst for learning.

Notebooks to come to your rescue

Some publishers offer books of activities for preschoolers. You can also create your own notebook by printing free games and exercises found on the Net. Attach a sticky once the work is done!

Books to captivate your child

Have you thought about the books that children can only flick? The imagers are part of this category. The picture books are filled with colorful illustrations that will fascinate children. And what books games where the child goes in search of hidden objects in the picture? Guaranteed success! Make a visit to your local library, you will find hidden treasures.

Duties within reach

Give him a little homework assignment at the same time as its big brother. Adjust your activities based on the duty day. It's time to practice dictation older? Offer to draw the words of dictation. It's time for math? Ask him to draw circles, squares, triangles.

Make coloring inside shapes in different colors: 2 blue, 1 red, 3 green. The important thing is that the activity is simple, to the extent of your child and still fun. Make sure you have the help of your senior to make this period a good time and without competition.

With a little imagination, a bit of patience and planning, balancing family meal preparation can become a special moment, a chance to bond with our children.

                                                                   Good luck to all !