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Sleep would lose weight!..

Sleep would lose weight!..
A U.S. study showed that sleep quality was playing on the body mass index (BMI). How does sleep we would he lose weight?

Lose weight sleeping, we all dream! Who has not wanted to have fun without deprivation, and lose everything without effort? Is it the promise of the study just published? According to American researchers who presented their findings at the 105th meeting of the "American Thoracic Society", San Diego, sleep influences thinness.

More specifically, the body mass index (BMI) among others depend on the quality and amount of sleep. To achieve such results, the researchers examined the sleep of 14 nurses Army Medical Center "Walter Reed Army" in Washington. The activity and energy expended by these women were also analyzed.

Each nurse wore an armband to measure their body temperature, its activity, its different positions and elements evaluated in motion and at rest. "In analyzing the results and separating them according to the categories of" short sleepers "and" long sleepers ", we realized that those who sleep less have an average body mass index of 28.3 kg / m², while those who sleep a lot have a mean body mass index of 24.5. those who sleep less are experiencing difficulty falling a sleep, "said Arn Eliasson, the lead author of the study.

Paradoxically, it appears that overweight people are more active than others, for example, they walk over them. Indeed, overweight individuals travel on average 14,000 steps per day, while others would not 11,300, a difference of 25%. This would these people spend 1000 calories more than the others on average per day.

The researchers wanted to explain these overweight individuals despite this additional energy expenditure. Arn Eliasson said that sleep contributes to hormonal balance, which would change the situation. Do not sleep as needed reduce leptin levels in the body, also called satiety hormone. And lack of this hormone could encourage these people to eat more.

Another factor in weight gain, stress: it could also be responsible for reducing the quality of sleep time, and could also cause increased hunger, etc.. "Stress and lack of sleep pourraientt make these people less organized than others, so that they would require more work to perform similar tasks," said Arn Eliasson. "This could further increase their stress and encourage behavior as nervous nibbling."

Other scientists are working on these issues in order to assess the role of stress and sleep our metabolism.

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