Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Lose Belly Fat: anti-bloating the right diet

A bloated stomach is five to ten cm waist more in a few hours ... The reason: an irritating food and easy to correct bad habits. Here find the right diet for intestinal comfort and flat stomach.

Avoid bloating is to first ensure the balance of the intestinal flora. For the good bacteria that keep the lining to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients and to block the bad bacteria factors intestinal disorders, we must act on three fronts:

Chew 20 minutes per meal if the food arrives in the stomach still in pieces, not enough saliva soaked and they ferment. In addition, stress motivates swallowed a quick meal, resulting in bloating. However, avoid chewing gum that are swallowing air.

To four meals rather than three to avoid overeating, difficult to digest. They are often followed by a fast and an excess that disoriented the digestive system and swells.

Review your diet avoiding fatty meats and too rich cooking that slow digestion, condiments and spices aggressive (pickles, pepper, chili, mustard). Sort through fruits, vegetables, breads and dairy products because some are pronto to belly ...

• Fruits and vegetables, yes, but not all

To get a flat stomach, you have to fight against constipation, so focus on high fiber foods: fruits and vegetables. But not all, because some fibers too hard, irritate the intestines and promote fermentation.

Foods to avoid:

- Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, beans.
- Vegetables high taste: all varieties of cabbage and celery, leeks, artichokes.
- Raw vegetables and raw vegetables. If you tolerate evil tomatoes and cucumbers, peel and remove the seeds.
- The richest sorbitol fruits: cherries, plums with laxative effects promote bloating.

Foods to eat:

- Vegetables: green beans, cooked carrots, cooked salad and endive ...
- Cooked fruit: ripe prunes property. Pears, peeled peaches still: and even if we lose vitamin, it also removes the irritating fibers.

Tip flat stomach:

- Explode fiber legumes by soaking and cook mashed or in soup. This cancels the bulking effect. Same by cooking fruit or preferring the form of applesauce, smoothie or juice.

• Dairy products but not whole milk

In the family of dairy products, which can swell, the lactose content in milk (lactose intolerance). And the older you get, the less digested because it secretes less of the enzyme lactase, which can digest lactose.

So avoid drinking whole milk as a beverage, yogurt or cheese.

Enjoy milk and skimmed milk products:

- Yogurt, cottage cheese, chipmunks;
- From hard cheeses: Gruyere, Tomme of the Pyrenees ...
Think of soy milk, lactose-free therefore more digestible. Like the depleted lactose milk, but the taste a little sweet.

Tip flat stomach:

- A course of Probiotics (good bacteria anti-bloating) at a rate of one to two bifidus yoghurt a day for two to three weeks. No more: in excess, Probiotics can cause weight gain.

• Water, yes, but flat and rich in magnesium

Water is essential for proper digestion. But some studies show that drinking while eating dilutes digestive enzymes and interferes with digestion. So, no more than one drink per meal and not just any drink!

Avoid abuse of soft drinks that cause distension of the walls of the stomach and intestine. Station as the abuse of frozen drinks, alcohol or strong coffee that irritates the digestive tract.

Feast of mineral waters rich in magnesium (Hépar, Contrex) with mild laxative action. And only after a feast of Vichy water rich in bicarbonate.

Tip flat stomach:

- Once or twice a day, complete your daily water consumption (1.5 l), a tea with digestive properties: infusion of fennel or thyme.

• Bread, yes, but not too cold

The bread is high in fiber, so good for digestion. It is also a food sponge. To avoid that causes bloating, we must choose.

Avoid priority bread too cool (and moreover, hot) because starch promotes bloating. Also avoid the bran bread, too aggressive for the intestine.

Feast on sourdough bread (more digestible than the traditional bread). Or crackers or toast. Know that it is the crumb of bread that can swell. Therefore prefer the crust.

Tip flat stomach:

- Whole grains: a little more irritating than refined but much more high fiber cereals, they improve transit. To drink from time to time instead of bread as rice, pasta, bulgur or quinoa.

• Your week menu "belly"

You can lose about two inches off my waist by following this program, devised by Marie-Laure Andrew dietician.

Recommended in case of cholesterol, these menus must be arranged in diabetes: Replace sugary desserts (puddings, sweet yogurt, fruits in syrup, cookies) for dessert kind (natural white yoghurt and cheese, stewed without sugar added).

A high protein diet - how effective is it really?

diet for low carbs
If you are looking for diets that work, a high-protein diet is often included in lists of the best diets, diets menus or system weight loss. But is it really as good as some people make it out to be?

A diet rich in protein - also known as low-carbohydrate diets - can be effective for losing weight, building muscle mass and an amazing range of other benefits. But how effective it seems, depends on your time horizon.

A randomized trial of a low carbohydrate diet for obesity involving women and 63 obese men randomly assigned to a low carb diet, high protein, high fat, or a diet rich in carbohydrates low-fat (conventional) calorie.

Here's what happened:

The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss of 4% than the conventional diet for the first six months ... but the difference was not significant a year.

The study also associated the low carb diet with a greater improvement in some risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Good things. However, the researchers decided that longer and larger studies are needed to determine the long-term safety and effectiveness of low-carb diets, high protein, high fat, because the participants was poor to adhere to diets, and many simply abandoned the search.

Which tends to go with the territory of slimming diets.

That said, many men and women have succeeded with a weight loss plan diet rich in protein. Another study showed that men and women who have a high protein weight loss weight experienced less hunger, weight loss greater satisfaction and increased speed when 20% fat was replaced in the diet with higher protein intake by 30%.

This is partly because we are less likely to snack or go on a binge eating because our blood sugar and insulin is kept in the normal range.

Numerous medical studies have reported that eating improves triglycerides protein stimulates useful cholesterol (HDL) and lowers blood sugar for diabetics and people with diabetes. A low carb diet, in fact, is often used to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels.

Low carb rich diet also tend to lose a little more muscle size than those eating a low-fat protein amount.

One aspect that many people tend to forget is that we have different amounts of acceptance of the carbohydrate. Some gain weight with as little as only 90 grams of carbs per day, but others can eat up to 120 grams of carbohydrates per day. Dr. Robert Atkins stressed the importance of discovering your own individual carb levels.

A high protein diet may not be the best way to lose weight for you, but it helps a lot in their campaigns weight loss, and he also keeps healthy. If you plan to go on a high protein diet, remember that first study I mentioned. Stick with it and stick to the rules. Makes all the difference.

And even before that, discuss your plans with your doctor protein diet. He or she may have some healthy recommendations to help you select and maintain the most appropriate weight loss program for you.

                                                                      Good Luck To All !!!

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An Introduction to low carb diets

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Low carb (or low carb) diet plans have really grown in popularity in the last decade. This is largely due to the success of the popular Atkins diet and low carb diets that followed such as the South Beach diet. 

But you do not need the latest book or program diet rich in prices follow a low carbohydrate diet. Everything you need is some basic dieting and among the many plans low carb diet that are on the web.

Low carbohydrate diets are low in carbohydrates (duh!) and are rich in fats and proteins. How low carbs are supposed to be dependent on the particular diet. In general, low-carb diets you start for a week or two of very low carbohydrates.

Upgrade consist of meat (lots of meat!) And vegetables with some zero carb sauces or dressings, no dairy products, cereals and fruits allowed. Some carbohydrates are then slowly added to the meal, but not a high percentage. In general, carbohydrates represent for 5-20% of your calories on a low carb diet.

Why low carb? When you eat carbohydrates, it raises your level of blood sugar. Second, it causes your body to release insulin. This is insulin to get the sugar (glucose) out of the bloodstream and into your cells. It first attempts to glucose in the muscles, and when the muscles are full of insulin pumps remaining glucose in fat cells glucose.

 While insulin does its job, that your body will burn glucose in the blood first before trying to burn your fat. So if you can keep the low level of glucose in the blood, insulin to glucose that your fat cells and the body has very little glucose in the blood to use for energy. Therefore, the body must use something else, like the fat to burn energy. This is the theory behind a low carb diet.

So now that you know the basics of low carb diets you know what to look for when searching for free low carb diets on the web or diet books in the library. The low carb diet you should steer away from starchy carbs like white bread, white rice and pasta and encourages you to eat green vegetables for fiber, vitamins and minerals your body needs glucose without doping.

One last thing to consider is that a low carb diet is completely counter according to the guidelines of the USDA food pyramid.

Although low-carb diets are popular modern science has not determined whether they are healthy or not. There are problems with increased levels of fat consumption (consumption of saturated fats in particular) and its effect on cholesterol in a diet low in carbohydrates. You must search and check with your doctor to see if the low-carb diets are good for you.

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Rich in protein beans to make great plans

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Beans are not only a substitute for meat, but the latest fashion in diets today. They are as nutritious as we must at least triple our current consumption of 3 cups each week. But why beans are good for us?

 The experts state that the beans are rich in protein and are equipped to cure chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Your immunity level decreases as you increase the weight and become obese. Therefore, trim your waistline than it does good. Here are the top 5 grains rich in protein.

Soy is a popular vegan ingredient and is widely used in our daily cooking. As we all know soy is popular for its high level of protein and is available in variety as tofu, soy milk and soy. The purest form among them is boiled soy beans, they retain the highest protein.

The beans are boiled green soybeans called edamame and served in the shell as an appetizer. You can also take off the shell and include them in salads. Cooked soy beans are large and are distinguished by soy nuts are small and grilled. Cooked soybeans were 28.62 grams of protein per cup and are the best available protein-rich beans.

Another variety of protein-rich beans are white kidney beans. You can cook it in various forms like soups, curries, stews, beans etc. are very popular among vegetarians and contains 19 grams of protein per serving. The only problem is that the protein is not exhaustive and should be consumed with whole wheat bread, corn bread or rice.

Cooked lentils have had a long and bad reputation among other protein-rich beans. They are considered to be bland and wimpy among other rates vegetarian. But the fact is that a cup of cooked lentils contains 17.86 grams of protein.

There is a wide variety of lenses, and they are available in strikingly different colors and flavors. This is the main staple of the Mediterranean and Asian diet. Now the lenses are also not rates of complete protein and should be eaten with Indian bread or rice to create the right combination of amino acids.

Split peas which appear as green lenses are also used in Indian cuisine. In Western cooking, it is only used to prepare the soup. The soup is quite rich in protein and contains about 16.35 grams of protein per cup. You must finish your soup with crackers or whole grain bread to ensure complete protein in your body.

The last category is the pinto beans that race in 15.41 grams of protein per cup. These beans are included in your favorite foods such as enchiladas, tacos and nachos.

These nutritional qualities make beans a popular choice for vegetarians, even if other people can benefit from eating beans as well.

Beans are also rich in protein essential amino acids that are required by a human being to live. It also has a high concentration of minerals and vitamins.

If you are serious about dieting or muscle building, find high protein snacks and high protein bars!

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High protein, low carb diet weight reduction

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When it comes to matters of diet, many actually fail at weight loss diets due to the simple fact that they do not consume the right kind of food. Most of us realize the truth to effectively lose weight is by eating the right way, in addition to regular sport. Over the years, health experts have a new type of diet, high protein,

low carbohydrate diet. These systems have received much attention in recent years because of its effectiveness in helping people to lose weight without the use of weight loss supplements.

What actually are these plans is to reduce the dependence of the body on carbohydrates to provide energy (calories) and instead rely on protein as the main energy source for the body. Eliminating carbohydrates (though not completely) results in the reduction of saturated fat consumed and this helps to lower chances of heart disease and help for weight loss.

A good example of this high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. Also known as the Atkins Nutritional Approach, diet created this program by Dr. Robert Atkins in the 1970s. As an initial program was created to solve its own weight problems, Dr. Atkins realized that the program was a huge success and popularized the diet program through a portfolio of books. This program significantly reduces the consumption of carbohydrates and exponentially increased protein intake of the body through food such as fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, beans and nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds recommended include almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

The lack of carbs would not feel like your food intake will be satisfied with food rich in proteins that force the body to burn fat for energy needs instead of carbohydrates. This metabolic state is called ketosis as it burns ketones (evidenced by the breakdown of stored fat) in the body. In return, you feel less hungry and your food intake drastically reduce both.

However, those who want to undertake the low-carbohydrate diet high in protein, should be aware that this state of ketosis can cause unwanted health complications. Examples of these complications (due to too much protein), kidney problems, osteoporosis, kidney stones and even cancer. The cancer may appear due to the fact that avoiding carbohydrate foods also means that you do not consume additional nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals and vitamins in food. When you're in ketosis, you may also loss of appetite, nausea and dizziness.

To avoid these complications, it is advisable to consume a small amount of carbohydrates a day, or about 100 to 200 grams each day. This could help reduce the bad effects of ketosis. In conclusion, a high protein, low carbohydrate diet could definitely help you lose weight, but be extremely careful not to overdo it, or you would face dangerous health risks.

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High protein low carbohydrate diets

diet for low carbs
Rich protein low carbohydrate diets have been widely promoted in recent years. The power supply is located on the premise that eating high levels of protein, while 30% to 50% of calories your body burns from protein. 

The American Heart Association and the National Foundation of cholesterol indicate that a small amount of calories should come from protein.

To restrict carbohydrates so low on the low carbohydrate diets high in protein, you put your body in a different metabolic state in which the body now burns its own fat rather than carbohydrates, it would normally burn., promoting weight loss. The medical profession calls this state of ketosis. When the body is in this state, you're likely to eat less than you would otherwise.

Ketosis can also cause health problems such as kidney failure, gout and kidney stones. Consuming too much protein can put a strain on your kidneys.

Rich protein low carbohydrate diets are also associated with elevated levels of cholesterol that causes heart disease.

Excessive protein is also linked to osteoporosis due to a production of more than the normal amount of calcium.

The cancer may be another problem with a high carbohydrate diet low protein, because carbohydrates contain high amounts of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants the body needs and does not receive an adequate supply. Your diet should contain adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You fill your protein with these foods and you'll reduce your risk of cancer. These plans low carb high protein does not provide a high consumption of these foods

Another factor to consider is probably gain weight when you get off the diet. Because fat cells accumulate more fat. This could cause more hunger for high-carb foods that will add weight.

Remember your body is like a machine, it must the right combination of foods to build on them. When you go on a diet low in protein-rich carbohydrates, correct combinations will get disturbed, and you're on, the more risks you take something bad will happen.

George Marklin

People do not stay on the diet for a long time, for various reasons, so they fail to lose weight. There is no reason that you should fall into this category. If you are serious about losing weight, click the link below and you will have number of feeding program in the world.

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Top 10 Low-Carb Diet Mistakes!!

diet for low carbs

5 Mistakes to Avoid with low-carb diets

Reduce carbohydrate intake and increase the protein can accelerate weight loss by controlling your insulin levels and your blood sugar more efficiently. Low carb diets have become very popular over the last decade, to the point that now one of the hottest diet techniques.

It is important to understand how to approach a healthy diet low in carbohydrate. Below are listed the five most common mistakes associated with diets low in carbohydrate.

1. Do not eat enough vegetables. If you do not feel well for a low carbohydrate diet, make sure you eat vegetables. As you can see from our graph carbohydrates in vegetables, most vegetables do not contain a lot of carbohydrates. The most suitable plan are cabbage, lettuce, spinach, kale, etc.. Some vegetables contain a lot of carbohydrates. Sweet potato, and corn are two exceptions. But it is hard to go wrong by eating vegetables at a low carbohydrate diet. So do not hesitate!

2. Do not eat enough fiber. The fibers are carbohydrates, including a frequently encountered problem of a diet low in carbohydrates is not eating enough fiber. The fibers are crucial to maintaining a healthy weight. Some evidence also suggests that fiber helps prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Carbs from fiber are generally not taken into account in a diet low in carbohydrate. The reason is that the fibers do not increase blood glucose levels, and this is the challenge of a diet low in carbohydrate. So what foods are high in fiber but low in carbs? Here's a list:

Mustard seeds
Cereal bran

3. Eating too many calories. Even if a low carbohydrate diet focuses mainly on carbs, not calories, it does not mean you can eat as much as you want. One of the classic pitfalls of this kind of diet is eating too many foods high in fat but low in carbohydrates. Although these foods are technically "agreed" with the principle of low carbohydrate diet, if you eat them without restraint all you annihilate your chances of losing weight. Remember that each gram of fat contains nine calories, while a gram of carbohydrate or protein contains only four. As most of the calories come mainly from fat and protein in a diet that restricts carbohydrates, it must be careful not to eat too much fat and reduce calorie intake. Here are some foods low in carbohydrates and high in fat and calories you need to consume in moderation:

Meat (especially pork and sausages, etc.).

4. Do not do sports. This is a common to think that the sport is not an integral part of a diet low in carbohydrate error. But Robert Atkins, the marketing guru behind the low carbohydrate diet, considered sport as a non-negotiable aspect of his plan to succeed. Apart from the benefits of sport good for everyone, a regular sports program also increases the probability of not regain the lost weight. Try to see the sport as an insurance guaranteeing that your diet low in carbohydrate allow visible and sustainable results over the long term.

5. Give up too easily. At the beginning a diet low in carbohydrate can be very difficult. You must say goodbye to the legs, the potatoes, breads, energy drinks, desserts, rice, waffles, cakes and so on of the best. It is not easy to achieve in a day adjustment. And understandably, many people have trouble keeping its new rules. There is also a documented called the "sweet depression," which occurs during the first week of a diet low in carbohydrates because your body adapts to its new energy source phenomenon. Depression can make sweet irritable, tired, nervous and tired. The lowest people can decide that "it is not for me! "During the adaptation phase and therefore when they leave barely begun. Overcome the first week of a diet low in carbohydrate request to prepare for his troubles and have a plan to minimize them.

Remember that what the value is not acquired easily. A healthy and slim body is not easy to have! A low carbohydrate diet can be difficult to achieve, but it is generally a very effective system. Follow your diet, appreciate the sacrifices you make as an investment for a better life and better health. All the donuts in the world are not worth the results and the joy of getting his new body.

                                                                  Good Luck To All !!!

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Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

diet for low carbs
Why are not you losing weight? When you reach the plateau of weight loss

This article will help you answer the question "Why are not you losing weight?" We discuss the implications when you reach the plateau of weight loss. This is a very critical point in the life a dieter because it can break or to ensure that it is extremely important that you are aware of this. Read the rest of this article and to gain understanding of the reasons that cause this happens to you .

In any sensible diet, you will notice a gradual weight loss and sometimes fast. There is a feeling of ecstasy for you, because after all the hard work, you feel rewarded with melted fat and all those with the new you with your dream sexy clothes. You keep losing unwanted fat from your body and then suddenly, you start to wonder why you do not lose weight at all.

For those who never came to the word plateau, it will be a shock and discouraging experience for them. They feel the pain and sacrifices plans and exercise more because they feel more rewarded. On the other hand, for those who have heard of this stage in life any dieter, they understand that this is normal. Some of the more important to understand why you do not lose weight during this stage points:

1. It is a natural process of our body to stop burning excessive fat at a certain level. This is a normal phenomenon because our body is already used in our diet and regular exercise. As a car needs overhaul, our bodies need to reorganize so.

2. What you need to do is renew your sources of motivation. This can be discouraging to you at first, but you soon realize that it is not normal. You can motivate you to work harder watching your diet and sport newspaper pictures, old and new to you, or your old and new clothes.
                                                                     Good Luck To All!!

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Broccoli Cheese Soup...

diet for low carbs

Fresh broccoli and cheese soup

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people):

- 1 onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 500 grams of broccoli
- 1 vegetable broth + 70 ml water
- basil
- 200 g cream cheese (Boursin kind lightened)
- 1 dash of olive oil
- salt
- pepper

Preparation of the recipe:

Saute garlic and onion in a hot pan with a drizzle of olive oil.

Cut broccoli into small pieces.

In a saucepan or a pressure cooker, boil the water and broth. Add broccoli and cover 10 min.

Add the basil and mix everything.

Finally, add the fresh cheese and salt and pepper.

Before serving, you can add almonds as decoration!

Fresh broccoli and cheese soup


2 tablespoons butter
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ cup butter
2 cups fresh grated carrots
1 broccoli, washed, cut
½ cup flour
4 cups half and half milk
4 cups chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste
¼ tsp nutmeg
8 ounces grated sharp cheddar cheese


1.Saute onion in butter. When the onions are browned, add the garlic and cook for 3 minutes plus.Mettez aside.

2.In another saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter and stir the butter and flour (make a roux) using a whisk over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Stir constantly and slowly add the half and half. Add the chicken broth, stirring all the time. Simmer for 20 minutes.

3.Add broccoli, carrots and onions. Simmer until vegetables are tender for 20-25 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4.Pour into blender or mixer to walk even better to keep the larger pieces like the restaurant.

5.Return to saucepan and add the grated cheese and stir until smooth. Put on medium heat and add the nutmeg.
                                                        Enjoy your meal!

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7 Low-Carb Vegetarian Recipes

diet for low carbs

Spicy Potato Curry (97)


Servings: 4

500 g small new potatoes
250 g (1/2 lb) green beans
15 g (1 tbsp.) Butter
3 c. tablespoons of sunflower oil
2 small green chillies
1/2 c. tsp cumin seeds
1/2 c. tsp turmeric
1/4 c. teaspoon garam masala
1 clove of garlic

Preparation steps

Preparation time: 10min> Cooking: 20min> Ready in: 30min

1.Scrub the potatoes and cut them into thick slices. Hull the green beans, cut into lengths of 2 to 3 cm (1 inch), wash and drain.

2.Heat the butter and oil in a pan, add the whole peppers, cumin, turmeric and garam masala. Peel the garlic and crush it in the pan. Stir, stir fry 30 seconds.

3.Add the potatoes and salt. Stir to coat with oil and spiced butter.

4.Add green beans, cover, then reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The curry is ready as soon as the potatoes are cooked.

Salad with carrots, raisins and cashew nuts; flavored with coriander and ginger

Everyone knows at least one recipe for carrot salad. That I propose today is very tasty and delight your guests! To consume without moderation!

Ingredients for 2 people

4-6 carrots, depending on size
1 small handful of raisins
75 g cashew nuts (unsalted)
50g flaked almonds
1 tsp grated fresh ginbembre
1 tbsp ground coriander seeds
1 red pepper
Olive oil
The juice of one lemon


In a bowl place the raisins and cover with boiling water to soften them aside. Grate the carrots. Make toast the slivered almonds and cashew nuts separately in a pan. Open chili, remove seeds and chop finely. In a bowl, combine carrots, drained raisins, ginger, pepper, olive oil, cashews and almonds, ground coriander (preferably with a pestle) and lemon juice.

                                                                Enjoy your meal!

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10 Low-Carb Sauces, Dressings and Condiments

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Fettuccine Alfredo

Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 10 min
Yield: 3-4 servings


375 g (3/4 lb) fettuccine
60 ml (1/4 cup) butter
180 ml (3/4 cup) 35% cream
180 ml (3/4 cup) cream 15% cooking
250 ml (1 cup) grated Parmigiano Reggiano
Chopped parsley, to taste
Salt and pepper


1. In a saucepan of boiling salted water, cook pasta until al dente. Drain and lightly oil. Reserve 125 ml (½ cup) of the cooking water.

2. In the same saucepan, melt the butter. Add the cream, 180 ml (¾ cup) parmesan and warm. Add pasta and toss to coat well. Salt and pepper. Add the cooking water as needed to obtain a creamy sauce.

3. Divide pasta among four plates. Top with remaining Parmesan and parsley. Serve immediately.

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diet for low carbs: 8 Low-Carb Snacks

 diet for low carbs

Eat before (too) hunger: some low carb snacks

If you're like me, you know that arriving hungry at dinner with friends is not wiser than going grocery shopping on an empty stomach. The reason is simple: your belly cries so hard he pushes your inner voice. 

Seriously, the brain has no chance, because hunger deprives him of the amount of sugar it needs to produce clear ideas and make good choices. Hence the advice is often given: eat less but more often.

History and maintain their well active metabolism, better give him the fuel he claims it at regular intervals and thus avoid falling into panic mode, as they may be lazy. The opposite of the desired effect, it must be admitted.

But is it realistic to think you can always have at hand the perfect snack low in carbohydrates? I honestly think so. Okay, ideally, you would have everywhere and at all times fresh and finished to your taste food, but let's be realistic: otitis last p'tit you the hard work and takes you directly to the center and then to the clinic s 'accommodates a rather poorly stocked Tupperware. By cons, a small almond or canned tuna seasoned handle prevail everywhere.

Some ideas for low carb snacks easily transported at room temperature:

Soybeans: they come in many flavors (sea salt, BBQ, nature) and are found easily at the supermarket.

Roasted Edamame: These soybeans. They are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. We find roasted and salted.

Beef Jerky (beef jerky), locate the marks without sugar or do it at home. Not even need dehydrator, your oven will do.

Nuts and seeds: do not stop the most common; explore!

Trail Mix house almonds and walnuts, coarsely chopped, coconut, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, a little oil and stevia. All on a plate lined baking parchment paper in the oven at 300 ⁰ F (150 ⁰ C) for 35 or 40 minutes. Stir twice during cooking. When it is cooled, add some strawberries or blueberries dried without added sugar. Super convenient!

Protein drink without sugar Atkins, among others, offers several flavors.

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10 Low-Carb Desserts and Treats

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Low Carb Frozen Treats Breyers Carb Smart

Are you trying to stick to a controlled carbohydrate diet, yet you want to find ice cream? Although it is important to pay attention to what kind of ice cream you eat, receiving treatment soft frozen dessert is not out of the question when vousre cutting back on carbs. Breyers Carb Smart product line is a great option for low carbers can enjoy!

About Breyers Carb Smart

Look for Breyers Carb Smart products in your grocer's freezer, with other ice cream and frozen desserts. The range of Smart Carb Products has several options that can work with a carbohydrate-controlled diet.

Almond ice cream bars glacée it is tasty treats consist of low carb ice cream covered with a coating of chocolate candies sprinkled with crunchy almonds and delicious. Each bar contains only 5 net carbs. They are packed in boxes of six bars. "

Dairy dessert chocolat if you want to enjoy delicious balls of chocolate decadence, try Carb Dessert Chocolate chip slag, a case plan with only 4 net carbs per serving. Scoop and enjoy a bowl of chocolate goodness or blend with ice, heavy cream or milk capotCompte down to a low calorie diet-friendly carb chocolate shake. This frozen treat comes in a 1.5 liter container.

Fudge Bars what could be more refreshing than a rich and creamy ice bar in chocolate fudge? With only 3 net carbs per serving Breyers Carb Smart Fudge Bars are a perfect choice dessert or snack spot for low carbers. Each package contains six bars. "

Dairy dessert Vanilla if you're a fan of vanilla ice cream, you will probably be very happy with the creamy goodness of vanilla Breyers Carb Smart Dairy dessert, especially when you learn that you can enjoy a serving of this delicious treat to vanilla only 4glucides net. Enjoy right out of the box, or make a milkshake with creamy vanilla ice cream and heavy cream or milk Hood Calorie Countdown. You can also add flavored syrup without sugar Davinci to create different varieties of milkshakes. This product is sold enun 1.5 liter container.
Vanilla Cream Bars glacée it is delicious bars have a generous portion of vanilla low-carb dairy dessert covered with a coating of chocolate candy. Each bar contains 5 grams of net carbs. They are available in packs of six bars. "

Diet Tip: Remember that calories do not count

Remember that calories count too, even if you follow a controlled carbohydrate diet. It's good to enjoy frozen treats in moderation, as part of a balanced and healthy diet low in sugar and refined grain products supply, but be careful not to overindulge isno.?
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10 Low-Carb Soups

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Garlic soup from the Czech Republic (Cesnecka *)

There are a lot of recipes garlic soup in France and around the world, but it is a must. It is a complete meal, but it can also be served as a starter. It may be more or fewer calories depending on whether it uses the classic smoked ham or ham light, but it is still light and digestible. It is hyperfacile, the hardest is to make the 'hair egg' in the soup.

The recipe that we propose here is that of Michaela, a young Czech who works in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, one of the streets, St. John the Blind, said that Count Jean de Luxembourg was the Blind King Bohemia in 1310.
Dobrou Hush '(good appetite in Czech)!

good for 2 adult servings, 1 cube and half vegetable broth
cumin and marjoram
2 large potatoes,
a big slice of 200 g smoked ham or lean ham,
two eggs,
two cloves of garlic,
two or three slices of stale bread
of olive oil, flavored with garlic if possible
Directed by:

debit slices of stale bread into cubes and sauté in a pan with croutons in two tablespoons of olive oil, preferably flavored with garlic,
in a large saucepan, bring to boil 1 liter of water, add the bouillon cube and a half, cumin and marjoram
charge the ham into cubes and add to the mixture,
Peel and dice the potatoes, pour into the pan and cook for about 15 minutes (potatoes should be tender to the bite)

break two eggs in a bowl, put out the yellow and let it sink slowly into the broth, stirring constantly to get 'hair egg' in the manner of vermicelli
we have prepared two bowls in which we have crushed garlic cloves,
pour the soup into bowls,
place croutons in bowls at your convenience.
Czech garlic soup
Tips and suggestions:

Do not put the garlic in the soup, place crushed in the bowl to retain their aroma. Can optionally add the crushed garlic in the soup after removing from the heat, it is good for health. Contrary to popular belief, garlic is perfectly digestible.
Do not put salt or pepper, ham (especially when smoked) already contains. We can rectify after tasting.
For cheese lovers, you can also grate the cheese and serve along with the croutons.
If you do not have stale bread on hand, you can of course use fresh bread, but it is less easy to make croutons.

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diet for low carbs diet for low carbs

10 Low-Carb Side Dishes

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Tournedos of duck and sweet potato fried

I know the diet by blood group for quite some years and have recommended to many people when I was working in organic stores. But I do personally followed only partially because it deprived me of food I liked quite well (see the list HERE. I group O).

I told myself that when I have health problems, I'd be using. Well done for a good week. And in the end without too much hardship.

Potatoes are now me "no." Long live the sweet potatoes!

Make mashed with the duck is a classic. Cut into slices and fry less. It is wrong because it is really good too (less smooth). They cooked about 20 minutes in a little duck fat (yes, that I can).

The filet mignon, I bought and prepared. In fact, two slices of duck breast assemblies flesh against flesh. He cooked in the same pan as sweet potatoes about 8 minutes before the end.

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diet for low carbs 

10 Low-Carb Fish-Based Dishes

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diet for low carbs

Smoked Salmon - A Healthy Low Carb Diet Choice

Nowadays, many people are turning to fish such as smoked salmon to A little something to their diet. While most fish is responsible for health nutrients, smoked salmon is something that other fish are in. Salmon is rich in omega-3

acids which a wonderful nutrient for the human body. These are some nutrients that can help prevent

problems such as cardiovascular disease and some cancers as well as many other ailments.

Mercury is another concern of most consumers when they are looking to add
fish for food. However, with smoked salmon, recent studies have shown
it has a very low level of mercury compared to other fish such as shark
and swordfish.

When weighing all your options for health these days, most of the information
can be a bit tedious and confusing at times. Smoked salmon studies, however, have shown convincingly and

more than that is an excellent source of nutrients that so many great needs.

You can add cold-smoked salmon, or "lox" to your bagel with cream cheese
in the morning. Or how about adding it to your salad for lunch for a nice
added little taste? Try using salmon treats the next time you
entertain or have guests for dinner. Most recipes are not only
impressive, but also easy. Your guests or friends and family will surely
Thank you for adding such a sound as smoked salmon food in their diet.

Delivered smoked salmon is excellent in a low-carb diet. With 15.55 grams of protein effective

grams of carbohydrates as smoked salmon perfectly with your diet low in carbohydrates. You could not choose a better food

eat when you follow a low carbohydrate diet. To help assist you with your goal, we have assembled the smoked salmon

Delivered Carb Buster Kit. You can find enough smoked salmon to prepare 72 low carb snacks or low carb. Use

recipes you will find in our library, you can prepare restaurant quality meals with smoked salmon are

very good taste, good for you and will impress your guests.

Our smoked salmon Carb Buster kit offers two units each of our most popular All Smoked wild salmon from Alaska,

spreads, and canned wild Alaskan salmon. All our smoked salmon is processed in our factory in

Ketchikan, Alaska.

Hundreds of thousands of people have discovered the benefits of eating smoked salmon. The Journal of

American Medical Association recently published a report indicating the addition of smoked wild salmon from Alaska at least

once a week to your diet will reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death by half.

Keep your diet low in carbohydrates is a great way to stay healthy and smoked salmon is a fantastic and easy way to stay

on your diet!
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diet for low carbs: 8 Low-Carb Meat

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 diet for low carbs

Low Carb Cooking - recipes and ideas to prevent boredom Low Carb

If you jumped on the bandwagon "low carb" and found that it worked really well for you, chances are you're stuck for meal ideas at one time or another. When cooking low carb, it is not always easy to find new foods to keep it interesting. Here we will discuss some foods that are low in carbohydrates that you can easily prepare you mix things up a bit and avoid boredom low carb.

Cooking low carb "means that you should always have a bit of food staples to whip around a meal that is high in protein.

Some of these low-carb requirements are:

1.) Low carb bread crumbs

2) A variety of cheeses such as Muenster, provolone and mozzarella -. That are lower in fat than orange cheeses like cheddar.

3.) Low carb wraps that are about eight inches around and high in fiber.

4.) Cottage Cheese


6). Almonds, macadamia and Brazil nuts are excellent sources of protein and omega 3 fatty acids, which help slow the absorption and utilization of calories.

7) Tuna Flavored -. One of my favorite is sweet and spicy tuna by Starkist.

8.) Brown rice, slow cooking variety.

Once you have these "staples", you will always around food for a simple lunch or dinner and snacks. Cheese can be used as a snack by itself or you can wrap a piece of sausage pepperoni around and have a snack that tastes like pizza bites. If you want to have a hot snack, try frying in a pan pepperoni with mozzarella cheese on it, and you can even soak in a tomato sauce. Another good snack is deli ham rolled with cream cheese and a slice of pickle. Believe it or not, this is a great flavor combination!

Yogurt with some almonds also makes a great snack, and they even have some varieties of yogurt low carb on the market that are quite tasty. You can also eat it as a breakfast because it is filling enough to replace a meal. This is the same for cottage cheese. You can even make a lasagna "low carb" with special whole wheat pasta. Layer of about two rows of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce, cheese curds small, some cooked and crumbled ground meat that can also be mixed with either vegetarian or pork sausage, and mozzarella cheese. As mentioned earlier, you can also make this dish vegetarian by replacing meat with two versions of soy, meat or vegetable of your choice, such as broccoli or spinach.

Another great low carb meal is eggplant parmesan. Lightly salt the eggplant into thin slices, dip in egg whites and fry in a pan with olive oil or cooking spray low fat until golden brown. The layer of eggplant with sauteed mushrooms, mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce. Sprinkle the top with Parmesan cheese and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 miutes.

If you want a lighter dinner, try peeling the sweet and spicy tuna on a small bed of brown rice. You may season the rice with a pinch of salt and pepper and a hint of sesame oil for extra flavor also. What you end up with a tasty low fat, high fiber that give you a lighter feeling and satisfied for hours.

More Low Carb Cooking: comfort foods that will not pack on the Pounds

An excellent substitute for low-carb for a common comfort food is meatloaf turkey. It is both light on carbohydrates and light on fat. Take 2 pounds ground turkey, about 3/4 cup bread crumbs, low carb, 2 eggs, and seasoning packet as meat loaf bread McCormicks seasoning meat. Mix together and cook. An option is a topping BBQ low carb sauce for extra zing.

You can even do a low-carb pizza. Specialty stores and even some grocery stores carry special pizza crust low carb. The toppings are naturally low in carbohydrates. Just add a little tomato sauce - preferably without sugar, mozzarella or provolone cheese and toppings such as pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms and other vegetables.

Eating low carb should not be a prison sentence. There are hundreds of specialty low carb foods now available at your local grocery store and all it takes is a little creativity to eat a diet full of variety and flavor.

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7 Low-Carb Meat-Based Main Dishes: Weight loss is rapid.

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diet for low carbs 

Simple fad diet or real revolution? There is the mystery of the famous Low Carb Diet! Its name is an abbreviation of Low Carbohydrates which means "Low in carbohydrates," understand "Poor sugar." 

The principle of this diet is to eliminate all food sources of sugars whether sugars contained in cookies, candy, chocolate ... in the slow content in bread sugar, pasta, rice, semolina ... In reality, the Low Carb Diet is a more current version of the popular set up in the 70s Atkins diet.

 The theory suggested by the American physician is simple: only carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain. The Atkins diet promotes the idea: you can eat as much fat and protein as you want as solely responsible for the overweight is sugar! The Atkins diet suggests that to lose weight, you must remove the sugar from the diet altogether.

 Removing sources of carbohydrates, fats are burned automatically, even if you consume fresh cream at every meal!

The principle of the Low Carb Diet is so similar to the Atkins diet. To follow, simply eat only fat and protein ingredients such as meat, fish, eggs, fatty cheeses, sausages, butter, margarine, oil and cream ... However, we must say goodbye to the various sources of carbohydrates: cakes, candy, bread, pasta, semolina, rice, potatoes, beans, peas, cereals ... Even some vegetables are allowed! Strange for a diet?

You can eat everything without any quantitative restrictions. The only rule is: do not consume foods containing carbohydrates (starchy, sugary foods, many vegetables)! The goal is to get your body is deprived of sugars burn its fat reserves.

Small problem that differs from the Atkins diet: Animal fats remain discouraged as they can lead to elevated cholesterol levels. The Low Carb Diet advocates focus on good fats, polyunsaturated ones (olive oil, canola oil, walnut oil ...): a characteristic similar to the Miami Plan. As for dairy products, they are banned!

The duration of the Low Carb diet varies depending on the weight loss goal set.


- The Low Carb Diet necessarily lead to weight loss, like most other low calorie diets. This type of program reduces energy consumption and thereby promotes pounds loss: the loss of water is still more than fat loss.

- Weight loss is rapid.

- Simple and easy to follow plan: The consumption of fat and protein makes it very easy to follow for those who like to eat a lot of meat and have a clear preference for "salted" regime. People who do not have a taste for the "sweet" does them no frustration! With the Low Carb diet you can eat as much meat and fat as you want ... it at will! This diet low in sugars is very simple to follow, the only real rule is to not eat starchy and sugary products.

- This system is very suitable for men. The Low Carb appeal to people who do not support the poor food programs lipids. This system is suitable for those who can spend starches, most vegetables and fruits, sweet products.

- The U.S. studies have shown that low carb diets perform better in terms of rapid loss of pounds a diet called classic. In the long term, the results are mixed and Low Carb similar to those of other systems.


- The lack of carbohydrates causes an undeniable muscle fatigue.

- Side effects: nausea, headaches ...

- This system leads to many deficiencies due to restrictions. Inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is harmful to the health of the entire body. Let us not deprive our body of essential things that he really needs.

- The low carb diet is difficult to follow in the long term. Removal of carbohydrate foods leads to greater food monotony.

- The sugar-free diet leads to a reduction or even elimination of essential nutrients: some fruits and vegetables, cereals, starchy ... foods rich in fiber and yet essential to the health of our body vitamins.

- Yoyo effect: Upon stopping Low Carb Diet, weight gain is to be feared. It was found that the weight loss achieved through this scheme very easily maintained beyond 7 months!

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9 Low-Carb Salad Recipes

A Healthy Low Carb Recipe Chicken Strips Salad

After the holidays, many of us want to go easy on the carbs. This low carb chicken strips salad to help you achieve this.

A salad is not only more boring lettuce. This salad is full of flavor. This healthy low-carb recipe is a salad with chicken strips with fruit and nuts.

He has such a unique flavor that you will find a new one with each and every bite. Enhance your table with this salad today. Your salad never had it so good.


2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips
2 cups of spinach, shredded
1 c. soup. extra virgin olive oil
1 cup fresh broccoli, chopped
½ cup red onion, sliced
1 cup fresh strawberries, chopped
½ cup pecans, diced
½ cup raisins
1 c. makers. lemon juice
½ cup red wine vinegar
1 c. makers. salt
1 c. makers. black pepper
Cilantro (optional)


In a small skillet, combine the olive oil and chicken cubes. The chicken can be bought already cut into strips, or you can buy the whole chicken breasts and cut them up to the desired size yourself.

Cook chicken over medium heat until nice and golden. Remove the pan from the heat and place the chicken pieces on a paper towel to soak up any excess oil. Then chop the spinach.

Use your hands instead of a knife to cut up to avoid damaging the spinach leaves. In a small bowl, place the spinach and lemon juice. Toss lightly. 4 large plates serve, arrange spinach leaves. Now that the chicken has had time to cool, cut the chicken.

Top spinach with chicken pieces. Add red onion and broccoli. Light drizzle each salad with red wine vinegar.

Add salt and black pepper to taste. Top each salad with raisins, pecans, and strawberries.

Top each salad with cilantro, if desired.

Serve immediately.

6 Low-Carb Lunch Recipes

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Recipes low carb high protein have always been popular among athletes. This popularity has soared in the last 10 years due to the introduction of low-carb diets to the public diet for low carbs. There are many low carb recipes for foods like small breakfast recipes low carb recipes low carb food diet for low carbs, low carb recipes regular free information on income and income-rich proteins are increasingly popular with the public even diet for low carbs more that athletes today low carbs recipes.

The carbohydrate-rich diet low protein foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, like lean meat consist of burgers diet for low carbs, steaks, lean cuts, leaner red meat diet for low carbs, all kinds of chicken, fish, chops pork loin or tenderloin, ham (check bacon), eggs, milk, yogurt, Hard - Soft - Medium cheese, tofu low carbs recipes, soy milk, beans, peas, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, seeds sunflower, pumpkin seeds diet for low carbs, flax seeds and more.

The short list above will give you an idea of withe protein foods that may be associated with low carb high protein recipes diet for low carbs, and can also be converted into a small low carb recipes and lunch diet for low carbs. If your body consumes lower right balance of carbohydrates and protein, not only will allow your body to lose a few pounds, but actually transform areas tend to be areas of fat in muscle problems diet for low carbs. Yes, high protein diets used protein to build muscles muscle areas were needed low carbs recipes.

Many professional bodybuilders use such plans to lay fat and build muscle tone. With weight training and exercise that you can do diet for low carbs. For those who want to find a low-protein diet carbohydrates diet for low carbs, there are many available and not just for meat consumption. You can find a diet that is right for you low carbs recipes. If you prefer to eat beans, soy, nuts, and diet recipes are available to welcome you diet for low carbs. These plans are not set in stone and can be used in a multitude of ways.

You must remember that diet for low carbs, although you can find low carb recipes free, does not always mean they are the best recipes for you diet for low carbs. Investigate, find information that is very similar to the types of foods you ate before low carbs recipes, this will get you started. You can then add different foods that may be new to the group diet for low carbs, and you can enjoy a diet rich in protein low carb decent with new foods.

There is another point I would like to add about finding high protein recipes low carb and that is, you do not want this to be resolved diet for low carbs. Do you want to wait for their next meal. It is very important to understand high carbs diet. If you do a job diet for low carbs, lose interest very quickly, and most of the time plan. This happens to millions of people worldwide. They follow a diet with foods that do not like to eat, the way something horrible supply low carbs recipes. Then blame food or recipe for failure.

high carbs diet

Take your time to find the right recipes, choose low carbs recipes, there are many recipes high protein low carb available. Find one that fits your lifestyle high in protein you can eat what you like. Some people like to eat meat high carbs diet, others do not low carbs recipes. Some people, such as dairy products, others do not. You can take many different recipes and create your own plan. This is done all the time high carbs diet. We try to keep it simple in the preparation of common recipes, and make them available. Recipes low carb high protein and low carb breakfast recipes, all of which are the most common will help you achieve your goals quickly.