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Weight loss: know listen to your body!

Weight loss: know listen to your body!
How to Lose Weight? How many of us have tried to ... without, ultimately, achieve? Worse, by taking weight! Largely responsible for these failures are diets that are inadequate in our physiological needs.

For Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati *, physician and psychotherapist behaviorist, it is important to be attentive to his own body and needs to lose weight, or at least control his weight.

Check out the interview of Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, granted exclusively to Health AZ. He explains how to listen to his body, and eat everything without missing ... with lots of practical advice. Interview shock that goes against a lot of ideas.

Each individual has a physiological weight, which is what the genetic left him. To maintain this weight, just eat everything, but only when hungry. The danger would, among other things, that "famous finish your plate! "That too many children have heard. Other hazards: eat to fill a void, or plans ... Eventually, one of the consequences may be weight gain in persons "genetically" more vunérables to hang pounds.

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati encourages people who are overweight, reconnect with the pleasure of food and foods that are "prohibited" in the plans. Eat when you're hungry, eat without having a bad conscience, skip meals if not hungry ... are all ways that lead you to your weight balance and especially that you continue. Here is what defends Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati we interviewed.

Does your method * really helps to lose weight or help she rather to maintain a stable weight?

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati: It can make you lose weight, but it is not guaranteed that. In fact, this method allows you to reduce your weight balance. That is to say, if you are currently in your weight balance, you do not grossirez will lose weight and you do not either. However, if you are over this weight, you might lose weight. Conversely, if you are below this weight balance, you may even grow.

Eat when hungry, skipping meals if not hungry ... As you advocate, does not it could cause even more imbalance?

Dr. JP Z: No, it does not create imbalance is even the opposite happens. By respecting his hunger not to say eating at any time. Be careful to distinguish between nibbling and fractionation.
> If you eat without being hungry, you grossirez. This is called snacking, mostly triggered by emotional factors that have nothing to do with the energy deficit.
> Splitting translates to "eat a nutritional need" eat when really hungry. No matter if it happens several times a day since there is no correlation between the weight and the number of meals.

In practice, how aperitifs and not afraid to grow?

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati: A regulated system is a system which continually corrects. If you exceed your hunger, the system corrects simply. It ensures that you have less hunger ...
So if you take a drink, you'll probably feel less hungry after. That being said, it is quite normal to exceed its hunger in certain circumstances, for example, on festive occasions, or when you discover new foods that you want to resume, even in case of strong blues for comfort you. In a system that regulates all this has no effect on your weight since you'll be less hungry later. In contrast, people who would adhere strictly to their hunger and satiety have them a completely pathological behavior. Because that would stiffen what by nature wants extremely flexible. Besides the fact that it completely desocialized.

When you're hungry, do not we lose more weight by eating raw vegetables instead of pasta?

Dr J P-Z: Yes. An example: if you need 2500 calories a day, your body will ask you for these 2500 calories, no matter what form you give him. If you only eat carrots or chicken breast, as your body will not have its 2500 calories, he will claim, in one form or another, a few hours later.

Should we permanently remove cheese AND dessert?

Dr J P-Z: No, we eliminate anything. We follow the advice of our grandmothers and our mothers: "Keep a place for cheese and dessert! "

                                                                       Good Luck To All!

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