Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Love sign of good health?..

Between the stress of married life, the desire to have modern great sex or the notion of commitment is sometimes a problem, we can imagine that love life is not always synonymous with happiness or peace. However, it is often said that "love is health." What is it really?

Love: a cocktail of hormones

The process of love, whether it is the attraction of mutual affection or desire, involves many hormones. These are related to sensations or emotions are beneficial to health.

The excitement of the early days

When you fall in love, the feeling of euphoria, excitement and joy is linked to the secretion of a hormone: phenylethylamine (PEA). It is also known as the "hormone of love" and chocolate known for its positive effects on mood contains. The phenethylamines have a neurotransmitter (= chemical molecule that transmits messages from one neuron to another) which allows them to have a specific action on some neurons. In this case, phenylethylamine soothes stress and anxiety and is also a psycho-stimulant1.

Attachment and the construction of the torque

After challenging the actions of those involved phenylethylamine dopamine (happy hormone) and oxytocin (hormone binding). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and addiction. It would intervene in the process of attachment and feelings of loyalty.
The ocytocine2 is naturally secreted by the brain. Also produced naturally during childbirth and lactation, this hormone is responsible for the feeling of relaxation, attraction and attachment to another person. It would be a powerful anti-stress effects would dopants on the immune system. It is secreted in a hug, a loving thought or a glance.

The enduring love

Throughout the relationship, endorphins are responsible for the feeling of well-being. These hormones are neurotransmitters in the opiate family. They act in the same way as morphine by binding to specific receptors that block the transmission of pain signals and reduce the sensation of pain. They serve to combat anxiety. The endorphin can be produced by the body after a major effort as a sporting activity, for example. Endorphin addiction is strong but harmless to health. Endorphins may also favorably alter our immune responses.

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