Here are some solutions that can help!! 


diet beach: -The Miami diet

diet beach

A focus  diet beach diet beach diet beach 

- Good sugars, that is to say, the natural sugars in the raw state (those found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains).
- The protein in red or white meats, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts.
- Vegetable fats, useful to the body (olive, grapeseed, canola, walnuts).
- The dairy skimmed or semi-skimmed milk (yoghurt, cheese 30% fat). diet beach

To be avoided  diet beach diet beach

- Bad sugars (refined too, away from their raw form and not containing fibers). That is to say, white flour, potatoes, industrial land, white sugar, sweets, cakes or desserts industrial, alcohol ...
- The bad fats, saturated and bad for the cardiovascular system, that is to say, the animal fats (butter, fresh cream, fat cheese, whole milk, meat ...). diet body beach diet body beach

The "for"   diet beach diet beach

- A simple diet without too many constraints.
- The quantities are "normal", which prevents cravings between meals.
- Light snacks are allowed.
- Counting calories is useless.

The "cons"  diet south beach diet south beach

From a diet, the rules of this system are not necessarily best suited for losing weight. According to the latest nutritional data, slim is not only dependent on "good" or "bad" surcres or lipids.

An example: if a (mostly cardiovascular) nutritional standpoint, it is advisable to consume vegetable fats, their excessive consumption does not promote weight loss.

Detail concerning the initial phase of the scheme: this phase, which is to increase protein intake is justified to lose weight. But during this period, we must think also eat a lot of fruit. People with kidney failure should not follow this diet. diet body beach 

In addition, the system does not allow Miami to dine easily out of the house. Too much food "refined" are banned, and it is not always easy to find complete ingredients.

The limit plans  diet south beach diet south beach diet south beach

In most cases, the "plan" themselves are not really recommended by nutritionists or dieticians to lose weight. Because the diet is generally followed for a relatively short time ... then gradually the person finds his old eating habits. Moreover, the body being caloric restriction will begin to "save" his caloric expenditure ... After some time, the risk is an increase in weight. This is called the yo-yo effect (weight loss, weight gain).  diet south beach diet south beach

In fact, if overweight, a dietary point of view, it is recommended primarily to change some eating habits and stick to it, avoiding to engage in dieting. The goal must be reasonable, but met! Already lost 10% of its initial weight is considered a good result by nutritionists, and especially it will help to reduce the health risks associated with being overweight.
                                                              good luck to all !!!

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