Here are some solutions that can help!! 


13 ways to "cut" 100 calories..

13 ways to "cut" 100 calories..
You only have to take two simple and easy tactics explained below. Each removes or burns 100 calories. Choose the one that best suits you or invent it a like!

Want to lose weight? Calculate. More than half of Canadian adults have a BMI of 25 or more - but should only lose 10 kg or less for a normal weight. At 8000 calories per kg, 10 kg equivalent to 80,000 calories overweight - but in a year, it represents no more than 200 calories per day.

In other words, if you take 200 calories per day from your diet - or if you burn by exercising - you will have lost 10 kg in 365 days. You do not even have to submit to the tedious calorie counting.

1. Do you love bacon? Take two thin slices of turkey bacon (135 cal.) Instead of two thick slices of pork bacon (224 cal.).

2. Take two large poached eggs (150 cal.) Rather than fried with 1 tsp. unsalted butter (250 cal.).

3. Put 4 c. tablespoons whole milk (60 cal.) in your coffee, rather than 4 c. tablespoons light cream (232 cal.).

4. Replace a corn muffin of 85 g (258 cal.) By a buttermilk waffle sprinkled with 60 g 1 c. teaspoon corn syrup and 1 tsp. tablespoon of whipped cream aerosol (185 cal.).

5. Lunch, eat 85 grams of ham (133 cal.), Rather than a hamburger topped (274 cal.).

6. Spend a cola 30 oz (150 cal.) In 30 ml of water (0 cal.).

7. Put two bags of 225 g grated carrots in 250 ml of coleslaw trade, take 250 ml of this mixture (100 cal.) Instead of 250 ml of commercial cabbage salad (200 cal.).

8. Replace 250 ml of orange sherbet (270 cal.) By two large ice well navel oranges (130 cal.).

9. Eat tenth of a blueberry pie (300 cal.) Rather than a pecan pie (400 cal.).

10. For jumped, take a nonstick skillet with 1 tbsp. tablespoons oil (120 cal.) rather than a regular pan with 2 Tbsp. tablespoons oil (240 cal.).

11. Remove visible fat from steak 100 g (100 cal.).

12. Hungry? Grill a steak 170 g salmon (310 cal.) Rather than 170 g fillet of beef (406 cal.).

13. Take a potato in the oven (136 cal.) Or a plate of normal fries (210 cal.) Rather than superportion fries (540 cal.).

                                                             good luck to all!! 

5 risks to avoid for your health..

5 risks to avoid for your health..
If you have a surplus weight, your health may be at risk. Here are five risks that you should avoid at all costs to be healthy.

No.1 risk: Physical inactivity

In a study of 37,000 subjects, researchers found that physical inactivity - the bed to the car to return to the sofa bed - kills more than cigarettes. Move, to swim or walk after dinner incredibly decrease the risk of heart disease, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), diabetes and even cancer. Thirty minutes of exercise per day drive down the risk of 30 to 40% according to researchers at the Harvard Medical School.

No.2 risk: The abdominal fat

Invisible lipomas are the most dangerous. Lurking in the belly, around your organs, visceral fat leads to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke and other health risks. Dieting alone will not make it disappear, but the exercise, yes. Medical Center of Wake Forest University Baptist, women who walked 2-3km three times a week reduced their abdominal fat cells by 18% in 4 months. The ladies in the plan, but sedentary, have kept their body fat.

No risk. 3: Overweight

A sharp decrease in calories can help you get into a size 10 dress bought for your school reunion, but research shows that anyone with a large wardrobe and small size knows dieting does not help not not gain weight. Why? You guessed it. In an ongoing study of 4,000 people who maintained a weight loss of 14 kg in a year or more, 78% practice walking. Walking 20 minutes a day could help you lose 6 kg in one year. This is better than many systems.

No risk. 4: Insulin resistance

The overweight and inactivity conspire so that millions of us develop an insidious evil, resistance to insulin, the hormone that controls the cells to absorb blood sugar. Insulin resistance increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and several cancers. The best treatment is not a drug, but the exercise. In a critical study, insulin resistant subjects reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes by 58% walking, 31% against medication. Any exercise lowers blood sugar immediately and keeps the cells more sensitive to insulin for hours.

No risk. 5: Stress

Chronic stress keeps cortisol and other hormones at a high rate for days, weeks, even years. Effects: headaches, sleepless nights, digestive disorders, depression and increased blood sugar. Research shows that exercise combats anxiety by promoting the secretion of serotonin and dopamine in reducing muscle tension and providing mental relief. In a study of eight years, in 380 women, Temple University in the United States, the walkers were less anxious than others. Another study showed that walking favored sleep: 1 hour of sleep more and sleep 15 minutes earlier.

                                                              good luck to all !! 

6 ways to maintain your weight loss..

6 ways to maintain your weight loss
Losing weight is not easy, but maintaining weight loss, it is a sport! Sports, no, not only. Here are six tips to help you do not regain the lost weight.

Slim for good

Achieve its objectives, in terms of weight loss, it's fun! But the atmosphere cools as soon as we think the risk of quickly regain the pounds that we finally managed to get rid of. You've lost weight, perfect! Now silenced your fears, because you leave the fight to "consolidate" your losses and long term.

Dr. David Lau, MD specializes in overweight and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Calgary (he is also president of Obesity Canada), said that to keep the pounds away, it first said goodbye to bad habits and takes good. "For us, doctors, it is helping people to change their habits forever," because if you fall back into your old habits, you quickly regain the lost weight. So, here are six things that does not happen.

1. Why do you eat too

Before your weight loss, what drove you to overeat? It is important to understand, whether you snack when you're stressed, or rather when you want to treat yourself.

For some, the trigger of appetite may be related to hormones. For example, hormonal changes accompanying the premenstrual symptoms give many women want to swallow more sweet or savory foods. The mood may also play a role. "A typical example is depression, says Dr. Lau. When people are depressed, they tend to be physically inactive and compulsively seek something that brings them comfort, and often food. "

2. Planning for Success

Plan your diet for the day fixing the budget of your meals and snacks. Dr. Lau recommends taking a main meal with a protein source, or other meat, a quarter of your plate, a starch such as rice or pasta on another quarter, and vegetables of different colors on the remaining half.

According to him, the feeling of hunger is influenced by this type of diet. "Do not go too hard with carbohydrates, he warned, and do not take that animal protein, some vegetables and nuts also provide. "

3. Watch your portions

Whatever you eat, be careful with the size of your portions. Enjoy a scoop of ice cream, not five. Over time, you also gain weight with healthy food if you eat too much. "A serving is a handful. One medium apple is bigger than a handful, so it is two servings, said Dr. Lau. The smaller the person, the smaller the handle, and therefore the portion. "

However, the doctor does not ask his patients to count calories, but he observes that those who arrive better maintain their weight are those who hold a particular journal what they eat.

4. Use your scale

The National Weight Control Registry, a U.S. study following 5,000 people who lost weight and have managed to maintain that loss, revealed some of the secrets of their success. Notably, 75% of them weigh once a week - a habit that Dr. Lau encourages: "If you find you have made a pound, you will know that you have better control your portions. "

When you take one or two pounds, it is not always easy to know if it is because we do with water retention or because we really gained weight. If you are retaining, rings or shoes become difficult to implement. However, when you loosen your belt a notch, it may as well reflect a gain of water too much food. Climb regularly on your scales to monitor your weight and do not let them any chance to return to the charge.

5. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day

Well yes, still! You will sweat a little to maintain your weight! Several studies such as the National Weight Control Registry found that those who did not manage to regain weight have adopted the strategy of regular exercise.

Dr. Lau recommends that women at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, mixing movements aerobics exercises against resistance (isometric exercises with weights). "Do things you love. Gardening can also be a tonic that gymnastics activity. "And whenever you feel ready for a greater challenge, increase a little the intensity and duration of your workouts.

6. Respect the rule of 80/20

If all the above you seems like a mountain too poor efforts cheesecake, remember that it is not necessary to be perfect all the time. The key is moderation.

Dr. Lau is sticking to the 80/20 if you adopt healthy habits 80% of your time, you can release the remaining 20% (but in moderation - a particularly ill-balanced meal can ruin a week of effort). "If you have resisted all week, allow yourself a glass of wine at the weekend. It's full of calories, but it is a pleasure that you can give you from time to time. "

                                                               good luck to all !!

How to Boost Your Metabolism And Weight Loss

7 secrets to lose weight, lunch..

7 secrets to lose weight lunch
When you want to lose weight a few pounds, the solution begins with the lunch. Here are seven ways to lose weight lunch.

Find the balance

A good breakfast includes a portion of protein, one serving of fruit and one serving of whole grain carbs. This is the perfect blend for a healthy diet and not hungry a few hours later. Unfortunately, many people think that breakfast is a muffin, bagel or a bowl of cereal - all contain carbohydrates that quickly raise blood sugar, to make diving a few hours later (which means that you will be looking for more food). For stable blood sugar and less hungry, make sure to take a range of foods.

Switch from coffee to green tea

In addition to its protective qualities of the heart, green tea has benefits for weight loss. One study showed that a cup of green tea increases the rate at which you burn calories and speeds up the rate at which your body uses fat.

Prefer granola cereal home

Most brands of granola in stores are full of sugar and fat. To make your own, mix 2 cups of oatmeal with 1 cup dried fruits and grains and a little brown sugar. Let roast 3 to 5 min in the oven and store in an airtight container.

Forget the latte

Swap your large latte for a little skim milk. This substitution will prevent you to 100 calories or more each day. It will also help keep sugar cravings at bay and stabilize your blood sugar.

Forget the usual breakfast foods

Why limit yourself to the usual breakfast foods? Nobody ever said that you absolutely need to take cereal, eggs, orange juice or growing daily.

For more variety and better health, take a bowl of soup or a bowl of remaining whole grain pasta with sauce, dinner the night before. Similarly, a sandwich and an apple is perfectly healthy breakfast. Out of the box (cereal)!

Take at least 5 grams of fiber each morning

Fiber fill your hunger, clean your digestive system and have no calories. It is the perfect ingredient for weight loss. Yet most of us take far less than the recommended daily amount.

Fill this deficiency by eating foods high in fiber for breakfast. A few bites of a large apple, 1/2 cup of high fiber cereal, 1/2 cup blackberries or two slices of rye bread with whole grain you provide 5 grams. Or, try a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh berries.

Garnisssez plain yogurt

Yogurt is one of the healthiest food in the world and is an excellent foundation for a healthy breakfast (think of it as your portion of protein). Beware of yogurt with fruit or fragrances. They contain sugar and calories. Instead, take plain yogurt and fill it yourself with cereals, fruit, honey or even a little dark chocolate. This is so much better for your health.

                                                           Good Luck To All !!

Among the secret to lose weight without faults..

Among the secret to lose weight without faults
1. I constantly cheat because I love snacking. Am I doomed to be overweight?

R: Yes. Snacks are an essential part of weight loss. This cuts cravings and prevent you from overeating at meals. Choose a snack under 150 calories and, where possible, high-volume but low in calories, such as fresh grapes, popcorn, or a cup of broth. Integrate them into your diet (vegetable juice is very nutritious, so excellent). Add protein as possible. And do not condemn the fat completely, the unsaturated fat, that of peanut butter, nuts and lawyers with satiety and facilitate weight loss.

Some examples of good snacks:
• a glass of vegetable juice
• a hard-boiled egg
• mini carrots with a little humus
• a piece of low-fat cheese with rye crackers
• a granola bar contains at least 5 grams of fiber and less than 150 calories
• half an apple with peanut butter
• 6 dried apricots
• 1 cup low-fat yogurt (add fresh fruit)
• 16-20 almonds
• 10 peanuts in shells (to slow down)
• a frozen caramel bar-88 calories or six squares of bittersweet chocolate (to appease a "crisis of chocolate").

2. If I reduce the calorie intake, do I still exercise?

A: Yes, for a balance due. Fewer calories are reduce weight in the short term, and exercise prevents back. In the study by the National Weight Control Registry, 90% of subjects who lost weight and is not included, have to exercise regularly. You know, even light exercise burns calories and increase muscle mass. And your muscle mass is impressive, you will burn more calories even at rest. The diet alone can be effective at first, but sooner or later you will reach a metabolic tray - and then he will become essential.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Washington found that people who cut 230 calories a day for a year without exercise lost weight, but also muscle mass, strength and aerobic capacity. Those who have made the year without cutting calories lost an equivalent weight without sacrificing muscle mass.

So between reducing calories and exercising, better exercise, even if it is a small program or walk much. So when researchers at the Baylor School of Medicine in Houston have submitted 127 people either a single plan or to an exercise program, or a combination of both, all participants lost a similar weight in the first year . After two years, those the regime had taken more than 1 kg of their weight at the beginning, while the other two groups had maintained a loss of 2.5 kg.

3. I walk regularly, but I would burn more calories. What can I do to lose weight faster?

A: First, congratulations on your attendance to walk! You will see results. But if the pounds do not decrease fast enough, there are several options (in addition to the reduction in calories). For example, you can walk longer, more often, or choose a route with climbs. Walking canes allow calorie burning up to 40% greater in seeking the upper body.

One of our favorite things is training with periods of greater intensity. This is peak intervals. It increases endurance and burns more calories without increasing the promenade. Behold, after 5 minutes of walking, increase the pace for 30 seconds, then return to your regular schedule. Gradually increase the number and duration of these periods of more sustained activity. Presumably, these tips will apply to new muscle fibers will burn more calories without forcing you to a more challenging workout time or rigor.

If this is not done, you will want to increase your muscle strength. More than aerobic exercises, movements that require strength help to burn calories long after the workout. Start with simple movements like pushups on knees and adjustments three times a week.

4. Is it true that stress impairs the ability to lose weight?

A: Of course, as the lack of sleep. When you are tense, your body releases hormones, including adrenaline that makes you feel better, but also cortisol which has a devastating effect on weight. It is a powerful appetite stimulant. He is responsible, in part, the frequent movement of people stressed towards the cookie jar and fridge. In addition, high levels of cortisol appear to stimulate the growth of fat cells in the abdomen, triggering the filing of a linked to heart disease and insulin resistance grease. If walks in the fresh air is not enough to reduce your stress, focus time to relax

                                                    Good Luck To All!!

4 secrets to lose weight without faults...

4 secrets to lose weight without faults

Lose weight and stay slim is difficult, but not impossible. Read on to discover what really works and how these strategies will tip the scales in your favor.

1. There are so many diets, which to choose? Will it has a simple way to lose weight?

A: Certainly. Experts say to note every day that you eat is probably the most effective strategy to successfully lose weight. This "food diary" is one of four areas of the National Weight Control Registry in the United States, made ​​up of people who lost 12 kg or more and maintain their weight for at least one year.

Most people do not realize what they ingest. Studies show that dieters underestimate their calorie consumption by up to 50%. The food diary eliminates this problem because we found there in black and white what we ate. A simple notebook will do. Write down everything you eat and drink. Then consult a specialist book or go to a site like the to estimate the number of calories each corresponding day. Some foods take you away from your goal? Eliminate them and you begin to lose weight.

2. What should my daily goal in terms of calories?

A: Here's a tip: add a zero to your weight in pounds. This number represents your metabolism rate (BMR), your basic energy needs: 1 kg = 2.2 lbs - multiplying your weight in kilograms by 2.2, you get the number of pounds). Multiply your MB by one of the following numbers depending on your physical activity, to determine the daily number of calories needed to maintain your weight.

Sedentary = 1.2
Low activity = 1.5
Assets = 1.75
Very active = 22

If you weigh 150 pounds, your MB is 1500. If you do a bit of physical activity, 1500 
 multiply by 1.5, which gives 2250. In this case, the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight is 2250 per day. To lose 500 g (1 lb) per week, cut 500 calories per day.

3. Calories, it's boring. I could not just watch the carbohydrates?

A: A diet low in carbohydrates (or carbohydrate) accelerates weight loss, especially early in the regime. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, subjects who followed a low-carb diet for 12 weeks lost an average of 5 kg, while those who followed a low-fat diet lost only 2 5 kg.

A low carb diet is actually a diet low in calories and high in protein. A burger with a salad instead of fries and a drink without sugar is a meal low in carbohydrates and calories. In addition, low-carb diets are easier to hold because the proteins and fats that are stored creates a feeling of satiety.

But there is a downside: studies show that over a year, the weight loss due to such a system slows and stabilizes at a low calorie diet: people get tired of "sandwiches without bread "bored or rice. If your goals are short-term, low-carb diet will do. Good habits for the long term, choose a diet low in calories.

4. Should I take a lunch, even though I'm not hungry?

A: Yes. People who lose and maintain weight loss eat breakfast. People who give up lunch resume the calories in the day. Researchers at Vanderbilt University in the United States recruited obese women who do not take breakfast. All began a diet 1200 calories / day. One group continued to take the lunch and dinner. The other group took a lunch, dinner and supper. 12 weeks later, subjects in the group with lunch had lost 7.5 kg while the others had only lost 6 kg. The group with the best lunch merely 1200 calories. Lunch also restarts the metabolism slowed down during the night.

                                                                       Good Luck To All !!

7 tips to avoid weight gain in travel...

7 tips to avoid weight gain in travel...
Simple tips to prevent you from going home with a surplus of pounds.

Take advantage of the environment

A magnificent beachfront destination is not only a good place to take pictures, it can also be the perfect place to burn some calories. "Jogging on the beach requires more muscles than jogging in the city," says Brendan J. Fox, an expert in health and fitness in Toronto. In addition, the sand absorbs the impact and your body undergoes less repetitive stress. After the race, you can get into the water to cool off with a swim. If the ocean is more attractive than the pool, Fox recommends swimming in the longitudinal direction along the shore, rather than the broad, to stay safe. "If all else fails, ask your drink and make a fight of pool! , "He said.

Put on your walking shoes

Walking is one of the easiest ways to burn calories without sacrificing precious vacation time ways. A quick way to amplify the effects of a walk way is to incorporate moments of brisk walking, says Brendan J. Fox, an expert in health and fitness in Toronto. This could be as simple as choosing a benchmark before and get there fast walking, once there, take a leisurely pace until you get back and try again. "The effort of walking fast seeking the heart and lungs for a better cardio exercise boost your metabolism and burn more fat," says Fox.

Enjoy the amenities of the hotel

There is always a gym at the hotel ... but what if you forget your equipment or simply did not bother to take it? Well, you no longer have any excuses. Chain Westin Hotels & Resorts has launched the exclusive new New Balance Gear Lending program that allows customers to borrow shoes and clothes minimal cost of $ 5 (and you keep your socks!). The program offered in their 190 hotels worldwide, also includes fitness room and training sessions without equipment designed by Holly Perkins, spokesman for fitness for New Balance, so you do not even need to leave your room to make your workout.

Plan and carry snacks

Hungry and wait at the airport in search of food is a surefire way to end up ingesting sugary foods or high in fat. Indeed, snack trade, such as potato chips, candy, pastries and chocolate bars do not satiate you longer. They eventually want to increase your carbohydrates and sugars during the trip, said Sarah Remmer, a registered dietitian in Calgary. Rather carry healthy snacks like granola bars high in fiber, fruits, nuts and seeds or whole wheat crackers and peanut butter, so you'll never run out of healthy snack.

Moderate your alcohol consumption

A bit of sand, sun and some margaritas seem an innocent cocktail, but these drinks, rich from 200 to 400 calories can add up quickly. Plus, you're more likely to make bad food choices if you have a bus too. "Make sure you get a good meal before you start drinking," says Remmer, because a full stomach helps slow the absorption of alcohol. It also suggests to drink sweet little opting for mixtures with soda or diet soft drink instead of regular soda or juice. Wrong direction by choosing your beer bottle not canned (one bottle contains less) and drinking wine in a smaller glass (you will drink less, but it will seem more) says Remmer. And try to drink water or sparkling water between two drinks to stay hydrated.

Indulge ... moderation

Drop your favorite treats on vacation is not exactly the definition of a great escape. The best way to indulge in your little sins is to do it in good conscience, Remmer said. "Be picky with your treats," she said. "Give yourself the treats you love and when you feast, make portions. "Enjoy it in one hand and say that you will get more tomorrow. A "letting go immediately" and it would be excessive guaranteed.

The art of buffet

The wide selection of buffet can be daunting, especially if you are trying to make healthy choices. Start with your plate. "Choose a small plate," advises Remmer. "You take less. "Fill half your plate with salad or vegetables, then head to the high-protein foods such as meat, fish and beans and fill a quarter of your plate with low-fat foods. The last quarter of your plate can be occupied by one or two foods from cereals or starch such as pasta, rice or bread, preferably whole grain. "Take 30 minutes to finish your plate," says Remmer, "and if you have still hungry, you return serve of vegetables and protein. "

                                                                        Good Luck To All !! 

Weight loss: know listen to your body!

Weight loss: know listen to your body!
How to Lose Weight? How many of us have tried to ... without, ultimately, achieve? Worse, by taking weight! Largely responsible for these failures are diets that are inadequate in our physiological needs.

For Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati *, physician and psychotherapist behaviorist, it is important to be attentive to his own body and needs to lose weight, or at least control his weight.

Check out the interview of Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, granted exclusively to Health AZ. He explains how to listen to his body, and eat everything without missing ... with lots of practical advice. Interview shock that goes against a lot of ideas.

Each individual has a physiological weight, which is what the genetic left him. To maintain this weight, just eat everything, but only when hungry. The danger would, among other things, that "famous finish your plate! "That too many children have heard. Other hazards: eat to fill a void, or plans ... Eventually, one of the consequences may be weight gain in persons "genetically" more vunérables to hang pounds.

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati encourages people who are overweight, reconnect with the pleasure of food and foods that are "prohibited" in the plans. Eat when you're hungry, eat without having a bad conscience, skip meals if not hungry ... are all ways that lead you to your weight balance and especially that you continue. Here is what defends Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati we interviewed.

Does your method * really helps to lose weight or help she rather to maintain a stable weight?

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati: It can make you lose weight, but it is not guaranteed that. In fact, this method allows you to reduce your weight balance. That is to say, if you are currently in your weight balance, you do not grossirez will lose weight and you do not either. However, if you are over this weight, you might lose weight. Conversely, if you are below this weight balance, you may even grow.

Eat when hungry, skipping meals if not hungry ... As you advocate, does not it could cause even more imbalance?

Dr. JP Z: No, it does not create imbalance is even the opposite happens. By respecting his hunger not to say eating at any time. Be careful to distinguish between nibbling and fractionation.
> If you eat without being hungry, you grossirez. This is called snacking, mostly triggered by emotional factors that have nothing to do with the energy deficit.
> Splitting translates to "eat a nutritional need" eat when really hungry. No matter if it happens several times a day since there is no correlation between the weight and the number of meals.

In practice, how aperitifs and not afraid to grow?

Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati: A regulated system is a system which continually corrects. If you exceed your hunger, the system corrects simply. It ensures that you have less hunger ...
So if you take a drink, you'll probably feel less hungry after. That being said, it is quite normal to exceed its hunger in certain circumstances, for example, on festive occasions, or when you discover new foods that you want to resume, even in case of strong blues for comfort you. In a system that regulates all this has no effect on your weight since you'll be less hungry later. In contrast, people who would adhere strictly to their hunger and satiety have them a completely pathological behavior. Because that would stiffen what by nature wants extremely flexible. Besides the fact that it completely desocialized.

When you're hungry, do not we lose more weight by eating raw vegetables instead of pasta?

Dr J P-Z: Yes. An example: if you need 2500 calories a day, your body will ask you for these 2500 calories, no matter what form you give him. If you only eat carrots or chicken breast, as your body will not have its 2500 calories, he will claim, in one form or another, a few hours later.

Should we permanently remove cheese AND dessert?

Dr J P-Z: No, we eliminate anything. We follow the advice of our grandmothers and our mothers: "Keep a place for cheese and dessert! "

                                                                       Good Luck To All!

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Among the reasons for the failure of weight loss..

Among the reasons for the failure of weight loss
1. Take a bad carbohydrate

Consuming foods that contain a small amount of calories from carbohydrates can help maintain a healthy body weight. A study by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, on the eating habits of Canadians, found that people who absorbed 47 to 64% (from 290 to 310 g) of their daily calories in carbohydrates were less likely to be overweight or obese than those who consumed a lower percentage of carbohydrates. Diets that are too low or too high in carbohydrates are more difficult to follow through, says Anwar Merchant, researcher and associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Carolina (the conclusions of the study are consistent with Professor the recommendations of Health Canada).

2. You are 40 years old or more

If you want to avoid overweight quarantine, it is important to change your eating habits ... finished the daily muffin! "The more we age, we lose muscle mass, so our metabolism slows down, especially if we do not exercise every day," said Larry Tucker, a professor of exercise science at Brigham Young University in the Utah. In a recent study of 192 middle-aged women, Larry Tucker found that women who had adopted more stringent eating habits were 2.4 times less likely to take 6 or more pounds over a period of three years as who had less attention. On average, women have developed more stringent diet consumed about 200 fewer calories daily than women in the second group.

3. Follow a diet free treats

To avoid excessive consumption of unhealthy foods due to the permanent loss, it is important to allow occasionally a treat, like a good dessert or chips. Indeed, to prevent you from succumbing to temptation, it may be beneficial to consume some tempting foods, such as candy, rather than definitively exclude (just do not keep tempting foods in your home). A study in the Journal of Consumer Research, on the differences between concrete and abstract food temptations, has found that when women were exposed to candies (like M & M), but they were asked to do not eat, they were able to show a better self-control even when the candy was offered again. By cons, women who were shown advertisements or pictures of candy did less to resist the lure of real sweetie.

4. Catch the bad virus

Here's another reason to wash your hands: you'd better avoid catching adenovirus-36, a human virus that causes infections of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by symptoms resembling the flu or colds. This virus can also make you prone to weight gain. More common in obese, it seems to convert adult stem cells from fat cells. Screening conducted in the U.S. (there is no Canadian figures) indicates that approximately 30% of obese people have been exposed to the virus against 11% of those with normal weight. The animals were infected with adenovirus-36 took up to four times more weight than those who have not contracted.

                                                                Good luck to All !!

4 reasons for the failure of your weight loss..

4 reasons for the failure of your weight loss
You are trying to lose weight and you do not succeed? Here are 8 reasons why your system does not work and how to get rid of your extra pounds.

Unexpected saboteurs

You already know that snack and spend too much time on the couch promotes weight gain and the pounds quickly taken are very difficult to lose. However, unexpected saboteurs could also undermine your efforts to maintain a healthy weight or losing excess pounds. To achieve your goal, read on and enjoy the latest research on how to lose weight.

1. Binge during the weekend

To fight against the excesses of the weekend, pay attention to portions, weigh yourself every day (or Friday and Monday only) and watch your alcohol intake, which provides empty calories and lowers your inhibitions food. The researchers found that people do not realize that they eat more on weekends, especially on Saturday, when they tend to eat more fatty foods. The extra calories taken the weekend slow weight loss.

2. Do not eat "good" fats

Eating foods high in unsaturated fats, such as nuts, avocados and olive oil can help you eat less in general, by sending a satiety signal to the brain. It seems that these fats trigger production of a compound in the small intestine called oleoylethanolamide. The latter reached the nerve endings that transmit messages to the brain, thus slowing hunger and activating a brain circuit that produces a feeling of satiety. To prevent weight gain caused by fats, limit your intake to two to three tablespoons (30-45 ml) per day, that is to say, a handful of nuts or a sixth lawyer.

3. Do not consume enough calcium

You need at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day from supplements or foods, namely a cup of milk (250 ml), a cup of yogurt and a cube of cheese (42 g). For overweight women who are deficient in calcium, increased intake can promote weight loss, according to a 2009 study by the British Journal of Nutrition. Researchers at Laval University in Quebec conducted a study of 63 overweight or obese women who consumed 600 milligrams or less of calcium per day, or about half the recommended amount. For 15 weeks, these women followed a low calorie diet and took either a placebo or 1200 mg of elemental calcium plus vitamin D every day. The women who took calcium lost six times more weight than those who did not take or thirteen books against two books. According to the researchers, the brain probably detect the lack of calcium and tries to compensate by increasing the appetite to increase intake.

4. Be fooled by the small size treats

If you are unable to stop after eating a mini portion of chips or
cookies, separate them so as to have a treat in the car, in the office and in the gym bag. In a Dutch study from 2008, 59 students received nine small bags of chips (45 g) or 2 large bags (200 g), room watching TV. Participants were encouraged to pay attention to calories were almost twice as likely to eat chips from small bags, and consume twice as much as those who munched chips big bags. "Small bags seem innocent people and are therefore less attention and do not monitor the amount consumed," says researcher Rik Pieters, professor of marketing at the University of Tilburg.

                                                                        Good luck to all!!

the best ways in the world to lose weight...

the best ways in the world to lose weight
1. Eat more at breakfast and less for dinner

The results of a study conducted in the United Kingdom from 6764 men and women aged 40 to 75 years indicate that those who ingested the most calories in the morning and less at night gained less weight than the other, regardless of caloric intake during the rest of the day. It seems that breakfast is really the most important meal of the day.

2. Review the meaning of the word "delicious"

"When we have before us the foods we love, we feel the irresistible urge to consume," says Dr. Alain Dagher, a neurologist at the Neurological Institute of Montreal. "Unfortunately, our brain is programmed to enjoy calorie foods, which is important in case of famine or when food is easily accessible."
To counter this reflex, just change his way of seeing the low-calorie food so that they have a new attraction and that is really want to eat.

3. Do not skip meals or snacks

Skipping breakfast is almost a guarantee that we will make excess later in the day. It is also important to choose what we consume in this meal, that is to say, food that will conserve energy throughout the day. The nibblers evening are often people who skip breakfast or eat poorly in the morning.

4. Ask for support

Lose weight, if only a few pounds, requires a lot of commitment and effort. It is therefore not surprising that those who demonstrate the most consistent in their eating habits and their training are those who receive support from their friends or family. "Talk about your goals with those who will support you in your decision," advises a naturopath of Wellpath Clinic in Toronto. "Tell them about your most important challenges, so they are there when you need motivation and words of encouragement."

5. Avoid dieting

Based diets grapefruit or cabbage soup, programs focused on food combinations and even the meager diets do not help maintain a healthy weight. Before you start, just because you think you should do, know that the vast majority of those who go on diets eventually regain the lost pounds or more. When a plan prohibits a wide variety of foods, you feel guilty of transgressing, which only returns a bad image of yourself.

Tip: The key is balance. To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, you need a balanced diet rich in nutrients you need, which will help prevent disease, provide energy and optimal psychological well-being level.

                                                                   Good luck to all !!

5 amazing ways to lose weight

5 amazing ways to lose weight...
Losing weight is easier than you think ... Discover 5 tips to get your dream figure!

1. Set yourself a goal

Whether you want to lose weight, save to buy a dress or make a deposit on your next home, you must determine your goal and establish your agenda beginning with the end. And the way to do this is to write down all the steps of the process. Peter Walsh, author of Does this Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? (Simon & Schuster, $ 11.68) says that if he managed to help many people to put their lives in order is that it focuses on the clarity of the lens. "The first step is to determine the kind of life you would like to have. When you have passed, you will have traveled half way. "

2. Keep your clutter

Counters should only be used in the preparation of food and not leave containers of cookies or other temptations, said Peter Walsh. In addition, it is strongly advised to avoid clutter. "Most kitchens are full of gadgets of all kinds, but we can not make healthy choices in a disorganized and cluttered place. You would not go to a restaurant where chaos reigns, is not it? "

3. Eat more often at home

According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian family spends nearly 30% of its food budget on restaurant meals. To save money and pounds, note the number of trips you make to the restaurant every month and the money you spend there, and decrease gradually increase the frequency.
"When you leave the restaurant, we tend to take less and more healthy foods," says Yong, dietitian Heart and Lung Institute at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, adding that one can draw a parallel between the decline of home cooking, in part due to women's access to the labor market and the increase in obesity rates over the past 30 years.

4. Raise your metabolism by sleeping more

According to Joey Shulman, author of The Last 15-A Weight Loss Breakthrough, when you do not sleep enough, we tend to seek comfort food but not very healthy. In addition, hormone levels fluctuate with sleep we take. "People who do not get enough sleep usually secrete more cortisol and consequently, they are more stressed. However, this triggers a reflex in the body to store fat, "she says. Lack of sleep also causes fluctuations in ghrelin and leptin, hormones that signal respectively hunger and satiety.

5. Variez votre programme d’entraînement

Aussi efficace que soit un programme d’exercice, on finit par se lasser et se décourager quand on fait exactement la même chose tous les jours. Changez de programme chaque jour de la semaine, en faisant travailler une partie différente du corps, conseille l’entraîneur Harley Pasternak, qui a travaillé auprès de vedettes telles que Halle Berry et Katherine Heigel. Vous pouvez aussi varier le nombre de répétitions ou alterner entre cardio et exercices d’endurance, bref, faire en sorte que votre entraînement ne vous ennuie pas. «Vous devriez changer au moins un élément chaque jour», conseille-t-il.

How to lose more than 36 pounds...

How to lose more than 36 pounds
Lisa Rousseau went from 236 pounds to 150. His active lifestyle is a very good example for his children, and even for us.

A new lifestyle

Teenager, Lisa Rousseau was a passionate basketball and rowing, but from the age of 30, she became sedentary and obese. Seeing that she had left her favorite activities such as basketball, hiking, swimming and cycling, she began to walk. "That's all I could do at the beginning, she said. I was not out of shape, it was difficult and embarrassing. "The first 20 books took off quickly. It is then to biking with her children and joined a basketball team. She starts to eat five small healthy meals per day - between 1300 to 1700 calories. Six years later, she lost 60 pounds.

In 2006, she launched WalkingSpree, a company that sets up training programs for businesses to encourage employees to stay in shape. After some time, she regained 20 pounds. At 40, she recovered to walk an average of 7,000 steps per day on the pedometer. Lisa has lost 20 pounds she had taken, in addition to losing 20 more. She now weighs 150 pounds and has never been so shaped his life.
You're looking at it, four key steps to lose weight successfully.

Walk and walk again!

Lisa Rousseau swears by walking for anyone embarking on a fitness program and weight loss. Start with 20 minutes a day.

Cheat once per week

It offers a cheat day per week in not exercising or not counting calories. "Mait careful, she warns, not more than once a week. "


Physical activity is part of his relationship with his children. They all make cycling and snowshoeing in the winter.

Keep up to date

She knows her weight, body fat percentage, measurements and the total number of which is not every day.

                                                                      good luck to all!!

6 easy ways to lose weight...

6 easy ways to lose weight
Unable to get rid of these extra pounds? These 10 easy tips to help you achieve your goal.

Watch your portions

It is obvious: eating less, you lose weight. We know for a fact that over the past 50 years, portions of restaurants have become increasingly large and your waistline has expanded accordingly. This, over the years, we used to eat at the expense of our health.

To overcome this bad habit, use a smaller plate for your meals. Indeed, when there is less space in the plate, portion control is automatic. When ordering or purchasing food, also opt for the smaller size of the high-calorie foods.

Eat spicy foods

Chili stimulates our metabolism. However, the main advantage of spicy food that has some teeth is to force us to eat more slowly. Typically, North Americans eat too fast. When the feeling of satiety comes to us, we have already eaten too much. To lose weight, we must eat more slowly and a good way to achieve this is to make the food spicier.

Put snacks in a safe place

Hide snacks on the top shelf of the closet and remove the food from the table to avoid going back for more. When a force of will is needed, it may be useful to ask: "Is this what I really want to eat this?" Said Brian Wansink, author of the book Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think . In a study conducted on behalf of Cornell University, researchers have found that office workers who had at hand a pot filled with chocolates ate more (9) when the pot was not on the office (4).

Satisfy hunger for hot food

To tame the large appetites take drastic measures, such as for special occasions. If you go on an empty stomach in a restaurant that offers delicious bread, you run the risk of overeating. If ravenous, go for drinks and hot foods that best meet the hungry cold foods. Soup is one of the best choices is and we recommend you have on hand an assortment of soups type consumed in low salt. For a delicious taste and a benefit in terms of health, add a large amount of vegetables.

The creamy without cream

The Fettuccine with Alfredo sauce is an Italian-inspired dish quite delicious. However, it is so rich in fat and cholesterol that is far from ideal part of the Mediterranean diet.
Diana Steele, registered dietitian and nutrition consultant in Vancouver offers a simple solution is to mix the ricotta or low-fat cottage cheese with skim milk to replace one cup (250 ml) whipping cream. And in cooking, the recipe provides 632 calories and 85 grams of fat and less.

Cauliflower to the rescue

According to a study from the University of British Columbia, participants subjected to a diet based on a modern version of the traditional diet of First Nations showed a significant weight loss and lower cholesterol levels than the rest of the population. Under this regime, starches such as pasta, rice and potatoes were replaced by vegetables do not contain starch, such as cauliflower.

For a dish of tasty and low carb replacement, made ​​steam a cauliflower shredded into pieces. To enhance its sweet flavor, add a little garlic or curry powder. One cup (250 mL) contains only 29 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates, compared to 216 calories and 45 grams of carbs for the same portion of long grain brown rice. For each portion of a cup (250 mL) of this recipe, you save 187 calories, 1 gram of fat and 40 grams of carbohydrates.

                                                                       Good Luck To All!!!

8 things not to fatten the Holidays...

8 things not to fatten the Holidays
The year-end festivities are a long series of temptations - sweets to alcohol through the appetizers. Here are 8 tips to enjoy them without fat.

Do not eat all the appetizers..

How to resist temptation when you pass under the nose plates to pieces all over as appetizing as each other? Here's what Pam Lynch advises, dietitian Halifax rather than throw you on the first sofa that runs nearby, take an inventory of bites and other sweets on the menu and make your choice. Once your decision stopped serving you taking the time to really appreciate what you taste.

Make your workout a priority..

In addition to allowing you to burn calories accumulated a good sweat energize you. You will be only more resplendent besides you do much better with the stress that characterizes this time of year.

Do not skip meals..

It is tempting to skip a meal when you know you will nibble throughout the evening. Instead, take a snack or small meal (ideally, foods containing carbohydrates and protein) before leaving, just to avoid arriving hungry at the party and you throw food.

Eat breakfast every morning..

Regardless of the number of parties you will attend during this period, always take a lunch. "The breakfast boosts metabolism," says Pam Lynch. You will be better deal with potential food gaps of the day.

Choose appetizers less wealthy..

The naked shrimp, for example, is better than fried donut. There is no limit to the vegetables but beware dips. "Dip your vegetables really, do not use it as a spoon!" Warns dietitian. When counting your calories, "these are the small details that make all the difference."

Do not drink too much alcohol..

There is no harm in taking a little lift a festive evening, but take care not to abuse it. Not only is alcohol calories, but it stimulates the appetite. Pam Lynch advised to take a glass of sparkling water or diet soda before going to the alcohol and then in the evening, alternating alcohol and water. Go further for less calorie drinks: a glass of wine, for example, rather than eggnog.

Eat slowly..

"It takes about 20 minutes after eating to make you feel fuller," says registered dietitian. If you devour at full speed, you will accumulate unnecessary calories.

Try to maintain your weight rather than lose it..

"I always tell people to go one meal at a time and one day at a time," says Pam Lynch. After all, the holiday season is a time of celebration. When food is abundant, and that the mind is at the party, it is not always realistic to try to keep strictly to his regime.

                                                                         good luck to al !!

Slimming program of summer : Week 1

Slimming program was: Week 1
You have 2 to 5 kg (5-10 lbs) too much? You want to lose smoothly? Try our weight loss program this summer in 8 weeks.

When followed along with our diet 8 weeks, the weight loss program helps you eliminate extra pounds and regain a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss and Fitness

Weekly practice exercises following our dietary recommendations can make you lose pounds from February to May (5 to 10 pounds), or half a kilo a kilo (one to two pounds) per week.

Cardio exercises, flexibility and strength increase your energy level and improve your flexibility and physical strength. In other words, they are designed to get you in shape.

Do not worry too

Remember that it must start slowly. During the first days of training, you may be mild to moderate muscle pain feel is normal, because your muscles need to adapt to new exercises.

Keep track of your progress

Before you start the program, record your weight and take your measurements to track your progress. To achieve this, we must keep a log of your workouts is a great way to encourage you and keep you motivated. As to the training, you will find it easier to do certain exercises.

Before you start

The exercise program is designed for healthy people who want to get in shape. Consult your doctor to see if they are suitable for you.

1st week

The exercise program includes three important parts of the formatting: cardio, strength (with or without weights) and flexibility. Allow at least three exercise sessions (non-consecutive) week. Here are guidelines to follow:

First day of exercises (40 minutes)

• Cardio (25 minutes) outside or on a treadmill.

• Warm-up (3 minutes): Walk a dynamic not without force.

• Cardio (20 minutes): Increase the pace. If you use a treadmill, tilt to allow you to achieve a rate that requires moderate effort.

• Relaxation (2 minutes): slow pace. For the treadmill, decrease the angle of inclination.

• Strength exercises (5 or 6 minutes w): For the following exercises, make a series of 8 to 12 repetitions without rest (almost) between each exercise. Use weights heavy enough to tire your muscles after 8 or 12 repetitions.

• Squat (without weights): bend your legs as if you were going to sit. The knees should not exceed your toes.

• Pumps (without weights): hands spread slightly beyond the scope of the shoulders, knees and toes should touch the ground.

• Pulling: standing, move one leg and lean forward by bending the waist, back straight, arms to the ground and palms facing the body. Bend your arms upwards elbows as high as possible, then release the arm.

• Rear slot alternating (without weights): Stand with feet slightly apart, move a big step right foot, bending the knee until it touches the ground. Take the initial position. Do the same on the other side (equivalent to a repetition).

• Curls forearm holding dumbbells along the body, bend the right arm to bring the dumbbell to shoulder. Return the arm to the starting position. Repeat on the other side (corresponds to a repetition).

• Half curl (without weights): Lie on your back, arms crossed over your chest or hands behind the ears arm. Using abs, lift your head and shoulders. Take the initial position.

• Extensions of the bust (without weights): Lie on your stomach, arms along the body, toes pointed. Using the lower back, slowly lift your shoulders, then resume the starting position.

• Flexibility exercises (4-5 minutes): stretch the following parts of the body for 20 to 30 seconds: arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips and legs.

2nd day of exercises (40 minutes)

Three minute warm-up. Thirty minutes of walking at a good pace. After 15 minutes, increase the pace for 5 minutes to burn up calories. Slow down gradually during the last 7 minutes to rest, then stretch your legs. (No strength exercises on day 2.)

3rd day of exercise (40 minutes)

Repeat the series of exercises first day.

                                                                       good luck to all!!

How to stay motivated to lose weight...

How to stay motivated to lose weight
Do you feel you fall behind with your fitness goals? Here are some expert tips to stay motivated and vigilant in your weight loss program.


Making the decision to live healthier lives is the first step, but you will never see the results if you give up too soon. You have reached a plateau in your weight loss or you came simply to find more motivation to go to the gym, here's how to change your coaching philosophy to get back on track to achieve your goals.

Set your goals

"When it comes to workout to lose weight, it is important to know at the outset its objectives and why they want to achieve," says Louise Green, certified personal trainer and instructor wellness. To meet your goals, make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely).

Ms. Green suggests asking the following questions when establishing its training goals to lose weight:
What are the physical results you want to achieve?
• What are your reasons for losing weight?
• How long did you spend?

Be prepared

With a busy schedule, you are not always able to plan and prepare meals, says the expert in nutrition science and communications, Lucia Weiler.

When eating out, choose the healthiest options. To ensure you do not exceed your daily calorie needs, Weiler recommends checking the nutritional information of a meal before ordering, emphasizing vegetables and choosing fresh food, baked, roasted, or steamed, rather than fried or breaded foods while you merely drink water.

Overcome obstacles

You will inevitably have to face challenges throughout your journey to weight loss, should Louise Green.

Here are his tips for overcoming the most common obstacles:
• Motivation: Create a buddy system.
• Time Management: Plan your workouts in order to make your first morning task.
• Family: Find ways to involve your children.
• Financial aspects: looking for things you can do outside for free or go swimming at the local pool inexpensively.
• Prioritize: Plan your schedule and activities of your family so that everyone knows that this time is sacred and hold on!

Check where you are

Assess progress since you started will help you stay motivated and continue to fight hard for that success, according to Colin Berenhaut, a sports expert, co-founder of Sports Performance Centre Ltd..

Here are some tips for choosing a training program that suits you and keep:
• Do what you love. You are more likely to pursue a workout if you have fun.
• Focus on one or two goals. (Choose only a few drive parameters.) Do not overwhelm trying to fix everything at once.
• Start slowly. If you try to reach a level of intensity too high, you will discourage you.

Visualize your success

The power of visualization is a technique formatting commonly used by professional athletes and teams, the instructor explains wellness, Louise Green.

Here are 3 steps to see your weight loss success:
• Establish your objectives clearly
• Think positively
• Display quietly