A bloated stomach is five to ten cm waist more in a few hours ... The reason: an irritating food and easy to correct bad habits. Here find the right diet for intestinal comfort and flat stomach.
Avoid bloating is to first ensure the balance of the intestinal flora. For the good bacteria that keep the lining to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients and to block the bad bacteria factors intestinal disorders, we must act on three fronts:
Chew 20 minutes per meal if the food arrives in the stomach still in pieces, not enough saliva soaked and they ferment. In addition, stress motivates swallowed a quick meal, resulting in bloating. However, avoid chewing gum that are swallowing air.
To four meals rather than three to avoid overeating, difficult to digest. They are often followed by a fast and an excess that disoriented the digestive system and swells.
Review your diet avoiding fatty meats and too rich cooking that slow digestion, condiments and spices aggressive (pickles, pepper, chili, mustard). Sort through fruits, vegetables, breads and dairy products because some are pronto to belly ...
• Fruits and vegetables, yes, but not all
To get a flat stomach, you have to fight against constipation, so focus on high fiber foods: fruits and vegetables. But not all, because some fibers too hard, irritate the intestines and promote fermentation.
Foods to avoid:
- Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, beans.
- Vegetables high taste: all varieties of cabbage and celery, leeks, artichokes.
- Raw vegetables and raw vegetables. If you tolerate evil tomatoes and cucumbers, peel and remove the seeds.
- The richest sorbitol fruits: cherries, plums with laxative effects promote bloating.
Foods to eat:
- Vegetables: green beans, cooked carrots, cooked salad and endive ...
- Cooked fruit: ripe prunes property. Pears, peeled peaches still: and even if we lose vitamin, it also removes the irritating fibers.
Tip flat stomach:
- Explode fiber legumes by soaking and cook mashed or in soup. This cancels the bulking effect. Same by cooking fruit or preferring the form of applesauce, smoothie or juice.
• Dairy products but not whole milk
In the family of dairy products, which can swell, the lactose content in milk (lactose intolerance). And the older you get, the less digested because it secretes less of the enzyme lactase, which can digest lactose.
So avoid drinking whole milk as a beverage, yogurt or cheese.
Enjoy milk and skimmed milk products:
- Yogurt, cottage cheese, chipmunks;
- From hard cheeses: Gruyere, Tomme of the Pyrenees ...
Think of soy milk, lactose-free therefore more digestible. Like the depleted lactose milk, but the taste a little sweet.
Tip flat stomach:
- A course of Probiotics (good bacteria anti-bloating) at a rate of one to two bifidus yoghurt a day for two to three weeks. No more: in excess, Probiotics can cause weight gain.
• Water, yes, but flat and rich in magnesium
Water is essential for proper digestion. But some studies show that drinking while eating dilutes digestive enzymes and interferes with digestion. So, no more than one drink per meal and not just any drink!
Avoid abuse of soft drinks that cause distension of the walls of the stomach and intestine. Station as the abuse of frozen drinks, alcohol or strong coffee that irritates the digestive tract.
Feast of mineral waters rich in magnesium (Hépar, Contrex) with mild laxative action. And only after a feast of Vichy water rich in bicarbonate.
Tip flat stomach:
- Once or twice a day, complete your daily water consumption (1.5 l), a tea with digestive properties: infusion of fennel or thyme.
• Bread, yes, but not too cold
The bread is high in fiber, so good for digestion. It is also a food sponge. To avoid that causes bloating, we must choose.
Avoid priority bread too cool (and moreover, hot) because starch promotes bloating. Also avoid the bran bread, too aggressive for the intestine.
Feast on sourdough bread (more digestible than the traditional bread). Or crackers or toast. Know that it is the crumb of bread that can swell. Therefore prefer the crust.
Tip flat stomach:
- Whole grains: a little more irritating than refined but much more high fiber cereals, they improve transit. To drink from time to time instead of bread as rice, pasta, bulgur or quinoa.
• Your week menu "belly"
You can lose about two inches off my waist by following this program, devised by Marie-Laure Andrew dietician.
Recommended in case of cholesterol, these menus must be arranged in diabetes: Replace sugary desserts (puddings, sweet yogurt, fruits in syrup, cookies) for dessert kind (natural white yoghurt and cheese, stewed without sugar added).
Avoid bloating is to first ensure the balance of the intestinal flora. For the good bacteria that keep the lining to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients and to block the bad bacteria factors intestinal disorders, we must act on three fronts:
Chew 20 minutes per meal if the food arrives in the stomach still in pieces, not enough saliva soaked and they ferment. In addition, stress motivates swallowed a quick meal, resulting in bloating. However, avoid chewing gum that are swallowing air.
To four meals rather than three to avoid overeating, difficult to digest. They are often followed by a fast and an excess that disoriented the digestive system and swells.
Review your diet avoiding fatty meats and too rich cooking that slow digestion, condiments and spices aggressive (pickles, pepper, chili, mustard). Sort through fruits, vegetables, breads and dairy products because some are pronto to belly ...
• Fruits and vegetables, yes, but not all
To get a flat stomach, you have to fight against constipation, so focus on high fiber foods: fruits and vegetables. But not all, because some fibers too hard, irritate the intestines and promote fermentation.
Foods to avoid:
- Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, beans.
- Vegetables high taste: all varieties of cabbage and celery, leeks, artichokes.
- Raw vegetables and raw vegetables. If you tolerate evil tomatoes and cucumbers, peel and remove the seeds.
- The richest sorbitol fruits: cherries, plums with laxative effects promote bloating.
Foods to eat:
- Vegetables: green beans, cooked carrots, cooked salad and endive ...
- Cooked fruit: ripe prunes property. Pears, peeled peaches still: and even if we lose vitamin, it also removes the irritating fibers.
Tip flat stomach:
- Explode fiber legumes by soaking and cook mashed or in soup. This cancels the bulking effect. Same by cooking fruit or preferring the form of applesauce, smoothie or juice.
• Dairy products but not whole milk
In the family of dairy products, which can swell, the lactose content in milk (lactose intolerance). And the older you get, the less digested because it secretes less of the enzyme lactase, which can digest lactose.
So avoid drinking whole milk as a beverage, yogurt or cheese.
Enjoy milk and skimmed milk products:
- Yogurt, cottage cheese, chipmunks;
- From hard cheeses: Gruyere, Tomme of the Pyrenees ...
Think of soy milk, lactose-free therefore more digestible. Like the depleted lactose milk, but the taste a little sweet.
Tip flat stomach:
- A course of Probiotics (good bacteria anti-bloating) at a rate of one to two bifidus yoghurt a day for two to three weeks. No more: in excess, Probiotics can cause weight gain.
• Water, yes, but flat and rich in magnesium
Water is essential for proper digestion. But some studies show that drinking while eating dilutes digestive enzymes and interferes with digestion. So, no more than one drink per meal and not just any drink!
Avoid abuse of soft drinks that cause distension of the walls of the stomach and intestine. Station as the abuse of frozen drinks, alcohol or strong coffee that irritates the digestive tract.
Feast of mineral waters rich in magnesium (Hépar, Contrex) with mild laxative action. And only after a feast of Vichy water rich in bicarbonate.
Tip flat stomach:
- Once or twice a day, complete your daily water consumption (1.5 l), a tea with digestive properties: infusion of fennel or thyme.
• Bread, yes, but not too cold
The bread is high in fiber, so good for digestion. It is also a food sponge. To avoid that causes bloating, we must choose.
Avoid priority bread too cool (and moreover, hot) because starch promotes bloating. Also avoid the bran bread, too aggressive for the intestine.
Feast on sourdough bread (more digestible than the traditional bread). Or crackers or toast. Know that it is the crumb of bread that can swell. Therefore prefer the crust.
Tip flat stomach:
- Whole grains: a little more irritating than refined but much more high fiber cereals, they improve transit. To drink from time to time instead of bread as rice, pasta, bulgur or quinoa.
• Your week menu "belly"
You can lose about two inches off my waist by following this program, devised by Marie-Laure Andrew dietician.
Recommended in case of cholesterol, these menus must be arranged in diabetes: Replace sugary desserts (puddings, sweet yogurt, fruits in syrup, cookies) for dessert kind (natural white yoghurt and cheese, stewed without sugar added).