Here are some solutions that can help!! 


7 Low-Carb Meat-Based Main Dishes: Weight loss is rapid.

diet for low carbs

diet for low carbs 

Simple fad diet or real revolution? There is the mystery of the famous Low Carb Diet! Its name is an abbreviation of Low Carbohydrates which means "Low in carbohydrates," understand "Poor sugar." 

The principle of this diet is to eliminate all food sources of sugars whether sugars contained in cookies, candy, chocolate ... in the slow content in bread sugar, pasta, rice, semolina ... In reality, the Low Carb Diet is a more current version of the popular set up in the 70s Atkins diet.

 The theory suggested by the American physician is simple: only carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain. The Atkins diet promotes the idea: you can eat as much fat and protein as you want as solely responsible for the overweight is sugar! The Atkins diet suggests that to lose weight, you must remove the sugar from the diet altogether.

 Removing sources of carbohydrates, fats are burned automatically, even if you consume fresh cream at every meal!

The principle of the Low Carb Diet is so similar to the Atkins diet. To follow, simply eat only fat and protein ingredients such as meat, fish, eggs, fatty cheeses, sausages, butter, margarine, oil and cream ... However, we must say goodbye to the various sources of carbohydrates: cakes, candy, bread, pasta, semolina, rice, potatoes, beans, peas, cereals ... Even some vegetables are allowed! Strange for a diet?

You can eat everything without any quantitative restrictions. The only rule is: do not consume foods containing carbohydrates (starchy, sugary foods, many vegetables)! The goal is to get your body is deprived of sugars burn its fat reserves.

Small problem that differs from the Atkins diet: Animal fats remain discouraged as they can lead to elevated cholesterol levels. The Low Carb Diet advocates focus on good fats, polyunsaturated ones (olive oil, canola oil, walnut oil ...): a characteristic similar to the Miami Plan. As for dairy products, they are banned!

The duration of the Low Carb diet varies depending on the weight loss goal set.


- The Low Carb Diet necessarily lead to weight loss, like most other low calorie diets. This type of program reduces energy consumption and thereby promotes pounds loss: the loss of water is still more than fat loss.

- Weight loss is rapid.

- Simple and easy to follow plan: The consumption of fat and protein makes it very easy to follow for those who like to eat a lot of meat and have a clear preference for "salted" regime. People who do not have a taste for the "sweet" does them no frustration! With the Low Carb diet you can eat as much meat and fat as you want ... it at will! This diet low in sugars is very simple to follow, the only real rule is to not eat starchy and sugary products.

- This system is very suitable for men. The Low Carb appeal to people who do not support the poor food programs lipids. This system is suitable for those who can spend starches, most vegetables and fruits, sweet products.

- The U.S. studies have shown that low carb diets perform better in terms of rapid loss of pounds a diet called classic. In the long term, the results are mixed and Low Carb similar to those of other systems.


- The lack of carbohydrates causes an undeniable muscle fatigue.

- Side effects: nausea, headaches ...

- This system leads to many deficiencies due to restrictions. Inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is harmful to the health of the entire body. Let us not deprive our body of essential things that he really needs.

- The low carb diet is difficult to follow in the long term. Removal of carbohydrate foods leads to greater food monotony.

- The sugar-free diet leads to a reduction or even elimination of essential nutrients: some fruits and vegetables, cereals, starchy ... foods rich in fiber and yet essential to the health of our body vitamins.

- Yoyo effect: Upon stopping Low Carb Diet, weight gain is to be feared. It was found that the weight loss achieved through this scheme very easily maintained beyond 7 months!

diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs
diet for low carbs diet for low carbs
diet for low carbs

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