Losing weight is easier than you think ... Discover 5 tips to get your dream figure!
1. Set yourself a goal
Whether you want to lose weight, save to buy a dress or make a deposit on your next home, you must determine your goal and establish your agenda beginning with the end. And the way to do this is to write down all the steps of the process. Peter Walsh, author of Does this Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? (Simon & Schuster, $ 11.68) says that if he managed to help many people to put their lives in order is that it focuses on the clarity of the lens. "The first step is to determine the kind of life you would like to have. When you have passed, you will have traveled half way. "
2. Keep your clutter
Counters should only be used in the preparation of food and not leave containers of cookies or other temptations, said Peter Walsh. In addition, it is strongly advised to avoid clutter. "Most kitchens are full of gadgets of all kinds, but we can not make healthy choices in a disorganized and cluttered place. You would not go to a restaurant where chaos reigns, is not it? "
3. Eat more often at home
According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian family spends nearly 30% of its food budget on restaurant meals. To save money and pounds, note the number of trips you make to the restaurant every month and the money you spend there, and decrease gradually increase the frequency.
"When you leave the restaurant, we tend to take less and more healthy foods," says Yong, dietitian Heart and Lung Institute at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, adding that one can draw a parallel between the decline of home cooking, in part due to women's access to the labor market and the increase in obesity rates over the past 30 years.
4. Raise your metabolism by sleeping more
According to Joey Shulman, author of The Last 15-A Weight Loss Breakthrough, when you do not sleep enough, we tend to seek comfort food but not very healthy. In addition, hormone levels fluctuate with sleep we take. "People who do not get enough sleep usually secrete more cortisol and consequently, they are more stressed. However, this triggers a reflex in the body to store fat, "she says. Lack of sleep also causes fluctuations in ghrelin and leptin, hormones that signal respectively hunger and satiety.
5. Variez votre programme d’entraînement
Aussi efficace que soit un programme d’exercice, on finit par se lasser et se décourager quand on fait exactement la même chose tous les jours. Changez de programme chaque jour de la semaine, en faisant travailler une partie différente du corps, conseille l’entraîneur Harley Pasternak, qui a travaillé auprès de vedettes telles que Halle Berry et Katherine Heigel. Vous pouvez aussi varier le nombre de répétitions ou alterner entre cardio et exercices d’endurance, bref, faire en sorte que votre entraînement ne vous ennuie pas. «Vous devriez changer au moins un élément chaque jour», conseille-t-il.
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