Here are some solutions that can help!! 


8 things not to fatten the Holidays...

8 things not to fatten the Holidays
The year-end festivities are a long series of temptations - sweets to alcohol through the appetizers. Here are 8 tips to enjoy them without fat.

Do not eat all the appetizers..

How to resist temptation when you pass under the nose plates to pieces all over as appetizing as each other? Here's what Pam Lynch advises, dietitian Halifax rather than throw you on the first sofa that runs nearby, take an inventory of bites and other sweets on the menu and make your choice. Once your decision stopped serving you taking the time to really appreciate what you taste.

Make your workout a priority..

In addition to allowing you to burn calories accumulated a good sweat energize you. You will be only more resplendent besides you do much better with the stress that characterizes this time of year.

Do not skip meals..

It is tempting to skip a meal when you know you will nibble throughout the evening. Instead, take a snack or small meal (ideally, foods containing carbohydrates and protein) before leaving, just to avoid arriving hungry at the party and you throw food.

Eat breakfast every morning..

Regardless of the number of parties you will attend during this period, always take a lunch. "The breakfast boosts metabolism," says Pam Lynch. You will be better deal with potential food gaps of the day.

Choose appetizers less wealthy..

The naked shrimp, for example, is better than fried donut. There is no limit to the vegetables but beware dips. "Dip your vegetables really, do not use it as a spoon!" Warns dietitian. When counting your calories, "these are the small details that make all the difference."

Do not drink too much alcohol..

There is no harm in taking a little lift a festive evening, but take care not to abuse it. Not only is alcohol calories, but it stimulates the appetite. Pam Lynch advised to take a glass of sparkling water or diet soda before going to the alcohol and then in the evening, alternating alcohol and water. Go further for less calorie drinks: a glass of wine, for example, rather than eggnog.

Eat slowly..

"It takes about 20 minutes after eating to make you feel fuller," says registered dietitian. If you devour at full speed, you will accumulate unnecessary calories.

Try to maintain your weight rather than lose it..

"I always tell people to go one meal at a time and one day at a time," says Pam Lynch. After all, the holiday season is a time of celebration. When food is abundant, and that the mind is at the party, it is not always realistic to try to keep strictly to his regime.

                                                                         good luck to al !!

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