Here are some solutions that can help!! 


7 tips to avoid weight gain in travel...

7 tips to avoid weight gain in travel...
Simple tips to prevent you from going home with a surplus of pounds.

Take advantage of the environment

A magnificent beachfront destination is not only a good place to take pictures, it can also be the perfect place to burn some calories. "Jogging on the beach requires more muscles than jogging in the city," says Brendan J. Fox, an expert in health and fitness in Toronto. In addition, the sand absorbs the impact and your body undergoes less repetitive stress. After the race, you can get into the water to cool off with a swim. If the ocean is more attractive than the pool, Fox recommends swimming in the longitudinal direction along the shore, rather than the broad, to stay safe. "If all else fails, ask your drink and make a fight of pool! , "He said.

Put on your walking shoes

Walking is one of the easiest ways to burn calories without sacrificing precious vacation time ways. A quick way to amplify the effects of a walk way is to incorporate moments of brisk walking, says Brendan J. Fox, an expert in health and fitness in Toronto. This could be as simple as choosing a benchmark before and get there fast walking, once there, take a leisurely pace until you get back and try again. "The effort of walking fast seeking the heart and lungs for a better cardio exercise boost your metabolism and burn more fat," says Fox.

Enjoy the amenities of the hotel

There is always a gym at the hotel ... but what if you forget your equipment or simply did not bother to take it? Well, you no longer have any excuses. Chain Westin Hotels & Resorts has launched the exclusive new New Balance Gear Lending program that allows customers to borrow shoes and clothes minimal cost of $ 5 (and you keep your socks!). The program offered in their 190 hotels worldwide, also includes fitness room and training sessions without equipment designed by Holly Perkins, spokesman for fitness for New Balance, so you do not even need to leave your room to make your workout.

Plan and carry snacks

Hungry and wait at the airport in search of food is a surefire way to end up ingesting sugary foods or high in fat. Indeed, snack trade, such as potato chips, candy, pastries and chocolate bars do not satiate you longer. They eventually want to increase your carbohydrates and sugars during the trip, said Sarah Remmer, a registered dietitian in Calgary. Rather carry healthy snacks like granola bars high in fiber, fruits, nuts and seeds or whole wheat crackers and peanut butter, so you'll never run out of healthy snack.

Moderate your alcohol consumption

A bit of sand, sun and some margaritas seem an innocent cocktail, but these drinks, rich from 200 to 400 calories can add up quickly. Plus, you're more likely to make bad food choices if you have a bus too. "Make sure you get a good meal before you start drinking," says Remmer, because a full stomach helps slow the absorption of alcohol. It also suggests to drink sweet little opting for mixtures with soda or diet soft drink instead of regular soda or juice. Wrong direction by choosing your beer bottle not canned (one bottle contains less) and drinking wine in a smaller glass (you will drink less, but it will seem more) says Remmer. And try to drink water or sparkling water between two drinks to stay hydrated.

Indulge ... moderation

Drop your favorite treats on vacation is not exactly the definition of a great escape. The best way to indulge in your little sins is to do it in good conscience, Remmer said. "Be picky with your treats," she said. "Give yourself the treats you love and when you feast, make portions. "Enjoy it in one hand and say that you will get more tomorrow. A "letting go immediately" and it would be excessive guaranteed.

The art of buffet

The wide selection of buffet can be daunting, especially if you are trying to make healthy choices. Start with your plate. "Choose a small plate," advises Remmer. "You take less. "Fill half your plate with salad or vegetables, then head to the high-protein foods such as meat, fish and beans and fill a quarter of your plate with low-fat foods. The last quarter of your plate can be occupied by one or two foods from cereals or starch such as pasta, rice or bread, preferably whole grain. "Take 30 minutes to finish your plate," says Remmer, "and if you have still hungry, you return serve of vegetables and protein. "

                                                                        Good Luck To All !! 

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