Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Why your diet does not work...??!!

Why your diet does not work

You follow to the letter your diet, but you do not lose weight? Here are 6 reasons for this lack of 

Your goal is unrealistic.

Let's be honest, most of us do not have the body of a mannequin. Our body resembles that of Naomi Campell or rather that of Oprah Winfrey, our silhouette depends largely on our genetics. "If I put two people in a controlled environment and I make them eat the same number of calories, one can easily gain weight and the other not, that's what makes genetics," says Arya Sharma, physician and president of the Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta.

You continue to consume soft drinks.

Most soft drinks and processed foods contain corn syrup high in fructose, a sugar substitute cheap that would be linked to obesity, according to a study at Yale. The study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that consumption of fructose does not calm the appetite "remains the desire to eat," said Robert Sherwin CTV, an endocrinologist at Yale University. Clearly, the consumption of corn syrup high fructose does that stimulate hunger, thus contributing to weight gain.

You eat too fast.

Chew your food well. This board reminds you he childhood memories? It turns out that your mother was right to insist that you eat slowly. "The eating quickly prevents your brain to interpret the satiety signal that sends your body," says Richard Béliveau, Chair in Prevention and Treatment of Cancer at the University of Quebec in Montreal and author of the book health by the pleasure of eating well. The result? You always have the feeling of hunger, when in reality, just give some time to your body so it can signal the brain that you are full.

You do not sleep enough.

"The regulation of sleep depends on the hormonal activity. In addition, when you are tired, you tend to eat unhealthy foods (fatty or sweet). In addition, lack of sleep increases the secretion of cortisol (a stress hormone), which has the effect of increasing fat storage in the body, "says Joey Shulman (Thornhill, Ontario), author of The last 15-A Weight Loss Breakthrough.

You resume your old habits.

It is easy to resume his old habits after completing a diet. If this is the case (you start to nibble at Spread generously, eat dessert every night, for example.), You are likely to regain lost weight.

You do not follow your plan weight loss during the weekends.

We tend to eat more during weekends than during the week. In fact, researchers
of Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis (Missouri), have shown that dieters lose weight during the week, but not during the weekend. So prepare healthy meals during the weekend and pay particular attention to portion sizes can help in this regard (especially in the restaurant).

                                     Good luck to all !

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