Here are some solutions that can help!! 


The worst diet resolutions...

The worst diet resolutions
When it comes to losing weight, it is important to be specific, but realistic goals is even more important. As proof, here is a list of the worst resolutions to lose weight.

1. Refrain from consuming "bad" foods

The diet you follow excludes food you prefer (chocolate, cheese, ice cream, chips, etc..), Which already causes a sense of deprivation. You will hold good few weeks, of course, but you get tired very quickly this plan, then you will fall. The result? You will begin to eat food "excluded" without restraint to compensate for weeks of deprivation.

2. Skipping meals to cut calories

"Skipping meals can have an impact on your metabolism," says Aviva Allen, Toronto nutritionist. Your body will store a surplus of fat in anticipation of a possible lack of food. Instead of refraining from eating, eat small, frequent meals instead of food or snacks rich in nutrients (ideally every three hours) and avoid, if possible, to eat after 19 h, because the metabolism idling in end of the day.

In addition, eating regularly increases your chances of success while skipping meals is not a realistic way to achieve this. Moreover, "the biggest mistake you can make is to view your diet as a temporary means to achieve your goals of weight loss, reveals the specialist, and if you intend to return to your old habits once the terminated plan, you will regain the lost weight very quickly, "she adds.

3. Perform the same routine every day

Perform the same routine day after day is hard on morale and this may discourage you. In his first book, 5-Factor Fitness Harley Pasternak recommends a different workout for each day of the week, each to a specific part of the body. Increase repetitions, change the order of exercises, regardless of the type of changes you make in training, the key is to vary your routine enough not to get bored. "It is necessary to introduce a change per day, at least," he suggests.

4. Agree to follow the latest fad diet

The fad diets, those that require the purchase of special foods and whose plan excludes certain food groups give only temporary results. You end up regaining the lost weight. "You must at all costs avoid yo-yo with your weight, because in the long run, your metabolism will take a hit and it will be harder to lose weight," says Joey Shulman, a specialist in nutrition. It is for you to choose a plan that fits your lifestyle, a diet that you can follow even after reaching your weight loss goals.

5. Eliminate carbohydrates from their diet

If you fail to consume the foods one food group, you exclude nutrients you probably need to lose weight and stay healthy. "You must include all important food groups, including carbohydrates, advises nutritionist Aviva Allen. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes and vegetables are important sources of fiber, which are essential in maintaining regularity and digestive function in the process of removing excess cholesterol, fat and toxins from our body. "

                                                   good luck to all!

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