Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Good sugars that calm the nerves...

One day or the other, you had to account for the effects had your menu on your mood. After a heavy meal too rich it feels pretty bad, caffeine excites us and frying fat and weigh down or give sick.

Carbohydrates relax ...

Without anyone noticing, carbohydrates also have their effect on our mood. Moreover, people anxious, stressed often have a strong desire to eat foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar). They feel a sense of calm enjoying pasta, rice, bread or potatoes. No wonder that the food containing these ingredients can be found at the top of the "food comforts."


This feeling is not a coincidence. A high carbohydrate meal stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, as does the regular practice of sport. Eat a pasta lunch we can even make a little sleepy. Not always clear when the work ahead of us! By cons, in the evening, these carbohydrates induce sleep ... insofar as they are not taken into inordinate amount since overeat before bedtime can disrupt sleep.

The magic of chocolate

If tasting chocolate triggers spontaneous pleasure in a majority of people, the cocoa is in it would also euphoric effects, among other things because of the phenylethylamine it contains. This chemical is also produced by the brain during emotional excitement. Finally, caffeine and theobromine it contains act as stimulants. No wonder when you taste it, you come back. Long live the chocolate!

Top 10 breakfast cereals...

Oatmeal or bran, granola or muesli, cereals, soy or flax ... What are your favorites? Difficult to navigate the impressive assortment of cereals on the market! But let's start from the beginning: to scour your cereal magnifier to see what they are composed. Whereas previously their composition was much less developed, there are now lists of ingredients complex and often bloated. Unfortunately there is only one way to find THE cereal health: we must open the eye and analyze the nutrition facts! But I can give you a helping hand by making a top 10 cereals healthy breakfast.

Attention to portion!

One should always pay attention to the portion for which the nutritional values ​​are given, especially regarding breakfast cereals. Indeed, one can find reference portions between 20 and 80 g. The next time you want to compare two products, make sure to compare equal portion!

Look what criteria?

Unless very special constraints, it is generally recommended to analyze three nutrients are fiber, sugar and lipids (fats). You must first determine whether or not the cereal contains added fruit, because they have a direct influence on the nutritional values. Since the majority of nutritive values ​​of cereals found on the shelves are often given to 30 g or 55 g, the two tables will help you avoid many calculations!

1. Victory over cereal proteins President's Choice Blue Menu

With 4 grams of fiber and 13 grams of protein per serving, these grains will support you well into the morning! When I discovered this product, the protein has really surprised me because it is rarely found in the same. We must also content that the addition of soy protein. I am aware that the sugar content slightly exceeds the criteria, but I do believe that this cereal deserves its place in the top 10. Discover!

To 54 g : 210 calories, 2 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 240 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 8 g sugar, 13 g protein.

2. Shredded Wheat & Bran Cereals Post

These grains are undoubtedly the most health on this list! It is indeed rare to see more than the statement "no sugar and no salt added" on a cereal box. Yet it is the case with Shredded Wheat & Bran. When you cast a glance at the table of nutritional values, we find that the product contains no sugar, no salt, while most cereals contain an impressive amount. The fiber content is also interesting: a portion contains 8 grams! Finally, the ingredient list has only three, which is excellent.

To 59 g : 200 calories, 1 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 0 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 6 g protein.

3. Muesli with blueberries, dates and raisins Compliments Balance

For those who love, like me, cereal with berries added this product is very interesting. As its name suggests, is found in the list of ingredients of blueberries, raisins ... and pieces of dates! One serving contains 4 grams of fiber, which is a high source. Remember that fiber promote satiety and are a great help in weight management. Delicious and healthy, these grains will delight many!

To 55 g : 210 calories, 3 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 40 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 10 g sugar, 5 g protein.

4. Fibre 1 Honey Clusters General Mills

A portion of these grains contains 6 grams of sugar and ... brace yourself, 13 grams of fiber! Indeed, a portion of 54 g fill more than half of your daily fiber needs. This is a good boost! If you are not familiar with this type of high fiber cereal such, go slowly. More so they can have an optimal effect on your body, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. The only problem about this cereal? The protein is not very impressive. Serve it simply with yogurt, milk or a piece of cheese and voila.

To 54 g : 210 calories, 1.5 g fat, 0.2 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 280 mg sodium, 13 g fiber, 6 g sugar, 3 g protein.

5. To its very high fiber Compliments Balance

I am well aware that this type of cereals do not like at all. However, many are amateurs and it is to them that I am writing! Compared to other cereals such, they are slightly sweet, which gives them a great taste. With 9 grams of fiber per serving, they will fill you up! Your children do not love it? Never mind, use them to make delicious bran muffins. Hot and margarine together, they are absolutely delicious. This is also the trick my mother used when I was younger myself.

To 30 g : 100 calories, 1.5 g fat, 0.2 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 280 mg sodium, 9 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 4 g protein.

6. Kellogg's Mini-Wheats

They are delicious, kid-friendly ... and adults, and are obviously nutritious. They are found in several flavors more original than the others: Cinnamon Streusel, blueberry muffins, maple, original and traditional icing. Regardless of the variety, Mini-Wheats are all a source of fiber and contain a reasonable amount of added sugar. Interestingly, the majority of grains in this range do not contain sodium, which is extremely rare for baked goods, which are often hidden sources. For those who do not know they are out!

To 54 g : 190 calories, 1 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 0 mg sodium, 6 g fiber, 10 g sugar, 5 g protein.

7. Optimum Cranberry Ginger Nature's Path

This is one of the most original cereal! Containing dried cranberries and ginger, it will bring variety and flavor to your morning meal! We also find the buckwheat flour, barley and quinoa, which makes it all the more enticing. Its nutritional values ​​are more than acceptable as a portion contains 8 g fiber, 13 g sugar and 5 grams of protein.

To 55 g : 190 calories, 2.5 g fat, 0.4 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 95 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 13 g sugar, 5 g protein.

8. Optimum Banana Almond Nature's Path

And why not a cereal with bananas? Certainly, a portion contains 6 grams of fat, which is slightly higher than the criteria mentioned above, but know that they are good fats for heart health. Containing linseed and sunflower and soy nuts, this cereal is a good source of omega-3. With 5 grams of fiber and 9 grams of sugar, it will support you until noon. Delicious and good for the heart, this is a choice to consider!

To 55 g : 190 calories, 6 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 0.6 grams of omega-3, 140 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 10 g of protein.

9. Weetabix Whole Grain Cereal

Depending on your mood morning, you can enjoy these cereals in two different ways: in crumbled cookies or a bowl of yogurt or milk. Virtually fat-free and sugar-free, these cereals are an excellent nutritional choice in addition to presenting a very short list of ingredients. They are also a high source of dietary fiber.

To 35 g : 130 calories, 0.5 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 130 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 4 g protein.

10. Cereal fiber more flavor Kellogg's Brown Sugar Harvest

For mornings when you want a cereal sweeter taste, this is a crisp sweetness! Since it contains slightly more sugar, however, should avoid consuming too often. It is a good compromise between a cereal grain health and sweet. Indeed, a portion still contains 10 grams of fiber, which is very interesting ... and satisfying!

To 54 g : 210 calories, 2 g fat, 0.4 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 135 mg sodium, 10 g fiber, 12 g sugar, 5 g protein.

Top 10 healthy breakfast toppings..

Breakfast is the main meal quick to prepare for the day. Although it is swallowed in less than 5 minutes, the meal is shunned by most Canadians. In fact, statistics confirm that fails half of lunch.

What awaits them? Lack of concentration, headaches and mood swings. I admit, it can be difficult to put the variety on the menu. Let yourself be inspired by the top 10 toppings healthy breakfast, which I hope will encourage you to put something in their mouths every morning.

1. Peanut butter!

Did you know that the peanut is not a nut, but a legume? The latter is rich in protein, monounsaturated fats (good fats) and energy. That's why we draw the butter is found in this list.

Whether you opt for the Kraft Peanut Butter regular, light or natural peanut butter, remember that the nutrient values ​​are practically the same, a tablespoon contain between 80 and 90 calories. What varies? The origin of the calories! These butters from Kraft peanut peanuts, oil and sugar that is added, while the natural butter, they come only from the legume.

2. Soy Butter

Depending on the variety, it has the same butter creamy or crunchy so popular peanut butter. The taste is different, however, because it is made from roasted soybeans. Rich in protein and fiber, soybeans make it a very interesting alternative to the famous toast in the morning!

My appreciation? As has always been a big fan of peanut butter, I admit I was somewhat reluctant at first tasting. By cons, when the second test, I had to face the fact that soy butter was ... almost as good as peanut butter!

3. Sugar-free jam

Spread ideal breakfast contains both protein to support body and a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Let's be honest, the jam does not meet these criteria. Is it to be avoided so far? Not necessarily. When I speak of variety on the menu, the jam can be part of a healthy diet. Varieties without added sugar, sweetened with sugar alcohol (fake sugar) obviously contain fewer calories than regular jams. These types of sugar have little or no impact on blood glucose levels, which is especially interesting for people with diabetes. By comparison, a variety with no added sugar provides around 20 calories and 4 grams of sugar while a regular jam contains about 50 calories and 11 grams of sugars.

4. Light cheeses

Cheese is certainly a healthy choice for our morning toast toppings in addition to being filled with flavor! You eat it as is or browned in the oven, it will certainly be a success. The cheese is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and unfortunately ... fat too.

To counter the problem, turn to light cheeses, those containing 20% ​​fat or less. Cheese is a food may contain a good amount of sodium. While blues are richer in salt, Emmenthal cheese type are those that contain the least. Open your eyes!

5. Greaves light

Our famous greaves Quebec, we love you so much! Made primarily from pork, breadcrumbs and spices, they can be very high in fat. Indeed, 30 ml (2 tbsp.) Contain about 10 grams of fat, the equivalent of two small squares of butter.

For alternative health, lighter versions are interesting since they contain 50% less fat than traditional greaves, while retaining as much protein. To add variety to the menu, also try greaves poultry or veal company Norel. Apart from the taste, nutritional values ​​are very similar to light greaves.

6. Commensal greaves plant

Okay, I admit it is not very sexy, but it is really good and very healthy! Made solely based on plant foods, they contain absolutely no saturated fat and trans fat, and no cholesterol. We thus find in the list of ingredients of foods like tofu. Ladies, do not shout loudly at home and I'm sure your people will not see the light!

7. Cottage cheese

When you feel like eating toast with cottage cheese, this desire must be absolutely satisfied, believe me. Made from milk, partly skimmed or skimmed, this cheese contains a high percentage of water and very little fat. Indeed, some have a body fat percentage between 1 and 2%, which is very little.

With its sweet and tangy, cottage cheese goes perfectly with fresh fruit. But it must be consumed in moderation, since serving contains 430 mg of sodium, or about 20% of the maximum recommended daily.

8. Apple butter

The term "butter" referring only to its creamy texture, this delicious spread does not contain absolutely no fat. It is actually a mixture of apples and a hint of apple juice. As well as the jam, butter does not contain enough protein to sustain you for a long time. Never mind, accompany your roast a small pot of yogurt or a piece of cheese and voila!

9. Eggs

Two eggs, two slices of toast, s.v.p.! Toast and eggs are a classic. Lunch rush? They take only minutes to cook. It is wrong to think that eggs are foods to avoid because of their cholesterol content. Did you know that in the healthy population, cholesterol from foods has little effect on blood cholesterol? They can be eaten in moderation, and without adverse effects on blood cholesterol. Eggs are also an excellent substitute for meat proteins since they contain are of very good quality.

10. Peanut butter blended with rich dark chocolate Peanut Butter & Co

For fans of Nutella, here is a healthier alternative and equally chocolate! Adding cocoa butter and cocoa peanuts, you get a peanut butter chocolate that will appeal to children for sure!

Nutritional values ​​are also very similar to those of typical peanut butter, much to my surprise. It does not contain more calories, more fat and not much protein. The only difference is found in sugar, the peanut butter chocolate contains in equal portion, 7 g compared to 2 g peanut butter. To try it!

How to choose eggs..

Will you two eggs bacon for breakfast this morning? Perfect! So I ask you for which you will choose varieties of eggs? Basically, organic, omega-3 extra-large? The issue is complicated oddly, is not it?

Anyway, a healthy choice

As you can see every day at the grocery store, there are more categories egg today than ever before. I will therefore review the variety offered on the shelves. But if I want you to remember one thing with this article, it is assured that whatever your choice, you make a healthy choice! Indeed, in its fragile shell, there are high-quality protein, folic acid, lutein and vitamins A, D, E and B12. All this for a caloric intake by about 70 calories!

Specialized eggs

As with many foods, egg producers will continue to improve, hence the appearance of eggs called "specialty". Did you know that today, more than a third of eggs sold in grocery stores are eggs in value? Some of them may have a slightly different nutritional value than white eggs classics. You will then be ready to pay a lot more!

The omega-3 eggs

Eggs enriched with omega-3 are a good choice especially for people who do not eat fish. Flaxseed have been added to the cast of the chicken, which justifies the omega-3 eggs laid. It will be remembered that omega-3 plant origin are less assimilated than animal. However, it is worth mentioning that the eggs of hens fed flax seed also will contain omega-3 animal because of a particular metabolism. A serving of two eggs contains 0.8 g of omega-3, which is far from negligible! But personally, I'm not ready to pay more when I can meet my needs omega-3 with fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel.

Brown eggs

This is a popular myth! It is wrong to believe that the brown shell eggs are healthier than white shelled eggs. There is no difference in nutritional value, flavor or even between the two. The only difference is the breed of the hen that lays the eggs. Here's the perfect example for which we should not always associate that is brown healthier ...

The organic eggs

They are organic because the hens are kept to the strict standards of the Agriculture and eat only organic grains. Since the vast majority of organic products, you should not choose them because they are better for health, but better for the environment. The eggs are unfortunately no exception to the rule! Will you be ready, however, to pay more than $ 3 a dozen?

Chicken eggs released

As their name suggests, these chickens were free range and have enjoyed good living conditions. They can move about the particular area of ​​the house have access to nests and often perches. To date, there is unfortunately no study showing that the nutritional value of eggs is different from that of regular eggs.

The eggs higher in vitamins and minerals (omega-pro)
These eggs contain more vitamins and minerals once again due to the feed given to hens. In addition to flaxseed, we add alfalfa and various plants, which affects the nutritional value of eggs laid. They are interesting especially for people who do not consume ovovégétariennes other animal proteins.

Liquid eggs

You probably know those little cartons of liquid eggs. These products may be of interest to people with cholesterol problems. The cartons contain fewer egg yolks and whites. Result? It contains less fat and cholesterol and many proteins of very good quality. In addition, they are very convenient!

For desserts, you can also opt for mixtures of egg whites. These cartons are highly practical, especially if your recipe calls for 8 egg whites ...

As you can see, we opted for a classic egg or an egg added value, they are good for health and all offer good nutritional value.

Food Myth: "The bread is fattening"

Since I mostly hear this sentence out of the mouth of my mother, my sister in law and even my grandmother, this article is especially for you, ladies. I will try to convince you, as you are all, as the famous saying "bread is fattening" food is a myth. It also takes too long and is in the same vein as the famous myths about the three "P" (bread, pasta, potatoes). I am very pleased to announce today that not ... bread is not fattening!

This low calorie bread ...

A slice of bread contains fewer calories. Indeed, depending on the variety, a slice may contain between 60 and 100 calories. Considering a woman aged 35 - weight and size means (140 pounds, 5.4 inches) - a daily energy needs of about 2000 calories, it is not one or two slices of bread which will blow the budget calorie day.

Whole wheat bread: your ally!

In the process of weight loss, whole grain bread is even an important ally. Dietary fiber it contains helps control appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness.

Spoilt for choice

There are on the market an impressive variety of breads. Be original and choose the flax seed, flour integral with probiotics, barley, and even honey!

The real culprits

If the bread itself is a low calorie food must be careful against by what we put on it. Some fillings can be very high in calories: butter, margarine, jam, sweet spread, pate, sausages. All these choices will greatly increase the caloric content of your little slice of bread!

What is 100 calories?

- 2 kiwis
- 100 g of vanilla yogurt 2% m.g.
- 5 medium strawberries
- 375 ml (1 1/2 cup) fresh raspberries
- 30 ml (2 tbsp.) Of dry roasted peanuts
- A 150 ml glass of chocolate milk 1% m.g.

Did you know?

However, the Health Survey in 2004 Canadian Community on the eating habits of 35,000 Canadians showed a generally lower consumption of these recommendations. Indeed, for all age groups, consumption of servings recommended minimum is often not achieved, and this tendency increases with age.

In short, Canadians do not eat enough grain products. Ladies, there is therefore no reason to remove bread from your diet, especially as it contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals good for your health! Simply not to excess ... like all other foods.

White bread, whole grain as nutritious as whole wheat?

With catchy commercials, white breads with whole grains attract everyone's attention with their promise to enjoy the benefits of fiber by eating white bread! From a nutritional point of view, are they really so interesting? At the risk of disappointing many, they still have to eat crusts before outperform whole wheat breads!


One of the benefits of whole grain bread is to promote bowel regularity. The fibers absorb water and swell. Thereby increasing stool volume, they reduce the risk of constipation.

Note, however, that this benefit attributable to whole grains depends in part on the size of the particles and fibers. It has been shown that they lose most of their laxative properties they are finely ground. Hope to obtain an effect on bowel regularity, its particles must be visible.

New technology

How bread, the first ingredient is enriched wheat flour can bring it up to 2 grams of fiber per slice? There are two explanations.

- Some brands will add to breads concentrate fiber from oats envelope.
- Other, in addition to adding this concentrate will add wheat flour blonde (lighter than the traditional wheat) spray.

One way or another, the crumb of the bread is smooth, uniform, homogeneous ... and almost white! That is fine, but as mentioned above, to have a beneficial effect on intestinal transit, constipation and feelings of satiety, fiber should not be reduced too small particles. However, this is exactly what happens to fiber in these new types of bread to obtain a nearly white bread!

Despite the advancement of technology, the good old whole wheat bread is still at the forefront of the most nutritious bread. Like what we sometimes reason to be wary of what seems too good to be true ...

Pro tips for eating well..

Not always easy to eat, especially when time is short. Here are some tips to practice routine for daily food quite healthy.

At the grocery store

Be sure to shop for groceries at least once a week
Stock up on food from the 4 food groups: vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, dairy products and meat and alternatives delicious for every taste. The local markets can "help", but they can not guarantee a balanced diet long term.

Write your grocery list before you go shopping
Prepare grocery list to meals, recipes and snacks for the week. Note to buy food in the order they are in the grocery store to save time, to ensure you do not forget anything and to avoid unnecessary purchases last minute


Clean out your fridge and freezer
Allow yourself to clean the fridge and get rid of expired products and on a regular basis. Keep pre-cut vegetables in the vegetable tray, place perishable foods in front of the fridge, stack your frozen food a freezer side and frozen on the other.

Reorganize your pantry
Take a few minutes to put order in your pantry, it will save you time and money in the end. Do not make a cabinet "candy", but rather a pantry with healthy ingredients such as nuts and dried fruits, bran cereals, couscous, spices, etc..

Office or school

Do not get caught by surprise
Keep bottled water in your car or locker, keep essentials like granola bars and ultra-pasteurized dairy beverages like Grand Pré in your desk drawer or backpack, and have frozen meals in the freezer lunchtime rush.

Change and vary daily routine
Find a new way to prepare sandwiches (grilled, rolled ...), serve vegetables (salad, soup ...) and fruits (sauce, pieces ...). Dare to discover new foods to your lunch boxes, such as arugula, persimmon, quinoa, kefir, frittata or baba ghanouj!

Sugar is he responsible for obesity?

Yes ... and no. In fact, the answer depends on specialists who speak out on the issue and how to interpret research.

Anne Mardis, MD, Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States even says that people eat more sugar, less fat they consume. Another epidemiological study (2005) conducted in 34 countries with 137,000 school children shows that the consumption of sweets was lower in children with excess weight than those of normal weight.

However, in a voluminous report on the preventive effects of diet on chronic diseases, WHO recommends limiting the intake of free sugars (added sugars and sugars from fruit juice) to prevent overweight.

According to the French Agency for Food Safety 'excessive consumption of carbohydrates, such as drinks, is involved in many overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in industrialized countries "

Difficult to navigate! Which combines specialists is that many sugar-containing foods also contain fat. Who put the benches of the accused?!

The World Health Organization (WHO) is pronounced with caution. According to her, the sugar part with fat and lack of physical activity, the three main causes of the obesity epidemic. At least one thing is clear!

If you want to know more about sugar and obesity, visit the Canal Vie partner in health and wellness, PasseportSanté.net a reliable source of information on health.

Finally live without dieting!

Canal Vie would persuade you that draconian diets and questionable regimes, it is not for you!

First, ask yourself these questions

- Are you part of the 60% of women feel pressure regarding their weight?
- Are you among the 73% of women who want to lose weight?
- Are you part of the 37% of women who experience anxiety when they think about their weight?
- Are you sad when you look in the mirror?
- Is not it time it stops?

Regimes: the trash!

Can you name a single person in your life who followed a strict diet and has kept its size after diet?

The answer is probably "no", since it has been shown that these diets are not sustainable private long term.

Fat storage
When you follow a diet suite, the perverse effect that the body is deprived of food for a specified time, then store supplies when you resume eating normally. He was hungry, he was denied, he does not want it happening to him! Result: it is much more difficult to lose weight when you start the round of yo-yo dieting.

Deprivation of life
Very few people stand to life the urge to eat foods they love. For example, would you agree to never eat pasta, bread, potatoes or rice, simply because they have a reputation to gain? It is obvious that people who follow this type of plan private, without adopting healthy eating habits, crack eventually resume and lost weight.

Of long-term changes

The diet solution is very simple and can be summed up in one word: balance. The balance is it also not what we aspire in all spheres of our life? Why not adopt in our food!

Start by finding your weak points, why you think you are overweight: too much sugar, too much fat, too much food on your plate, too many soft drinks, not enough exercise, not enough fruits and vegetables ...

In this classification, there are plenty of "too much" and "not enough". To arrive at a balance, ask yourself this question: "What will I eat there good to my body? Is this a gift that I do? '

If you learn to love and to love him too, you may be more likely to want to give him vegetables dips rather than a big bag of chips. And you will surely cry as well when you feed less well (more heartburn, diarrhea, bloating intense ...). Do not do it in the context of weight loss, but a better life. Weight loss should follow.

When you eat healthy foods, think of all the good that you're you. Imagine the circuit are vegetables, fruits, fish to get into your body and feed it. You do good in every bite. This is not nothing!

Same goes for exercise: whatever activity you choose to move, your body will never look better.

In brief ...

- Learn to appreciate the fact of eating good for you. When you're hungry or you just want to eat, snack on vegetables!

- When you eat treats, from time to time, do not feel guilty and go sparingly. Better a little pie eaten without remorse and savored slowly from time to time a pie full engulfed after too long deprivation, and after that you will probably feel very ill, both physically and morally ... Small pleasures are important, but we do not call them "small" for nothing!

- Exercise regularly. Do not you feel better!
- Learn to listen to your body, trust him. It will feel when you are no longer in balance ...

You are what you are

Whatever the shape or weight that you have, you are what you are. There are some women who will never be thin, no matter what mode of life they adopt, and which would also perhaps less attractive if they were. They are like that. There are all kinds of body shapes and it is in diversity that is the beauty. Are you healthy? That's all that matters.

One last question: do you like least your best friend because it is round? Do you like it more because it is thin? The answer is probably not. Why should it be different for all those who love you? Would they like you more if you were thinner, less fat? If the answer is yes, it is perhaps worth asking yourself questions ...

Are you stressed by what you eat?

You can add another affective syndrome directory psychological disorders! Or at least that's what the doctor says Steven Bratman, orthorexia fearing that food has become the new plight of modern times. I must say that the phenomenon of "healthy eating" is pervasive in our society that promotes food hygiene. To rely on numerous books and broadcast messages about healthy eating, we would never have been so well fed!

What is orthorexia?

Orthorexia is a term that comes from the Greek "ortho" for all that is right and proper, and "existing" for the appetite. It is an excessive concern with respect to food that looks like anorexia, but does not have the same issues. The orthorexic a morbid fixation on food quality, whereas anorexic is troubled by the amount of food. However, orthorexia and anorexia are similarly related to the notion of deprivation, food control and sacrifice. In orthorexia, eating less nutritious food is accompanied by compensatory methods such as fasting or strict diet.

Although not yet officially recognized by the medical community as a psychological disorder, orthorexia affects 1% of the Quebec population, especially adult women. You may know people who eat extremely well, never deviate? Is not it true that too much attention is not better?

How orthorexics think?

Instead of making their life more beautiful, orthorexics will greatly complicate almost religiously adhering to countless theories food. Seen in orthorexia personal identification through food and a sense of perfect health, to the extent we can control the quality of food consumed.

That live orthorexics ...

If you have orthorexia, you will be invaded with thoughts of healthy food to such an extent that your relationships with others suffer. The fact of wanting to control everything on your plate can complicate the sharing and appreciation of food with others. You possibly eliminated meat and dairy products from your diet, and perhaps refuse to touch artificial sugars or foods not organic. You feel that you toxic poison and harm your health. Avoiding many foods unfit for consumption, you are compromising your dietary variety and you risk nutritional deficiencies. Thinking to do well, you do the opposite!

How to cope or help a loved one get away?

1. Firstly, we need to identify unhealthy behaviors, which is not easy because of the desire to eat well is perceived positively. Some questions you can ask yourself:

- The nutritional value of meals happening before it the pleasure of the taste?
- Do you feel guilty when you breach your principles food?
- Analyze you constantly while you eat?
- You feel guilty and you are filled with remorse after eating most of your meals?
- Do you wake up at night to analyze the meals that you have taken the night?

2. To get help, it is advisable to consult a psychologist to identify the fears and symptoms and find solutions;

3. Finally, the overall health depends on all lifestyle (the refusal of tobacco, alcohol moderation, proper sleep and exercise ...)

The word hunger

Remember that absolutely must be a balance between the nutritional quality and the pleasure of eating. Insofar as you exercise restraint, a fry and a soda from time to time will do you no harm and will not reduce your life expectancy. Anyway, when to eat becomes an obsession, it is not at all healthy.

The importance of drinking plenty!

Summer, with the heat, our body becomes dehydrated and we do not always realize. Result? Our physical and mental capacities are diminished. We are more likely to have headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue and even lower blood pressure. And if we could avoid all these symptoms by maintaining good hydration?

Drink, but when?

Throughout the day! When thirst occurs, it is too late, since the body is already dehydrated. So do not expect to have dry mouth, or worse, a headache. It is important to always have water handy and drink regularly. Drink more in hot weather or when you are very active. This is especially important for children because they do not always manifest their thirst. Our cash needs means are approximately 15 glasses (3.7 liters) per day for men and about 9 glasses (2.2 liters) per day for a woman.

A prevailing myth ...

And the famous "Do not drink while eating"?
In the past, doctors said that drinking during meals diluted gastric and disturbed digestion. Rest assured, our current knowledge on the subject show that it is not! The production of gastric juices, which are essential to digestion, adapts to the amount and texture of food (solid or liquid) to maintain good acidity. So if you drink during the meal, it will be more liquid and the amount of gastric juice secreted is increased to allow you to digest.

Drink when hungry

Not only does drinking can increase satiety, but sometimes the brain sends a signal to the body of hunger when in reality he is thirsty. When you feel hungry, have a glass of water before eating in order to understand your needs.

What to drink

Water? Beer? Sangria? Fruit cocktail? Coffee? It's true, all these drinks are liquids that enter our calculation of fluid a day. By cons, most of these drinks are also included in our daily calorie budget! To quench your thirst, there is nothing better than water. See for yourself ... !

With the arrival of the tablets with a host of new varieties of water, we do not know which stop on our choice. One thing is certain, tap water is fine. She is healthy, economical and ecological.

If you are one of those who have left the tap water due to a slight chlorine smell, well aware that it only takes a bit of rest on the counter before drinking.

Did you know ...

Plastic bottles ... promote the accumulation of bacteria and toxic? It is safer, but also ecological, using bottles and water bottles sold specifically for filling, condition wash after each use!

All about sunscreens...

We know we must protect ourselves from the sun, but when we are faced with the display of sunscreen, how to make the best choice among all the promises written on the labels.


Firstly, on each label are always found FPS letters followed by a number. The SPF is the Sun Protection Factor us indicating the period during which our skin is protected from UVB rays before the appearance of redness minimum. These are the main responsible for UVB sunburn.

The figure at his side indicates the time of protection before blushing. For example, an SPF 15 product means that theoretically, it will take 15 times longer to get a sunburn without sunscreen. This means that if the skin begins to redden Junior after 16 minutes without sunscreen, with this product, it would be good to stay 15 times 16 minutes on the beach so 4 hours before catching a sunburn!

Put on this ointment is not!

Oh! Do not rejoice too quickly! This is fine in theory but in practice many factors will vary the time of protection. Bathing, perspiration, sand, rubbing with the towel will decrease significantly.

Did you know that according to some studies, most people use a quantity of less than that used in the laboratory tests? For this reason, some dermatologists say the real FPS would not be a third of the SPF stated on the bottle! In fact, it is recommended for the average person to apply at least 30 ml (equivalent to a shooter) of sunscreen, a quarter of a bottle of 125 ml!


The SPF tells us the level of UVB protection only. It is important not to forget the UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and resulting premature aging while promoting as UVB development of skin cancer.

So, for complete protection UVA and UVB rays, it is important to find on the label the words "broad spectrum"

Attention to the term "sunblock" or "total protection". Several countries have banned the mention on the labels of sunscreen because no one can block 100% of UV rays, regardless of the FPS used.

For a few months, you can find on our shelves sunscreens with an SPF of 70, 85, even to an index of 100! It may seem logical to think that a product with an SPF of 30 will double protection against UV SPF 15. You probably say that it was time that kind on the market an SPF of 100. Well, you may be surprised to learn that it does not give the desired results at all! In fact, here is some data:

- An SPF-15 blocks about 93% of UVB
- An SPF-30 blocks about 97% of UVB
- An SPF-60 blocks about 98% of UVB
- An SPF-70 blocks approximately 98.3% of UVB

Surprising is not it? There is evidence that the use of a high SPF gives a false sense of security. Thus, repeated application less frequently or not at all during the day.

The advice of the pharmacist

- Use an SPF between 30 and 60, broad spectrum and water repellent on the skin not to mention her lips. For babies under 6 months, it is recommended to use a sunscreen.
- Always look for the symbol of the Canadian Dermatology Association on the bottle.

- Choose creams gels and sprays. The gels adhere less well to the skin and are less resistant to water and sweat while sprays make it difficult to apply evenly.

- Apply the cream liberally 30 minutes before exposure, regardless of the FPS used, repeat the application every 2 to 3 hours, immediately after swimming or excessive sweating.

- Beware of clouds, wind and water, giving the impression that the sun does not shine its spotlight!
- Take your hats, sunglasses, seek shade and hydrated.
- Oh, I forgot ... have fun!

Good summer ... well protected!

Stop it wrinkles naturally...

It is possible to delay the appearance of wrinkles, and even to reduce the appearance, and so quite naturally. But put something clear: it is estimated that 30% of aging is due to genetic factors, against which nothing can. Another cause biological, is the reduction of estrogen that comes with menopause. But there are several factors which can be influenced. How? By following these tips!

Prevention starts in the cradle

Or almost! One of the main causes of skin aging is sun exposure. It is estimated at 18 years, 80% of the damage is already done! It is therefore important to protect our skin (and our children) UVA (which cause aging) and UVB (burning and cause skin cancers). We choose a cream with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 and apply it every day, shine or rain (if the clouds stoppaient all departments, it would be dark! ). Even with sunscreen, you avoid prolonged exposure between 11 am and 16 pm.

The role of antioxidants

Oxidation is a natural phenomenon. Our body, burning oxygen, produces oxidants. Intense physical activity, sun exposure or ingestion of food also promote char oxidation and thus the emergence of so-called free radicals. These are largely destroyed by antioxidants that our bodies produce, especially when you are young. But as we age, our body responds less well to oxidation. Free radicals accumulate and are responsible for premature aging of tissues because they cause degradation of collagen and emphasize wrinkles. It is therefore important to have a diet rich in antioxidants:

· Vitamin A: egg yolks, liver, milk and cheese
· Vitamin C: oranges, kiwi, mango, grapefruit
· Vitamin E: wheat germ, almonds, hazelnuts

· Selenium: Seafood, nuts, mushrooms, fish
· Zinc: oysters and seafood, meat, liver

Creams "anti-aging"

Vitamin A acid
Also called retinoic acid. This is both a cosmetic and a drug (it is used in treatments against acne). It is effective to reduce the appearance of superficial wrinkles. Vitamin A acid accelerates cell renewal on the surface, which gives the skin radiance and rosy. However, it can be irritating to skin and one must be careful if you are exposed to the sun. Better talk to a dermatologist.

Fruit acids or AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids)
Less irritating than vitamin A acid, AHAs exfoliate and smooth the skin and accelerate cell renewal also. From the age of 35, it is recommended to use a cream with AHA concentrations of 8% or 15%.

We adopt good habits
· Washed our face and we cleanses every day, taking care not to use too hot water and choose a mild soap, neutral pH.
· It moisturizes your skin twice a day with a cream that suits our skin type.
· We drink plenty of water.
· It eliminates tobacco and limit our consumption of alcohol.
· We sleep enough.
· We practice a physical activity.

Be beautiful with little budget...

We all love to feel beautiful and comfortable in our skin. Moreover, we constantly hear that we must take care of yourself to be less stressed and feel better ... But how about when the budget is tight? How can we save money on cosmetics, body care and clothing, while ensuring that the items are of good quality?

Shopping sensible

Is no exception: the first effective way not to ruin is not to spend without thinking! For this, there are a few things mundane, but sometimes we forget ...

Know what you really need
It is not necessary to buy a fourth tube of moisturizer, a new pair of black pumps or another bottle of nail polish that will end at the bottom of the drawer. This is not because an item is on sale that absolutely needs!

Search for bargains
See the circular pharmacies and supermarkets. They regularly offer discounts on more than interesting beauty products.

Make a list of items that you use most often
Cosmetics, clothing ... Stick to renew or improve your stock when necessary. Seriously, how many jars and tubes crammed in your closet bathroom without you were receiving? How many clothes do you buy on a whim without ever wear them?

Get inspired on the web
Several fashion magazines and websites offer "copies" of looks of celebrities for a very low price. Do not hesitate to get your inspiration ...

Care for a fraction of the price

In addition to making beautiful products at home, we must certainly count all visits to professionals ... Hairdressers, aesthetics, spas, pedicures, etc.. Prices rise very quickly and the result is that we do not enjoy (almost) these little pleasures. However, there are ways to reduce the bill:

Group Rate
Many spas offer special rates for groups of 2 or more people. This is an opportunity to call your best girlfriends together and enjoy a day-unforgettable beauty.

Find schools Hairdressing and beauty in your area and contact them: it is absolutely certain that they provide care very cheap. Students must train well! And do not worry, only those who already know how to handle the scissors are allowed to cut the hair of clients. Almost everything you find in a trade show is offered, often for less than $ 20 per treatment: facial, waxing, cutting and coloring, manicure, pedicure, etc..

Purchasing group
Subscribe to group shopping sites (Groupon style) output to enjoy in spas or salons known for really cheap. You will receive emails every morning on the "deals" of the day and you can buy what you want later.

No need to buy (that) marks

Some people believe that there is that when dressed with brands that you are "fashionable", but this is not true! Each season, the major trends that offer quickly adopted by all the other designers. It is possible to find pieces of cloth absolutely glamorous for very reasonable prices (think Winners Aubainerie, etc.).

In addition, a look "successful" is a set, not a superposition of labels. It is possible to dress with cheap clothes and "punch" all thanks to design a scarf, a purse, shoes, sunglasses or jewelry signed.

Some tips for saving

In conclusion, here are some additional tips for your snatch look everyone, including yourself and ... your wallet!

Shop at Warehouse
Prices are significantly reduced and the items are often the same as those you find in malls.

Think of thrift
For a unique and original look, this is great! It exists for all budgets and often we discover wonders. Just be patient and know how to look.

Make your cosmetics yourself
If you like care "organic", why not make your own cosmetics basic toner, moisturizer, natural exfoliant, etc.. Many sites offer easy recipes based on products that are already at home.

Samples are hunting
Cosmetics stores receive hundreds of samples of all kinds (creams, perfumes, makeup, etc..) If you can not offer anything, ask, because it is quite possible that employees keep the jars for them!

Buy at end of season sales
Maybe you do not want to think about winter when March rears his nose, but you might yet find a beautiful coat for next year ... with a 70% reduction!

Make exchanges
Opportunity to organize stag and hen to swap clothes and accessories that hang in your closet, or for you to make some, others of your respective talents (manicure, eyebrow, etc.).

Choose brand products
If you check the labels, you will see that they contain mostly the same components as the tubes that cost double or triple. Why pay for a name, then this is the cream you put on your face?

Finally, do not forget to always keep invoices and labels ... We often buy something without really thinking. If you regret your purchase after 2-3 days, it is always possible to return or exchange items!

Sport and fatigue..

When you feel tired, you do not really feel like doing hard physical. However, it seems that to move a little we could energize rather than just more tired!

Different types of fatigue: general fatigue, muscle fatigue

It is first necessary to distinguish between the general fatigue of muscle fatigue.

General fatigue: it is characterized by a lack of energy, and does not necessarily follow a particular effort. Stress, lack of sleep, certain diseases, poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle can help induce a state of general fatigue.

Muscle fatigue: it occurs after physical exertion. Suffers when it was difficult to move, or at least to perform certain movements. It is against the general fatigue that sport can be useful. When suffering from muscle fatigue, the key is to relax.

Sport gives energy

The famous neurotransmitter that the body produces during physical exertion are beneficial when it comes to overcoming fatigue. Indeed, endorphins and serotonin have an effect on mood and stress, among others. These two factors contribute significantly to play on your energy level. If you attack it by moving a little, you'll be less tired.

Sport promotes better sleep

Helping you sleep better, sport, in turn, allows you to fight against fatigue. Sport indeed regulates the internal clock, thus promoting regular and restful sleep. Also its effect on the stress mentioned above, contributes to better sleep. Be careful, however, not intense physical activity less than three hours before going to sleep!

A virtuous circle

If you're tired and you put in the sport, you'll soon be less tired. But be patient, it may take about a fatigue less disappear. This new energy will inspire you to do more exercise again, and you will find it easier to make the necessary efforts. Simply careful not to go beyond your abilities! It is estimated that a majority of people practice a half hour or an hour of sport per day is ideal.

Even more benefits if you play outside!

During the winter, fatigue affects many people. The lack of natural light is often to blame, at least in part. This is why practicing physical activity outside, you will kill two birds with one stone! Dress warmly and go for a walk, a snowshoeing, hiking in ski or skate on a lake. Of course there must be motivated to overcome the cold and fatigue, but the benefits will be such that you will not regret it!

That mosquitoes bite?

That mosquitoes bite? The big question! And many people, especially those who are the favorite prey of mosquitoes is the pose. It may well be that you were next to someone who receives no sting when you get literally devour. However, you are both in the same environment.

And if you notice, the animals are the same phenomenon. A cow grazes peacefully while her neighbor sweeps his tail to chase the mosquitoes that pile of fun to nibble. Why? Theories to explain this fact are as numerous as they are original, sometimes bad ...

Rumors: true or not?

- Mosquitoes prefer women.
- Mosquitoes prefer blonde (!) Because they detect more easily.
- They are attracted by the skin of those who eat a lot of sugar.
- They like people with blood type O +.
- Obese people are more sting.
- The mosquitoes love bananas. Those who regularly eat are easy prey.
- People who live in areas where there are more mosquitoes would sting less. Simple development of antibodies.
- The mosquitoes hate garlic. Large consumers are protected.

The facts

The explanation most frequently given by the scientific community is the least colorful.

Mosquitoes choose their victims based on the temperature of their body of work decomposition of skin bacteria and the composition of their sweat. Someone who sweats profusely a higher risk of being bitten, as one that produces advantage of uric acid, lactic acid and butyric fat. Monitor your dirty socks! Mosquitoes love them!

Also, people whose skin lets a high concentration of cholesterol would be most affected, as someone who would release more carbon dioxide than any other.

Some cosmetics have an effect repellants or attractants for them. Finally, several drugs against cholesterol and cardiovascular disorders represent a special attraction for those little vampires.

Females are the only culprits!

These are the females that bite us, males preferring by far the nectar of flowers. Females need the protein that our blood bring them to lay their eggs. Also, it takes three times more blood than the total weight of their bodies. And it is not their sting us itch, but they deposit saliva on our skin, to soften and penetrate better, which one is allergic. More you scratch, the more it allows the saliva into our skin.

Unfortunately, if you are a victim of mosquitoes, it is likely that you demeuriez for a long time, unless the properties of your body begin to change for one reason or another.

Seasonal Allergies...

Seasonal allergies poison the existence of many Canadians. One in four young adults will suffer during his life and symptoms persist in 15% of the population, nothing less.

The symptoms of seasonal allergies

If you're suffering from seasonal allergies (rhinitis), you certainly know that the unpleasant symptoms associated with it: runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing. In more serious cases, the victim has eyes red and swollen. Some develop a sinus infection and ear. In the worst cases, seasonal allergies can cause bronchitis and chronic asthma.

In most cases, you are dealing with a reaction to pollen. In the presence of this substance in suspension in the air, your immune system becomes hypersensitive and tries to fight the aggressor element in developing antibodies. This is when symptoms appear.

In some people, vegetable protein can also cause an allergic reaction, even in the absence of pollen.

The three periods of seasonal allergies

In Quebec, seasonal allergies occur during three periods. In early spring, the pollen that emerges from the bushes and trees, mostly maple, birch, poplar and oak, causes an allergic reaction. The pollen in the air travel usually in April or May, sometimes until early June in some areas farther north of the province. Your nose will flow in abundance.

A hot, dry spring, however, limits the duration of the discomfort due to this allergy. The best known of seasonal allergies, hay fever (or allergic rhinitis) usually lasts from June to October, with peaks in June and July (sectors). Grasses (family of Miscanthus and Panicum, especially, cereals and many ornamentals) are primarily responsible.

Ironically, many decorative grasses growing in popularity among gardeners and landscapers. Worse, the Department of Transportation conducted a study on the use of grass as a windbreak plant. That's what increase sales of Kleenex!

Finally, from June to September, ragweed and grass are also responsible for your allergies. Moreover, three out of four, allergic to grass pollen will be affected by ragweed. However, some develop an allergy to pollen one, that of ragweed or maple, for example.

Prevent seasonal allergies

It is possible to prevent these uncomfortable seasonal allergies observing some simple rules.

- The pollen is dissipated mainly between eight and noon. Whenever possible, avoid going outside during this period.
- The pollen travels especially during dry, windy days. Limit the length of your trips these days. If you must go out, do it early in the morning or late at night.
- Try to stay away from pollen-bearing trees.
- Make a special effort to control ragweed on your field and in your neighborhood. Enlist the help of your neighbors, if necessary.
- Avoid going out when your spouse, your teenager or your neighbor mows the lawn.
- In high allergy season, close the windows in your home.
- Use an air conditioner at home or in the car.
- Wear sunglasses if your eyes are affected.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Wash your hair every day. They hold the pollen.
- Choose the dryer to clothesline, if you are allergic.
- Go outside after a rain. Pollen usually remains on the ground.

Relieve seasonal allergies

Fortunately, there are various treatments and products to reduce or negate the symptoms of seasonal allergies. However, you will pay a few dollars.


For some, taking antihistamines is effective. These products over the counter in pharmacies, block the production of histamine, the substance that causes the allergy symptoms. All provide relief for most victims of allergic rhinitis.


Combined with antihistamines, decongestants syrup, tablets or sprays, reduce nasal swelling that accompanies allergic reactions. However, these products can cause rebound rhinitis - a tolerance to the drug - which is just as bad. So do not use these products for more than three consecutive days.

Nasal corticosteroids

If the counter medications are ineffective, you are probably suffering from rhinitis rhinitis. You should consult a health care professional. This will prescribe nasal corticosteroids. These products, spray injected directly into the nose, block the allergic reaction. However, they can irritate the lining.


Finally, antidégranulants available in spray or eye drops inhibit the release of histamine responsible for the allergic reaction.

Desensitization with seasonal allergies

You are patients? Consider then a desensitization treatment. A health care professional will inject increasing doses of allergens. Several studies confirm the efficacy of this treatment in one out of two. However, you will spend three to five years.


It is also possible to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies having surgery. The specialist then correct a deviated nasal septum, remove nasal polyps (similar to tiny clusters of white grapes). It also will drain the sinuses.


If you are considering acupuncture, know that clinical studies are contradictory. One of them, conducted on 40 people, allowed no significant results, while another 52 "guinea pigs" helped alleviate allergic symptoms.

Other solutions

You prefer alternative medicine? Treatment with Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) - a perennial herb of the family Asteraceae - gave good results in a clinical study in Switzerland. Homeopathic treatment based Galphimia glauca seems encouraging.

Similarly, quercetin (a flavonoid present in plants) could attenuate inflammatory reactions of allergic rhinitis. Clinical studies are underway.

Lyophilized extracts of nettle, consumption of bee pollen produced locally, hypnotherapy, Min Jie Tang (a decoction Chinese), or relaxation techniques, if the allergy is influenced by a high degree of stress, also bring relief to sufferers.

I love animals but I'm allergic to that?

You love animals. These small (or large) "balls" hair fascinate you. You think about getting a pet. But the mere sight makes you sneeze. Your eyes flow. You scratch everywhere. How to satisfy your desire, without reducing your quality of life?

Know, at first, that pet allergies may take several years to develop. It is possible that you are allergic to your cat, your dog, without you knowing. But if you repeat rhinitis, or begin to suffer from asthma, your four-legged friend is perhaps responsible.

Separate from the animal

In most cases, doctors and allergists advise you to get rid of the animal, without much success.

In our French cousins, research has shown that between 75% and 90% of pet owners refuse to perform it. For many, it would be like getting rid of a child ...

The emotional shock, related to separation from pooch or kitty, often more frightening than the unpleasant symptoms that affect them for years.

Some tips

Are you allergic? You can always turn to a goldfish in its bowl, will not affect you. However, forget the marks of affection and cuddling. But if you persist in wanting a pet hair, you will need to make choices.

Here are some solutions that will help you live with your four-legged friend.

- Prefer dogs to cats.
- Choose a shorthaired cat or hairless.
- Ignore the boxer breed dogs or schnauzers.
- Wash your dog at least twice a week using a cleaning allergens.
- Brush it every day, outside your home.
- Wipe your pet two to four times a week with a damp cloth.
- Wash your hands after touching.
- Put an end to kisses and hugs.
- Do not leave your dog, your cat lick you.
- In his presence, wear a mask. It will get used.
- You can also "dress" your pet.

You can take specific measures at home.

- Keep your dog inside when you (or your neighbors) mow the lawn. Make even during periods when the pollen is in the air.
- Vacuum at least twice a week.
- Remove pillows, quilts, duvet base.
- Avoid carpets and other fabrics that may accumulate allergens.
- Choose leather, plastic and wood for your furniture.
- Limit the number of furniture in the house.
- Remove objects that accumulate dust.
- Dust regularly (at least three times per week).
- Ventilate the house every day.
- Make frequent cleaning (twice or more each week) cages, litter boxes and pet beds by a person (a relative, a neighbor, a spouse, a child) who is not allergic.
- Isolate the cat litter box by placing it in a closet, a corner of the house or outside.
- If you have a ventilation system or air conditioning system, change the filter regularly.
- Use a dehumidifier in summer and wash the filter regularly.
- Wash clothing and fabrics in hot water: it is more efficient to remove the allergens.

Other means
Put all the chances on your side. You can include.

- Ask your vet or your pet attendants advise you favorite food for animal moisturize his skin.
- And if you move, you know if the former occupant of the house had pets.

If you are thinking about getting a cat, be aware that they are responsible for two-thirds of allergies to animals, especially males. Opt for a female or a castrated animal. But remember: the element that causes the allergy comes from their saliva or urine. Cats and wash regularly.

Other methods

Of pet owners try various approaches to stop their allergy. However, so far.

- Immunotherapy has not given convincing results in a majority of cases.
- Desensitization is not necessarily effective.
- There is no animal hair that is 100% hypoallergenic.
- And for many, rats, hamsters and guinea pigs are not the ideal solution.

And medication

If you are allergic to animals, there are drugs that relieve the symptoms, but not eliminated. Some are effective in one powerful and less for the other.

- Consult a doctor, an allergist or pharmacist.
- Avoid test method / error using prescription drugs.
- Homeopathic treatments are sometimes effective, but not for all users.
- Please, avoid suggestions Sir or Madam All-the-world. You may be wrong.
- Think animal with smooth skin, such as iguanas or snakes, they do not discourage too.
- Some people are allergic to the hair, not feathers. A bird you satisfy it?
- And an aquarium, anyone?

Also note that if you do not have animal hair on the clothes of a colleague or a friend who has one can cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive.

If you are allergic to animals, you say that they are also victims of allergies to food, feathers, pollen or ragweed or dust mites. But do not worry, no dog, cat or bird was diagnosed allergic to humans ...

Regime Minçavie...

Minçavi program was developed in 1984 by Lyne Martineau, a Quebec mother of eight children. Disappointed restrictive diets, she wanted a way to eat well and still lose weight. It starts a bit like Weight Watchers, by organizing meetings of small groups. During the week, attendance grows from 10 to 30, then 50.

Demand is such that in 1986, Minçavi becomes a business. Animate groups of speakers that arise across Quebec. Dietitians and chefs add to the team over the years. The company now has 200 points of service located primarily in Quebec, but in Ontario and New Brunswick. Minçavi has also launched its range of food found in supermarkets in Quebec.

The promises of the regime

Based on Canada's Food Guide, Minçavi is a food program that is aimed at people who want to lose weight and those who want to learn to eat healthy. Since this is a program rich in protein and low in fat, menus kinds provide 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbohydrates.

Minçavi offers five programs, depending on gender, age, body mass index and physical activity level. If, after six weeks, a person loses more than two pounds per week, increasing its number of servings of certain food groups to slow weight loss.

The five programs

- Dynamic Program to 1400 cal per day
- Dynamic Program option to 1400 cal per day
- Programme energetic 1600 cal per day
- Active program to 1800 cal per day
- Programme muscled 2000 cal per day

Permitted and prohibited foods

Each program allows a specific number of servings of each food group in Canada. Under the program, the number of servings varies as follows:

- Grains: 3-7 servings
- Fruits: 3-6 servings
- Vegetables: unlimited (minimum 2 servings)
- Dairy: 2-4 servings
- Meat and Alternatives: 2 servings of 3 to 5 oz (85 g to 140 g) per meal plus a portion of an ounce (30g) for lunch only.
- Fat: 4-7 servings
- The focus is on the consumption of water, whole grain products, healthy fats, legumes. It also emphasizes quality food.
- The proposal is slightly modified in recent years. Today, no food is forbidden and no vegetable is rationed. It encourages participants enrolled in the program to listen to body signals, especially hunger.

Example of daily menu

- 1 apple muffin
- 60 g of low-fat cheese
- 125 ml of apple juice

- Yogurt

- Chicken and Rice
- Broccoli
- Cheese
- Peach Mousse

- Vegetables
- 45 ml of dressing

- Soup with lentils
- Flan maple flavored

For the
- Easy to follow, this system is ideal for a family who wants to adopt a healthy diet because its menus are balanced and adapt to social life. In fact, they can be taken both at home and in restaurants.
- Minçavi also selling prepared foods, it is easy to adopt at work or at home, for those who come later and do not have time to cook.
- The high protein intake and dietary fiber (from fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals) fills much hunger, thus eat less.
- The distribution of food intake into three meals and three snacks can better metabolize energy consumed.

The cons
It takes the number of servings.

Health risks and against-indications
None known.

In conclusion ...

A healthy and balanced diet, pleasant to follow and may even help prevent cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

Anti-aging foods...

Fight against aging, prevent degenerative diseases with certain foods, it is possible! Short list before you go shopping.

Free radicals
Discovered in the 80s, free radicals or oxidants are molecules toxic chemical (oxygen denatured) as aggressive as oxygen our cells on a nail new! They may have positive effects in destroying pathogens (germs).
But in excess, they are not eliminated by antioxidants, they have negative effects.
Researchers have demonstrated that free radicals can promote several diseases associated with aging such as senile dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or cataracts (clouding of the eye eye), but also diseases cardiovascular, rheumatic diseases ... And in addressing our genes, they can increase the risk of cancer.

Vitamins "tricky" free radicals
Vitamin E : Vegetable oils (corn, sunflower ...), whole grains, wheat germ, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, avocado), fish, some margarines, fruits and green leafy vegetables (leek, lettuce, watercress, cabbage, spinach ...). Vitamin E is the main lipid antioxidant. It is involved in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis (arterial disease). In addition, other vitamins and antioxidants work together in strengthening their effects, for example, vitamin C strengthens the power provided by the effect of vitamin E in promoting recycling.
Vitamin C : fruits (especially kiwi, blackcurrants, citrus) and vegetables (parsley, pepper, chives, watercress ...). It plays a beneficial role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cataracts. She has a strong protective effect against many cancers.
Beta-carotene (also called "provitamin A") : plant red or orange (carrot, melon, dried apricots, mango, peach, tomato, raw beetroot, broccoli). This vitamin is primarily to attack free radicals and prevents skin especially skin cancer.
Some studies have shown that a high concentration of beta-carotene in the blood was associated with a lower incidence of certain cancers (skin, lung). But high doses of beta-carotene (tablets) have an adverse effect on the risk of certain cancers.

Trace elements and micronutrients
Selenium : meat (offal), the Eggs, fish and seafood (especially mussels), whole grains, mushrooms (mushrooms in particular) and some vegetables (carrot). It plays a beneficial role in the prevention of cancers of the lung, colon, breast, bladder and prostate.

Polyphenols are partly responsible for the protective effect of vegetables against cancer and cardiovascular disease. This family includes:

Flavonoids : citrus fruits, leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, leeks ...), bays, isoflavones: soy (see note below), tannins: blackberries, raspberries, nuts, coffee, wine (a glass of wine each day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease) and tea (a cup of tea provides antioxidants as a plate of vegetables).

Soybeans, a food very feminine
By acting on receptors Estrogen, soy isoflavones act as hormones or anti-hormones as appropriate. This is why regular consumption of soy milk or tofu (soybean curd) prolongs the duration of two days of the menstrual cycle, reduces PMS, overcomes some of the deficits Estrogen after menopause and prevents hot heat.
Soybeans would also prevent hormone-dependent cancers (breast, uterus, ovary). Studies are underway to determine whether soy could replace hormone replacement therapy prescribed for menopause.

Food and energy

Without energy, no life. Our body does not escape this rule. The only source of energy is found in human food. Fortunately, eating is a nice strain meats, cheeses and vegetables are all varied enough to satisfy both the needs of the organization ... and give us pleasure.

Maintain his body
Eating and drinking is essential. No living being can survive without food. Neither plants nor animals nor men. Each meal provides the body with the elements it needs to grow and develop. In the body, this wonderful laboratory, food is sorted, processed, become somewhat builders or maintenance personnel. After many changes, that way they can maintain our bodies or make a part of our trillions of cells. Because they play their role and die after some time, the cells must indeed be constantly renewed. Thus, what we eat and drink becomes a part of ourselves.

A large energy consumer
Foods during processing, we also provide energy. This, in essence, the proper functioning of the body. Even a person in bed, completely inactive, requires a minimum amount of energy to stay alive.

In addition, the thermal energy regulates: it keeps the body at a good temperature - ideally 37 ° C - and helps fight against the cold or heat. It is also used during physical activity: the forced laborers, athletes consume a lot. After a long walk, a run, an afternoon full, we can even experience mild dizziness if we do not eat our peu.Tous acts require a certain amount of energy. It must be supplied to the body every day.

Different nutrients
All foods give us energy. But some contain more calories - a calorie expresses a certain amount of energy - while others tend to favor the cell renewal. Each food actually contains nutrients known nutrients, including effects on the body are different and complementary: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. No food alone does not contain all the nutrients it contains two or three, depending on varying amounts. So, bread brought mostly carbohydrates, vitamins vegetables, the meat proteins. To eat well, we must eat a little of everything. It is considered that the main food categories are indispensable meat or fish, vegetables or fruits, fats, sugars or grains, and finally dairy products.

Lipid champions calories
Lipids, in equal amounts, provide two times more calories than carbohydrates or protein.

These are essentially fat present in olive oil, butter, margarine, lard ... 100 g of olive oil, for example, provide 900 kcal, almost enough to satisfy the minimum energy needed for a child under six years. Meat, fish,? Eggs, dairy products also contain lipids. But beware! If lipids are essential because they allow the body to build up a reserve of energy and help to build cell membranes, they can also be harmful. In excessive doses, animal fats for example, can encourage the elderly artery disease.

Sugars and carbohydrates
For calories, carbs are just after lipids. However, there are two kinds of carbohydrates. Each present in simple sugars (sucrose), are assimilated directly and immediately turn calories. This explains a piece of sugar can help someone taken ill. Sugar is the only food fast acting energy. Other carbohydrates, called slow and complex, like all nutrients must be digested longer to be effective. They are found in legumes, tubers like potatoes, especially in cereals. Whether wheat, corn or rice, cereals are the main component of the meal in many countries.

Of protein for growth
Proteins are the last category of nutrients that give us energy. Including their calories help the body to fight against the cold. But that is not the primary function of these nutrients. Proteins are foremost source of protein, a major constituent of the human body. They play a major role in the growth and especially in the manufacture of certain essential substances, such as hormones or enzymes. They are especially recommended for children, adolescents or people recovering. Meat,? Eggs, fish, dairy products contain a lot. Most of the time, all these products are also rich in vitamins.