Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Seasonal Allergies...

Seasonal allergies poison the existence of many Canadians. One in four young adults will suffer during his life and symptoms persist in 15% of the population, nothing less.

The symptoms of seasonal allergies

If you're suffering from seasonal allergies (rhinitis), you certainly know that the unpleasant symptoms associated with it: runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing. In more serious cases, the victim has eyes red and swollen. Some develop a sinus infection and ear. In the worst cases, seasonal allergies can cause bronchitis and chronic asthma.

In most cases, you are dealing with a reaction to pollen. In the presence of this substance in suspension in the air, your immune system becomes hypersensitive and tries to fight the aggressor element in developing antibodies. This is when symptoms appear.

In some people, vegetable protein can also cause an allergic reaction, even in the absence of pollen.

The three periods of seasonal allergies

In Quebec, seasonal allergies occur during three periods. In early spring, the pollen that emerges from the bushes and trees, mostly maple, birch, poplar and oak, causes an allergic reaction. The pollen in the air travel usually in April or May, sometimes until early June in some areas farther north of the province. Your nose will flow in abundance.

A hot, dry spring, however, limits the duration of the discomfort due to this allergy. The best known of seasonal allergies, hay fever (or allergic rhinitis) usually lasts from June to October, with peaks in June and July (sectors). Grasses (family of Miscanthus and Panicum, especially, cereals and many ornamentals) are primarily responsible.

Ironically, many decorative grasses growing in popularity among gardeners and landscapers. Worse, the Department of Transportation conducted a study on the use of grass as a windbreak plant. That's what increase sales of Kleenex!

Finally, from June to September, ragweed and grass are also responsible for your allergies. Moreover, three out of four, allergic to grass pollen will be affected by ragweed. However, some develop an allergy to pollen one, that of ragweed or maple, for example.

Prevent seasonal allergies

It is possible to prevent these uncomfortable seasonal allergies observing some simple rules.

- The pollen is dissipated mainly between eight and noon. Whenever possible, avoid going outside during this period.
- The pollen travels especially during dry, windy days. Limit the length of your trips these days. If you must go out, do it early in the morning or late at night.
- Try to stay away from pollen-bearing trees.
- Make a special effort to control ragweed on your field and in your neighborhood. Enlist the help of your neighbors, if necessary.
- Avoid going out when your spouse, your teenager or your neighbor mows the lawn.
- In high allergy season, close the windows in your home.
- Use an air conditioner at home or in the car.
- Wear sunglasses if your eyes are affected.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Wash your hair every day. They hold the pollen.
- Choose the dryer to clothesline, if you are allergic.
- Go outside after a rain. Pollen usually remains on the ground.

Relieve seasonal allergies

Fortunately, there are various treatments and products to reduce or negate the symptoms of seasonal allergies. However, you will pay a few dollars.


For some, taking antihistamines is effective. These products over the counter in pharmacies, block the production of histamine, the substance that causes the allergy symptoms. All provide relief for most victims of allergic rhinitis.


Combined with antihistamines, decongestants syrup, tablets or sprays, reduce nasal swelling that accompanies allergic reactions. However, these products can cause rebound rhinitis - a tolerance to the drug - which is just as bad. So do not use these products for more than three consecutive days.

Nasal corticosteroids

If the counter medications are ineffective, you are probably suffering from rhinitis rhinitis. You should consult a health care professional. This will prescribe nasal corticosteroids. These products, spray injected directly into the nose, block the allergic reaction. However, they can irritate the lining.


Finally, antidégranulants available in spray or eye drops inhibit the release of histamine responsible for the allergic reaction.

Desensitization with seasonal allergies

You are patients? Consider then a desensitization treatment. A health care professional will inject increasing doses of allergens. Several studies confirm the efficacy of this treatment in one out of two. However, you will spend three to five years.


It is also possible to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies having surgery. The specialist then correct a deviated nasal septum, remove nasal polyps (similar to tiny clusters of white grapes). It also will drain the sinuses.


If you are considering acupuncture, know that clinical studies are contradictory. One of them, conducted on 40 people, allowed no significant results, while another 52 "guinea pigs" helped alleviate allergic symptoms.

Other solutions

You prefer alternative medicine? Treatment with Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) - a perennial herb of the family Asteraceae - gave good results in a clinical study in Switzerland. Homeopathic treatment based Galphimia glauca seems encouraging.

Similarly, quercetin (a flavonoid present in plants) could attenuate inflammatory reactions of allergic rhinitis. Clinical studies are underway.

Lyophilized extracts of nettle, consumption of bee pollen produced locally, hypnotherapy, Min Jie Tang (a decoction Chinese), or relaxation techniques, if the allergy is influenced by a high degree of stress, also bring relief to sufferers.

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