Breakfast is the main meal quick to prepare for the day. Although it is swallowed in less than 5 minutes, the meal is shunned by most Canadians. In fact, statistics confirm that fails half of lunch.
1. Peanut butter!
Did you know that the peanut is not a nut, but a legume? The latter is rich in protein, monounsaturated fats (good fats) and energy. That's why we draw the butter is found in this list.
Whether you opt for the Kraft Peanut Butter regular, light or natural peanut butter, remember that the nutrient values are practically the same, a tablespoon contain between 80 and 90 calories. What varies? The origin of the calories! These butters from Kraft peanut peanuts, oil and sugar that is added, while the natural butter, they come only from the legume.
2. Soy Butter
Depending on the variety, it has the same butter creamy or crunchy so popular peanut butter. The taste is different, however, because it is made from roasted soybeans. Rich in protein and fiber, soybeans make it a very interesting alternative to the famous toast in the morning!
My appreciation? As has always been a big fan of peanut butter, I admit I was somewhat reluctant at first tasting. By cons, when the second test, I had to face the fact that soy butter was ... almost as good as peanut butter!
3. Sugar-free jam
Spread ideal breakfast contains both protein to support body and a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Let's be honest, the jam does not meet these criteria. Is it to be avoided so far? Not necessarily. When I speak of variety on the menu, the jam can be part of a healthy diet. Varieties without added sugar, sweetened with sugar alcohol (fake sugar) obviously contain fewer calories than regular jams. These types of sugar have little or no impact on blood glucose levels, which is especially interesting for people with diabetes. By comparison, a variety with no added sugar provides around 20 calories and 4 grams of sugar while a regular jam contains about 50 calories and 11 grams of sugars.
4. Light cheeses
Cheese is certainly a healthy choice for our morning toast toppings in addition to being filled with flavor! You eat it as is or browned in the oven, it will certainly be a success. The cheese is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and unfortunately ... fat too.
To counter the problem, turn to light cheeses, those containing 20% fat or less. Cheese is a food may contain a good amount of sodium. While blues are richer in salt, Emmenthal cheese type are those that contain the least. Open your eyes!
5. Greaves light
Our famous greaves Quebec, we love you so much! Made primarily from pork, breadcrumbs and spices, they can be very high in fat. Indeed, 30 ml (2 tbsp.) Contain about 10 grams of fat, the equivalent of two small squares of butter.
For alternative health, lighter versions are interesting since they contain 50% less fat than traditional greaves, while retaining as much protein. To add variety to the menu, also try greaves poultry or veal company Norel. Apart from the taste, nutritional values are very similar to light greaves.
6. Commensal greaves plant
Okay, I admit it is not very sexy, but it is really good and very healthy! Made solely based on plant foods, they contain absolutely no saturated fat and trans fat, and no cholesterol. We thus find in the list of ingredients of foods like tofu. Ladies, do not shout loudly at home and I'm sure your people will not see the light!
7. Cottage cheese
When you feel like eating toast with cottage cheese, this desire must be absolutely satisfied, believe me. Made from milk, partly skimmed or skimmed, this cheese contains a high percentage of water and very little fat. Indeed, some have a body fat percentage between 1 and 2%, which is very little.
With its sweet and tangy, cottage cheese goes perfectly with fresh fruit. But it must be consumed in moderation, since serving contains 430 mg of sodium, or about 20% of the maximum recommended daily.
8. Apple butter
The term "butter" referring only to its creamy texture, this delicious spread does not contain absolutely no fat. It is actually a mixture of apples and a hint of apple juice. As well as the jam, butter does not contain enough protein to sustain you for a long time. Never mind, accompany your roast a small pot of yogurt or a piece of cheese and voila!
9. Eggs
Two eggs, two slices of toast, s.v.p.! Toast and eggs are a classic. Lunch rush? They take only minutes to cook. It is wrong to think that eggs are foods to avoid because of their cholesterol content. Did you know that in the healthy population, cholesterol from foods has little effect on blood cholesterol? They can be eaten in moderation, and without adverse effects on blood cholesterol. Eggs are also an excellent substitute for meat proteins since they contain are of very good quality.
10. Peanut butter blended with rich dark chocolate Peanut Butter & Co
For fans of Nutella, here is a healthier alternative and equally chocolate! Adding cocoa butter and cocoa peanuts, you get a peanut butter chocolate that will appeal to children for sure!
Nutritional values are also very similar to those of typical peanut butter, much to my surprise. It does not contain more calories, more fat and not much protein. The only difference is found in sugar, the peanut butter chocolate contains in equal portion, 7 g compared to 2 g peanut butter. To try it!
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