Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Sport and fatigue..

When you feel tired, you do not really feel like doing hard physical. However, it seems that to move a little we could energize rather than just more tired!

Different types of fatigue: general fatigue, muscle fatigue

It is first necessary to distinguish between the general fatigue of muscle fatigue.

General fatigue: it is characterized by a lack of energy, and does not necessarily follow a particular effort. Stress, lack of sleep, certain diseases, poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle can help induce a state of general fatigue.

Muscle fatigue: it occurs after physical exertion. Suffers when it was difficult to move, or at least to perform certain movements. It is against the general fatigue that sport can be useful. When suffering from muscle fatigue, the key is to relax.

Sport gives energy

The famous neurotransmitter that the body produces during physical exertion are beneficial when it comes to overcoming fatigue. Indeed, endorphins and serotonin have an effect on mood and stress, among others. These two factors contribute significantly to play on your energy level. If you attack it by moving a little, you'll be less tired.

Sport promotes better sleep

Helping you sleep better, sport, in turn, allows you to fight against fatigue. Sport indeed regulates the internal clock, thus promoting regular and restful sleep. Also its effect on the stress mentioned above, contributes to better sleep. Be careful, however, not intense physical activity less than three hours before going to sleep!

A virtuous circle

If you're tired and you put in the sport, you'll soon be less tired. But be patient, it may take about a fatigue less disappear. This new energy will inspire you to do more exercise again, and you will find it easier to make the necessary efforts. Simply careful not to go beyond your abilities! It is estimated that a majority of people practice a half hour or an hour of sport per day is ideal.

Even more benefits if you play outside!

During the winter, fatigue affects many people. The lack of natural light is often to blame, at least in part. This is why practicing physical activity outside, you will kill two birds with one stone! Dress warmly and go for a walk, a snowshoeing, hiking in ski or skate on a lake. Of course there must be motivated to overcome the cold and fatigue, but the benefits will be such that you will not regret it!

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