You can add another affective syndrome directory psychological disorders! Or at least that's what the doctor says Steven Bratman, orthorexia fearing that food has become the new plight of modern times. I must say that the phenomenon of "healthy eating" is pervasive in our society that promotes food hygiene. To rely on numerous books and broadcast messages about healthy eating, we would never have been so well fed!
Orthorexia is a term that comes from the Greek "ortho" for all that is right and proper, and "existing" for the appetite. It is an excessive concern with respect to food that looks like anorexia, but does not have the same issues. The orthorexic a morbid fixation on food quality, whereas anorexic is troubled by the amount of food. However, orthorexia and anorexia are similarly related to the notion of deprivation, food control and sacrifice. In orthorexia, eating less nutritious food is accompanied by compensatory methods such as fasting or strict diet.
Although not yet officially recognized by the medical community as a psychological disorder, orthorexia affects 1% of the Quebec population, especially adult women. You may know people who eat extremely well, never deviate? Is not it true that too much attention is not better?
How orthorexics think?
Instead of making their life more beautiful, orthorexics will greatly complicate almost religiously adhering to countless theories food. Seen in orthorexia personal identification through food and a sense of perfect health, to the extent we can control the quality of food consumed.
That live orthorexics ...
If you have orthorexia, you will be invaded with thoughts of healthy food to such an extent that your relationships with others suffer. The fact of wanting to control everything on your plate can complicate the sharing and appreciation of food with others. You possibly eliminated meat and dairy products from your diet, and perhaps refuse to touch artificial sugars or foods not organic. You feel that you toxic poison and harm your health. Avoiding many foods unfit for consumption, you are compromising your dietary variety and you risk nutritional deficiencies. Thinking to do well, you do the opposite!
How to cope or help a loved one get away?
1. Firstly, we need to identify unhealthy behaviors, which is not easy because of the desire to eat well is perceived positively. Some questions you can ask yourself:
- The nutritional value of meals happening before it the pleasure of the taste?
- Do you feel guilty when you breach your principles food?
- Analyze you constantly while you eat?
- You feel guilty and you are filled with remorse after eating most of your meals?
- Do you wake up at night to analyze the meals that you have taken the night?
2. To get help, it is advisable to consult a psychologist to identify the fears and symptoms and find solutions;
3. Finally, the overall health depends on all lifestyle (the refusal of tobacco, alcohol moderation, proper sleep and exercise ...)
The word hunger
Remember that absolutely must be a balance between the nutritional quality and the pleasure of eating. Insofar as you exercise restraint, a fry and a soda from time to time will do you no harm and will not reduce your life expectancy. Anyway, when to eat becomes an obsession, it is not at all healthy.
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