Here are some solutions that can help!! 


7 secrets to successfully lose weight in 2013..

7 secrets to successfully lose weight in 2013
Losing weight is probably on the list of resolutions to each New Year's Day. But what is the best way to eliminate pounds once past holiday season? Here are some tips to help you successfully lose weight after the holidays.

1. eat regularly

"Skip meals can have a negative impact on your metabolism," says Aviva Allen, a nutritionist in Toronto. Your body may begin to set aside additional fat, other missing meals anticipation. Instead of eating less, take snacks and smaller, more nutritious meals ideally every three hours, and try not to eat after 19 hours, when your metabolism is slowing.

2. Reduce your portions

Simple obvious: eat less and lose weight. It is a fact that over the last 50 years, restaurant portions have become very large and our waistlines followed accordingly. We have become accustomed to eating larger at the expense of our health portions.

To break the habit, use smaller plates for your meals. Less space on the plate automatically mean portion control. And when you order or buy high-calorie foods, choose smaller portions.

3. Eliminate crash diets

Regimes tend to make you see food as the enemy and not as a source of nutrition and wellness. Diets yo-yo effect, characterized by continuity of gains and losses of weight are harmful to health. If you decrease your food intake suddenly, your body which aims to decrease the survival rate of metabolism in order to make energy supplies more efficiently. This explains why people who diet need snacks like chocolate, a quick energy boost, and why weight loss slows significantly after the first week.

4. Do not rush your meal

Eat slowly. Sometimes you almost half an hour for the brain to realize the stomach is full. Do not eat too fast: this is the main reason why we eat too much. Always place the fork between bites.

5. Change the look of your kitchen

Inspect your refrigerator: what do you see? Two jars of mayonnaise and leftover cheese and several containers of sweet condiments? Open cabinets: what is the state of play in terms of cookies and crackers? Honestly evaluate what you keep on hand. If there are still chips, you eat them. If you keep goldfish crackers for children, you can be sure they will not be the only beneficiaries. Get rid of anything that is a temptation or away from your goal of losing weight. Be ruthless. Give a food bank all or canned unopened.

6. Count calories, even if you're exercising

"The day does not have enough hours to burn all the calories of a Happy Meal," says Dr. Arya Sharma, president of the Research Chair on Obesity and cardiovascular disease at the University of Alberta.

Exercise has countless health benefits. It helps to maintain a low weight by developing your muscles and giving you a better body image. But to lose weight permanently, reducing caloric intake remains the solution to follow, says Dr. Sharma.

If you are embarrassed to count your calories, Jessica Bedge, Vancouver registered dietitian, gives this advice: "As trite as it may sound, you can not go wrong with Canada's Food Guide. I prefer that people take into account the size of the recommended servings, rather than the number of calories. "

To keep your weight down, it suggests that 80% of the daily caloric intake comes recommended by the Food Guide. It is 20% for treats like cookies, chips and drinks. "This is the equivalent of a small dessert every day," she says.

7. Know why you overeat

Reflecting, can you find out what caused you to overeat in the past? It is important to understand if you want to eat when you are stressed or when you are looking for comfort.

Sometimes, triggers overeating are hormonal. For example, hormonal changes produced by PMS can give women cravings salty or sweet. Another factor may be the mood. "The typical example is depression, says Dr. David Lau, president of Obesity Canada. When a person is depressed, it can become physically inactive. And in a bad way, she turns to an element that could comfort her, and very often it can become addicted to food. "

                                                                  good luck to all!

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