The Paleolithic diet was not "invented" it is what early humans ate. Since 1985, it has been revived today by an American physician, Dr. Eaton, who correspond to the ideal diet of our ancestors of the Stone Age.
According to Dr. Eaton is our genes that détermineraint our nutritional needs. But we have about 0.02% of the same genes as our prehistoric ancestors. Therefore, the power of this time we should altogether. The Paleolithic diet is one of the low-carbohydrate diets: it completely eliminates dairy products and cereals (including bread). It includes only 20% to 40% carbohydrates, and 20% to 35% protein, and 30% to 45% fat. With this scheme, it is not necessary to count the grams of carbs or even calories. The main rule is to stop eating when we are full. This diet would facilitate weight loss, protect cardiovascular disease, cancer and promote good digestion.
Foods allowed
Lean meats, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, fruits and vegetables low in starch, nuts and seeds
Foods to eat in moderation
Cold pressed oils, avocados, tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, dried fruits
Remove food
Grain products, legumes, dairy products, processed or canned starchy vegetables (potato, cassava, yam, etc.)., Fatty meats, salty foods, sugar, soft drinks
Translation According to the theory, it is possible to grant a weekly, two or three meals that include foods "unapproved" these differences facilitate the adoption of this new lifestyle.
A knowledge
The Paleolithic diet does not correspond to what our ancestors ate all. It seems that some are more herbivores than carnivores.
Typical Day Breakfast
orange, salmon with herbs, nuts
salad with many vegetables, based dressing of olive oil and lemon juice, white turkey, almonds and raspberries
veal cutlet with vegetables, melon and sunflower seeds
During the first six months, such a diet can lead to weight loss a little larger than a traditional diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates. However, after six months, subjects exposed to this low carb diet tend to regain more weight than those following a low fat diet.
This diet recommends eating a lot of protein, which quickly gives the feeling of satiety. This type of diet can be followed everywhere as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, seafood, fruits and vegetables are readily available foods.
The Paleolithic diet can meet all our nutritional needs (except vitamin D), but its monotony makes it impractical in the long term. This scheme requires a lot of discipline and control. This diet can induce yo-yo effect due to the rapid weight loss in the first two weeks. Attention to deficiencies and nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiency is expected in the short term. It will then compensate by taking supplements.
Always consult a doctor before starting a diet.
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