Here are some solutions that can help!! 


How to fight against insomnia?

They should be remedial, they are ultimately stressful and tiring. Sleepless nights, far from being easy, is the nightmare of millions of French.

You are overworked, tired of your day, yet at night you can not find sleep. Your nights are short, hangovers and you only see the tip more. Begins the long battle against insomnia, sore sometimes difficult to identify and treat. Contrary to popular belief, the miracle cure does not necessarily form a box of sleeping pills.

Why I do not sleep?

We are more than 10 million in France suffer from sleep disorders and the reasons are many. Sleep imbalance may be the result of intense activity at work. You think too many things at once, you multiply the tasks that cause you stress, you think of going to bed. You become overactive and you compensate fatigue activity.

Anxiety also causes sleep disorders. Its products include cortisol, a hormone that mobilizes completely in times of stress and keeps you awake. Other causes of insomnia: depression, painful, stressful and noisy environment, daily sleepiness in transport, which extend naps, poor diet rich in fats and sugars ...

This is a serious doctor?

Untreated insomnia can become very disabling daily. When problems are common, they can cause mood swings, nervous states and interfere with personal life. Do not let bad move!

If you feel that you are not in your normal state and that lack of sleep affects your business, consult a specialist who will help you overcome this chronic insomnia and will offer you various treatments. If symptoms are temporary (acute insomnia), a balanced diet, herbal or adjunctive therapies will solve the problem.


Contrary to popular belief, sleeping pills are not a miracle cure. Until they grab the box of sleeping pills, consult a doctor and ask for advice. Never take drugs to someone else and above all, beware of abuse and blends! Sleeping pills can cause addiction and worse.

Treatments softer, like acupuncture, can be considered. This medicine came from China aims to make energy circulate again without bottling to find sleep. In other words, the acupuncturist will try to find the place where evil lurks to rebalance energies.

Light therapy is also used against insomnia. It consists in using the virtues of light to find a balance. Used in several sleep centers, light therapy can help people whose internal clock is out of adjustment. A disorder caused by two phases: the phase advance and phase delay. In the case of the first, people will fall asleep early in the evening and wake up before dawn, around 3 or 4 in the morning. In the second, they fall asleep later at night and wake up with difficulty, experiencing heavy fatigue that prevents them from properly start a day. Light therapy intervenes to reset the biological clock reminding the body striking the two phases: during the day and night.

The principle of this light therapy: expose themselves faced with a special lamp that mimics natural daylight to balance circadian rhythms (which tell us to sleep at night and be awake during the day). Light therapy is used especially by night workers whose rhythm is disrupted.

Sometimes a few simple daily actions can get better: avoid scheduling too many variables, frequent consumption of coffee or overcome the urge to spend hours watching television before bedtime. Herbal teas containing valerian or lavender oil to drop on the pillow before bedtime is also recommended. Passionflower is also very good to overcome a period of intense stress, such as during exam periods.

Women are more concerned

Women are more prone to insomnia than men because they undergo more hormonal disorders. Rules, menopause, pregnancy, pill ... Many changes in a woman's life that can cause sleep disorders. Pregnant women or young mothers whose sleep is disturbed by a newborn are often involved.

People aged 60 and older with a chronic illness (asthma, heart failure ...), having digestive problems or tinnitus sufferers are also potential victims of insomnia.

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