"For the victims of tendonitis, treatment options are limited to rest and anti-inflammatories, says Dr. Jacqueline Jan, sports doctor in Rennes. This is why it is better to focus on prevention, especially since there is much to do. Already in the takeover of a sport years after quitting, do not expect to find its former level of performance, but take a much lower level. And even if we once mastered the technique, it is better to take classes with a qualified teacher, because the body has changed and no longer supports the same range of motion. Without these precautions, tennis becomes provider tendonitis of the shoulder and elbow. Golf, pain in the spine and tendonitis of the elbow for those who play a lot. "Anyway, when tendonitis occurs, the culprits are easily identifiable" bad gestures, inappropriate equipment or misuse of this equipment are the main causes. There are others, such as the failure to sufficiently hydrated during exercise or have a dental abscess (it is a source of inflammation in the body), "says Dr. Chaory (Stade Rennais).
Gestures impeccable
Since tendons like neither the immobility nor excessive, the ideal is to seek different muscles and tendons. "Some sports such as Nordic walking has the wind in its sails, because it is full of sports. Must still acquire the right thing, otherwise the tendons of the shoulders and elbows may suffer if the technical staff is poorly managed, says Dr. Jan. Conversely, when you practice a sport that always work the same muscles, it is essential to complete with other activities such as hiking, biking, jogging, gymnastics room, dance and / or swimming etc.., while having fun and without seeking performance at any price. "
Having a professor of sport, it is also the best way to meet a good progression in the realization of the exercise. To acquire technical building musculotendinous that will allow progress without forcing. And learn what stretches are useful for promoting a good recovery. "This escalation is even more important that the" Achilles heel "of some athletes is their heart, says Prof. François Carré (service functional explorations, CHU Rennes). Practice a sport in poor conditions multiplied by five the risk of triggering an arrhythmia in the atria. Thus, the excess is the enemy of good. "
And to those who would not listen to this common sense advice, arguing that the champions, they are able to do so much more without tiring their body, Pr Carré explains that this is true, but "the champion, he does just that and that to achieve such a level, it took years." Opinion shared by Dr. Chaory concludes: "If the sports highest level almost never do tendinitis, is that there is a reason: their gestures is impeccable, they are building muscle-tendon and stretching post -drives. Finally, they are very well monitored nutritional and usually have a healthy life. "
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