What are the roles of a dietician?
Trades dietician and nutritionist often confusing, it is wise to know the difference. Even if there are two health professionals, training followed by a dietician and a nutritionist are not the same. The nutritionist is a doctor degree in nutrition while dietitian followed paramedic training. In terms clear, the dietician is an expert in nutrition. While working on his own account, the dietician is often work with other professionals or health assistants. It provides academic and scientific knowledge to provide nutritional advice to a patient and on prescription from his doctor. Provide care and dietary nutrition education are among his vocation.
While not being a doctor, dietician plays a fundamental role in the prevention of diseases caused by nutrition. Not only does it intervenes in the hospital but also in the middle of the food industry. These skills allow him to participate in research work on food derivatives or to develop a communication campaign for consumers. If your diet will pose some problems, do not hesitate to consult a dietician. The latter will do everything possible so that you can regain your energy. Know that the contact is an important step. It helps to establish trust between the patient and dietician.
In which case consult a dietician?
The reasons to consult a dietician differ from one person to another. It can be real problems related to poor nutrition or a simple attack of hypochondria. Most of the time, dieticians provide psychological support. However, the most common reasons are as follows. Globally, overweight is fast becoming a scourge. Many people affected by this new form of illness want to start a diet but do not really know how to do it. It is in this case it would use the services of a dietician. If your body mass index exceeds 30 bar, do not panic and do not starve yourself. Deprivation should not be in a transient pulse.
Pregnant women are required to consult a dietician because pregnancy upsets the nutritional balance. Poor nutrition during this stage could cause some serious consequences on the health of the mother but also that of her unborn child. The feeding program recommended by the dietician designed to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and baby. The key is to eat better. If you own a restaurant or a chain of fast food, do not hesitate to see a dietician if you want to have a balanced diet. As the current trend is organic food and balanced, do not be afraid to fetch the advice of these experts in nutrition.
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