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diet for low carbs- 3 Myths and Facts About Carbohydrates

diet for low carbs
  Diets low levels of carbohydrates should be avoided. Find out why they are not necessarily good for you.

Based on the limited carbohydrate intake systems are based on the same basic carbohydrates create a rise in blood sugar because they provide a large amount of glucose, the preferred fuel of the body. When glucose levels rise, the pancreas secretes insulin, which leads cells to store sugar.

Proponents of low-carb argue that a diet low in carbohydrates facilitates weight loss because a low rate and constant glucose regulates hunger and decreases cravings. Following the low-carb theory is also subject to controversy.

His supporters argue that such schemes also alter metabolism: the body, lack of carbohydrates, would turn to fat and muscle to produce the energy required for its operation, the idea being that it is possible and the body to store calories and turn into fat. Is this really the case?

These diets work ... at the beginning. Weight loss is fast because the restriction of carbohydrates empty glycogen stores, causing a large water removal. It loses mostly water. Many nutritionists point out, however, that this type of weight loss simply follows the rule number one in power: if you consume fewer calories, you lose weight. On burning fat generate substances called ketones. However, when adopting a diet low in carbohydrates, it produces more ketones, which can decrease appetite. However, a constant high levels of ketones eventually deplete bone mineral inventory, resulting in fragile bones. Here's what else we know.

diet for low carbs- This has been demonstrated

Many studies have attempted to compare the results of low-carb diets with other plans, including those that are low in fat. It has been shown that in terms of weight loss over a period of 6 months, the two types of plans is worth. Nevertheless, the promise of low-carb diet for a metabolic change does not seem viable, especially in the long term. An experiment was conducted in the United States on a sample of 2,681 people who have lost weight successfully and having managed to maintain a weight loss of at least 13.5 kg for 1 year or more. Only 1% of them had followed a diet low in carbohydrates ...

diet for low carbs- 1. Very few carbs, too much fat

The Dr. Atkins diet, the oldest low-carb diets, allows only 20 g of carbohydrates per day in its attack phase, which eliminates most grains, fruits, potatoes and other starchy vegetables , rice and pasta. Meanwhile, large amounts of meat (beef, pork, chicken), eggs and butter are allowed. These saturated fats contribute to threaten the heart by increasing the levels of LDL cholesterol, even though the body is deprived of antioxidants that protect the arteries. These carb diets are also rich in protein, which is a threat to people with diabetes, unnecessary proteins to be eliminated by the kidneys.

diet for low carbs- 2. Low carb does not mean low calories

Many products specially designed for low carb undermine the efforts of a diet because they contain much - if not more - calories than their regular versions. Many people also contain more fat. A product "sugar free" or "low carb" is therefore not necessarily lose weight. Remember to "lighten" a product, the manufacturer must add other substances to preserve the taste, texture and volume.

diet for low carbs- 3. The low-carb junk food is junk food

Also, do not think that eating a product labeled "low-carb" diet is a better choice than fruit. You will doubly wrong: you deprive your body of many nutrients and fiber good for the heart and you will eat too much "empty" calories.

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