Here are some solutions that can help!! 


diet beach: melt your pounds in two weeks!

diet beach

To lose weight......

The breakfasts that dieting are always made in the same way:  (to lose weight loss)

- 1 drink (tea or coffee) without sugar or sweetened
- 2-3 slices of bread (whole rye sound)
- 1 knob of butter (reduced or not)
- 1 dairy product yogurt, bowl of milk or cheese
- 1 fresh fruit of your choice or a small glass of 100% juice

Here is the structure of food lunches:    (to lose weight)

- An entry of crudeness (s) of your choice + 1 light vinaigrette
- 150g of lean meat, fish or eggs 3
- 250g of cooked vegetables
- 1 milk lean
- 1 fresh fruit choice

Examples lunches for that dieting:    (diet beach)

- Carpaccio mushrooms Paris
- Lemon Vinaigrette
- Grilled salmon en papillote
- Provencal Tomatoes
- 1 quark
- 2 kiwis

Now comes the food structure dinners:   (diet beach)

- Optional input rawness (s) of your choice + 1 light vinaigrette
- 100g of lean meat, fish or 2 eggs
- 250g of cooked vegetables
- 1 milk lean
- 1 fresh fruit choice

Examples of dinners for that dieting:  (diet beach)

- 2 slices of ham
- Vegetable Curry
- 2 chipmunks
- Grape

- Omelette with chives
- Braised Endive with mushrooms of Paris
- 1 quark
- 1 apple

Finally, here are some tips: (diet beach)

- Make water your main drink! Take your small bottle everywhere to drink regularly throughout the day. And remember that a can of soda contains the equivalent of about seven pieces of sugar! So if you want to authorize an occasional soda, always prefer the "light".

An urge to snack? Hop, reflex glass of water! If you prepare a good tea without sucre.always peckish? Prefer a fruit or dairy or lean excellent "appetite suppressant" hard-boiled eggs.

A difference? Do not panic, this is compensatable: do yourself a nice plate of vegetables, a white omelette (no yellow) and lean dairy at the next meal.

                                  So, are you ready to drive your weight for good? It's gone!

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