Here are some solutions that can help!! 


diet beach- The fiber diet..

diet beach

Finally, the fibers tend to reduce the absorption of fats in foods: fiber and fat are mixed in the food bowl, which facilitates their removal. diet beach

In fact, there are two types of fiber: soluble fiber which, when mixed with water will act as a gel (apples, strawberries ...) rich in pectin, and insoluble fiber (bran, cereals, vegetables, fruits ...). diet beach

But be careful as to possible deficiencies: it is important not to ban certain nutrients (proteins, lipids), and continue to eat meat, starch, some fats ... diet beach diet body beach

Where can you find fiber? diet beach diet body beach diet body beach

The fibers are present in all plant products: fruits, vegetables, grains. diet beach

The most high fiber foods are legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans), followed by whole grains (buckwheat, rice, rye, barley, wheat ...) and dried fruit (dates, dried apricots, prunes, figs) and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, olives, almonds ...). diet beach

The type menu  diet beach diet south beach

- Breakfast: 1 large bowl of cereal without sugar, drizzled with milk. diet beach
- Lunch: 1 salad dressing seasoned with vegetables, chicken fillet with endive drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice, 1 yogurt, 1 slice of bread.  diet beach
- Taste: 1 fruit (apple).
- Dinner: 1 fish fillet accompanied by leeks in butter, 1 serving of cheese, 1 slice of bread.
- In the evening: 1 fruit. diet south beach

You can change from time to time the bowl of cereal with 3 slices of wholemeal bread with cheese. Chicken and fish can be replaced with the meat of your choice, with the sauce of your choice (not too oily). diet beach

Some tips diet beach diet south beach

If you're not used to eating fiber, be sure to gradually introduce into your diet. This prevents crises diarrhea or bloating. For the same reasons, it is best not to follow this diet over a long period, long-term, such a diet may indeed manhandle your intestines. diet beach

If you do not have a weight problem, but would only improve your digestion, add the daily menu the following foods: whole wheat bread, fruit dessert, a plate of raw vegetables, green vegetables, yoghurt. diet beach

In general, choose the complete products refined products: equal weight, a diet rich in fiber is less caloric than its transformed. You can also do half / half: for cakes, for example, replace half the flour with whole wheat flour. diet south beach

Just to clarify a product labeled "high fiber" contains at least 6g of fiber per 100g or 3g of fiber per 100 kcal. diet south beach

Limit plans

In most cases, the "plan" per se are not recommended by nutritionists when you want to lose weight. Because the diet is generally followed for a relatively short time ... then gradually the person finds his old eating habits. Moreover, the body being caloric restriction will begin to "save" his caloric expenditure ... After some time, the risk is an increase in weight. This is called the yo-yo effect (weight loss, weight gain). diet south beach

In fact, if overweight, a dietary point of view, it is recommended primarily to change some eating habits and stick to it, avoiding to engage in dieting. In addition, regular physical activity is recommended. The goal must be reasonable, but met! Already lost 10% of its initial weight is considered a good result by nutritionists, and especially it will help to reduce the health risks associated with being overweight. diet south beach

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