Here are some solutions that can help!! 


5 dangers of diet without carbohydrates...

diet south beach

If poor carb diets have fallen out of favor is that, in the long term, they are not good for health. Here's what you could if you decide to undertake the scheme.  (diet beach) 

1. You will feel bad.   (diet beach)   (diet south beach) 

In the first phase of this type of diet, almost all carbohydrates are banned. You do not consume the equivalent of 20 g per day, less than 100 calories. In a diet of 1200 calories, this represents only 12%, while experts recommend that carbohydrates account for 45-65% of caloric intake. When carbohydrate intake falls below 100 g, the body responds by burning muscle tissue to get the glycogen (stored glucose) in it. When glycogen stores are depleted, he then attacks the adipose tissue, particularly ineffective method to produce blood glucose. The human body also uses it when absolutely necessary (when hungry, for example), and for a very good reason: the transformation of fat into glucose leads to the production of ketones, byproducts that cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches and nausea. It is true that we have less of an appetite when you feel miserable, but it's certainly not the best way to lose weight.   (diet beach) 

In addition, no carbs, it's hard to concentrate. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the human brain needs at least 130 g of carbohydrates per day to function at its best.    (diet beach)    (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

2. Your health can suffer.    (diet beach)    (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

If you are overweight or obese and suffer from insulin resistance (especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic), a significant decrease your carbohydrate intake can bring you immediate benefits: your blood sugar and insulin levels decline, your triglycerides and your blood pressure may drop while your good cholesterol (HDL) could rise.   (diet beach) 

But there is a price to pay: when the body uses muscle tissue to produce energy, it must burn a lot of calories and, therefore, the metabolism slows down. This is why you gained weight after having banished carbohydrates for a while.    (diet beach)    (diet south beach) 

Your heart may also be affected, especially if you follow a diet high in saturated fats, as these diets often advocate. At high doses, steak and bacon make up the bad cholesterol (LDL) and, if the diet is low in vegetables, homocysteine​​, an amino acid that increases the risk of heart disease. Besides, to get rid of ketones, the kidneys must work harder, which increases the risk of kidney stones.   (diet beach)    (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

Ironically, the poor carb diets may decrease insulin sensitivity: it is possible that the production of insulin by the pancreas requires a certain amount of carbohydrates.   (diet beach) 

3. You will be "missing".   (diet beach)   (diet south beach)   (diet south beach) 

Not only will you live evil the absence of bread, fruit and lots of other good things, but your body is deprived of food and nutrients essential to health, including:    (diet beach) 

• Whole grains. They protect against metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, cerebral vascular accident (stroke) and cancer.    (diet beach)  (diet beach)   (diet south beach)

• Fruits and vegetables. They protect against heart disease, stroke and some cancers. They give a feeling of satiety while being low in calories, which, as shown by studies, helps to lose weight or stay thin.     (diet beach)   (diet beach)    (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

• Legumes. Rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, B vitamins and soluble fiber, they are also devoid of saturated fat. As a bonus, they contain chemicals that protect against heart disease and cancer.  
 (diet beach)    (diet beach)   (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

• low-fat dairy products. These diets allow the butter and cream, but you will not draw a lot of calcium or protein, whereas, on the other hand, milk and lean yogurt are excellent sources.

• Fibers. Apart from dairy products, all of these foods provide fiber, which protect against heart disease and diabetes. Legumes, fruits and vegetables are rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood sugar and LDL cholesterol, as well as stave off hunger.  (diet beach)    (diet beach) 

• Vitamins, minerals and protective phytonutrients. Whole grains are rich in compounds such as lignans, which regardless of their effects on blood sugar, may protect against diabetes. In addition, the lack of fruits and vegetables, you can hardly expect to earn its enough supply of vitamin C and other antioxidants useful.   (diet beach)    (diet beach) 

4. Too bad fats.   (diet beach)   (diet beach)   (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

If the Atkins diet was so popular in part because it allowed to consume foods that other diets forbid, for example cheeseburger (without the bread). In its most recent version, it is as similar diets, a better place to healthier fats, such as fish and olive oil, but in fact, if you ban the bread, fruit and legumes, you will be taken to consume more than your share of fatty animal products. We must eat something, right?    (diet beach)   (diet beach)

Diets rich in saturated fat (up to 26% of calories in the Atkins diet against the 10% or less as recommended by the experts) are not good for health as they are to mount the bad cholesterol (LDL). It is true that in its latest version, the Atkins diet focuses on lean poultry and seafood, but the fact remains that many people undertake it in order to eat butter and bacon at will .

By negatively influencing the response of the body to insulin, saturated fats may promote insulin resistance and, therefore, lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. We must therefore think twice before embarking on a diet low in carbohydrates and high in saturated fat.

5. You will take the weight.     (diet beach)   (diet south beach)  (diet body beach)

In two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, have been observed in obese men and women who followed either a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat, a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates. Both were low-calorie.    (diet south beach)    (diet south beach) 

In the first study, which lasted six months, the low carb diet seemed to give better results than the other. Those who followed had lost 6 kg (13 lb), while those who followed the low-fat diet had lost only 2 kg (4 lb). But in the second study, which lasted six more months, it was found that people who followed a low-carb diet had actually lost more weight than the others after the first six months, but they had taken the weight in the last six months. At the end of the year, there was no difference between the two groups. In short, the very poor carb diets are not effective in the long term, which could explain why they are no longer popular.

                                                               good luck to all !!!

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