Here are some solutions that can help!! 


4 Foods for a flat stomach naturally...

You can eat as much of these foods you like without fear of gaining weight. (diet body beach)

What foods help to keep a flat stomach   (diet beach )

First, be reassured foods on this list are delicious. The four features that make your allies in your quest for thinness:  (diet body beach)
• They are so low in calories that you can take at will.   (diet beach) 
• They are very nutritious.    (diet south beach)
• They feel full, it has less of an appetite for desserts or other high-calorie foods.   (diet south beach)
• Prepared creatively they satisfy your craving for treats. An example: raspberries in yogurt sauce with brown sugar and Grand Mariner. Not bad, right?    (diet south beach)

Leafy   (diet beach)

Calories: about 60 per cup (250 ml).      (diet south beach)
Nutrients: kale, collards, chard and other dark green vegetables are nutritious and low calorie. Experts believe that they are part of the most healthiest foods. They are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  (diet beach)
Danger: leafy vegetables offered at the restaurant are often served with amount of butter, bacon or cheese. Limit your intake of these extras.     (diet south beach)
Suggestions: chop them and let them simmer in the low-sodium broth, with chopped onions, a few drops of vinegar and lots of pepper. This is an excellent soup. You can also blow up, but go easy on the oil.    (diet beach)

Lean natural yogurt     (diet beach)

Calories: about 80 ¾ cup (180 ml).
Nutrients: Yogurt is rich in calcium and vitamin B. It is also an excellent source of protein: a portion ¾ cup provides 9 g.   (diet beach)
Danger: If the yogurt is an almost perfect food, this is not the case of one who is flavored. Sugar adds that he can raise the calorie count, as well as blood sugar. Sugar substitutes are less caloric, but do still vigilant: some artificial sweeteners have health risks.    (diet south beach)
Suggestions: buy plain yogurt and prime it with the healthy ingredients of your choice: granola, dark chocolate chips or cocoa, a spoonful of jam or crushed fruit. This is also a good substitute for mayonnaise salad dressings and other dishes. You can make a fabulous dessert sauce simply by mixing it with a little brown sugar and Grand Mariner.   (diet beach)

salsa      (diet beach)  (diet body beach)

Calories: five per tablespoon (15 ml) or about 80 per cup (250 ml).    (diet beach)
Nutrients: when it is free of chemicals and preservatives, salsa could not be more healthy: no saturated fat, high in fiber and a good mix of vitamins and minerals.   (diet beach)
Danger: salsas trade can be very high in sodium. However, the real danger is the products with which it is consumed. For example, if you take it with tons of corn chips, then you eat too much calories.     (diet beach)
Suggestions: use it instead of rich sauces and fat calories. For example, to garnish your chicken breasts, your potatoes, pasta and your pigs. Or, add in spaghetti sauces, soups or stews, or in place of mayonnaise in wraps. If you like spicy food, you will reap another benefit: you will burn more calories and eat more slowly.    (diet beach)

                                                                   good luck to all !!!

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