Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Tricks and tools to feel good about yourself...

If being healthy body helps to combat stress, to be completely at peace with himself, he must also be right in the head. Two techniques for light spirit.

Find a good sleep pattern. Throughout the summer, we went to bed later, they chained the lazy mornings and was sometimes assigned to the call of the nap. Result, when we returned from vacation, our sleep pattern is totally out of touch. We must learn to sleep early to get a sufficient rest time because now rises earlier also. Our advice to facilitate sleep:

- Going to bed every night at the same time. Waking up every day at the same time can also help. Must find its good sleep pattern.

- Do not go to bed if you do not sleep. But if you start to feel signs of fatigue, go to bed right away and not fight against it or risk missing the boat.

- Light lunch and not eating just before bedtime. Poor digestion can slow sleep.

- Make regular exercise is rather beneficial but not just before bed.

- Do not use the computer. This light source will keep the brain alert. In fact, it is better to avoid visual stimulation, auditory or intellectual.

- Ventilate the room before bedtime.

Practice relaxation. It allows you to empty the mind, relieve stress and let go. There are several techniques developed by specialists practicing in groups or individual sessions. You can also do some basic exercises at home. In a quiet room in a semi dark, we moved into a sitting position.

- We focus on your breathing. We breathe and exhale slowly while imagining the path of the air in his body. We reserve as five minutes a day to relieve the stress of the day.

- You can also focus on the muscles. It contracts and relaxes the muscles between 10 and 20 seconds, one after the other, from the feet to the head. This helps combat muscle tension.

- View a color you like or where you want to be synonymous with well-being. Then replace all your dark thoughts by the positive thinking.

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