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How to detect breast cancer?

If detected early enough, the chances of cure of breast cancer are now very large. Mammography examination is necessary to detect the disease. Let the point on testing.

Although screening organized by the Ministry of Health does not start until age 50, 30% of cancers are diagnosed before this age. Hence the interest to be prescribed a mammogram by her gynecologist or doctor as soon as 30 years, a test that you will have to renew every two years.

Mammography instructions

A mammogram is an x-ray of the breasts that is performed while standing naked torso and a medical center where a device will compress your breasts. It is advisable to make early in the cycle, when breasts are less painful and it is also recommended not to apply any cream before. After the examination, the doctor will then examine your breasts and palpate to detect any abnormality.

In general, an ultrasound is performed complementary then, to better visualize the lymph nodes, because all women have benign cysts in the breasts, they are provided without malignant.
If the physician has any doubt, he will then order a biopsy, which is a slightly more painful examination. It is performed under local anesthesia at the suspected area.
It is more difficult to examine a woman who has small breasts, so MRI is recommended, especially for women at risk. It allows you to view with sharp details that conventional radiography can not.

Our board

To properly detect breast cancer should be vigilant. You can practice self-examination at the end of your cycle, to detect possible sizes ... Look at your breasts in a mirror to see if they do not change shape or if your nipples do not show any anomaly flow, change in texture ...

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