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diet for low carbs: moderate glycemic index

diet for low carbs

It should focus on low glycemic index carbohydrates and moderate diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs 

We have seen that when we eat a carbohydrate, it enters the bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar more or less, and measured by the glycemic index. diet for low carbs diet for low carbs

However, our body will react to such a rise in blood sugar by secreting a hormone: insulin.

Insulin's role is to penetrate the sugar in our cells, to reduce the amount of sugar in our blood.

In particular, each sudden increase our blood sugar, insulin spikes are automatically generated with the aim of restoring blood sugar origin. diet for low carbs diet for low carbs diet for low carbs
Unfortunately, these insulin spikes also have a number of adverse effects:

A long-term force to be generated, the repetition of this process can help to reduce the sensitivity of cells to insulin, the first step toward type 2 diabetes, and promote mechanisms of inflammation, making the bed chronic diseases. high carbs diet high carbs diet high carbs diet
In the short term, insulin promote fat storage, these peaks help us grow. high carbs diet high carbs diet

Il est par conséquent important de privilégier les glucides qui ne génèrent pas de gros pics d’insuline, c’est-à-dire ceux qui n’induisent pas une élévation brutale de notre glycémie : les glucides à index glycémique bas ou modéré. low carbs recipes low carbs recipes 

small return on a misconception

At this stage, it is important to review a concept become totally obsolete ... It was a long conflates:

= simple sugar sugar fast
complex sugar sugar = slow
It was thought of quite logically, that the simple sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc..), Consisting of small molecules, were rapidly absorbed, and, conversely, sugars more complex chemical structure (as starch pasta or bread) were digested slowly and gradually freed their blood glucose.

However, it has since discovered that this is nothing! It was found for example that, contrary to popular belief still firmly rooted in the minds, baked potatoes or white bread, although composed of complex carbohydrates, were not sugars but caused a rapid rise and brutal sugar levels in the blood. In contrast, vegetables and legumes (lentils, peas, beans, etc.). Pass slowly into the blood stream and causes no significant spike in blood sugar.

This is actually mainly due to the difference in structure of these different types of starches, which are cut by our digestive faster or slower to be digested enzymes.

So it is important to remember is that the terms "simple sugar" or "sugar complex" does not represent a physiological reality.

The glycemic index, although it is not absolutely perfect, remains the best indicator to measure the absorption of sugar speed.

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Carbohydrates: choose low or moderate glycemic index

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