Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Fatigue in winter and if it was the stress?

Whether at sunrise, midday or sunset, you feel exhausted! Certainly, the winter and temperatures near zero have good back, but he should not forget the main accused: stress.

Stress: a little word that makes your life hell. Work, family, health, love life, finances: it is everywhere! A force to worry about everything, anxious for the slightest annoyance and be on edge constantly, you run out!

The best advice: perspective. You chickweed for everything and anything does not change the situation. Trying to decompress, thanks to simple and basic.
The first: be well surrounded. In case of small problems, it will help to know that someone is there to listen to you, understand you, advise you and why not cheer yourself up. Rather than bemoaning your fate for days, a good conversation with a friend or loved one will allow you to unpack your bags and move on to something else.

Equally essential: you spend time. Between your boss calling you outside of working hours, children who approach you at all times, your husband complains about your nervousness, you will not soon go mad. The solution: take the time to breathe from time to time, to relieve you of all your responsibilities for a few hours to take care of you and you only. A gym workout with friends, a massage institute, lonely ride, an evening sprinkled among girls for you to see.

Finally, the best way to avoid being overwhelmed by stress: be organized! Do not plan everything to the last minute, are sighted. Rather than rush to the supermarket three times a week, make the big race weekend. Rather than finding yourself short end of each month, regularly follow the progress of your account and your expenses. Rather than be overwhelmed at work, learn to lose no more time to be effective.

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