The Low-Carb Diet is overseas fury. In France, it is increasingly successful. But should we adopt this plan? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Doctissimo help you weigh the pros and cons, before banishing sugar meals ...
Can not open a magazine today without seeing the low carb diet. In the United States, it has become almost a religion in the supermarket shelves, lights and diet products have even been supplanted by labeled "low carb" foods. But this new diet is it yet another fad or a real anti-pounds revolution?
DIET FOR LOW CARBS- Haro on sugar ...
Plan Low-CarbD'abord that mean "low-carb"? It stands for Low carbohydrates, that is to say simply low in carbohydrates (sugars). Clearly, it is reducing sugars (all sugar products), but also products that contain carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates) such as bread, rice, pasta ...
It was not that a discount to date of the famous Atkins diet (click to read more information)
by Dr. the same name. It considered that you could eat as much fat and protein as you want, because only the sugar would be responsible for overweight. And if we eliminate sugar, fats are automatically burned ...DIET FOR LOW CARBS- The pounds disappear?
In fact, the low carb diet has the same effect as any low calorie diet: if followed, it will reduce energy consumption and allow weight loss (fat ... and the water)! But that eliminating sugars makes this very monotonous diet, and therefore very difficult to follow in the long term. The risk of cracking and resume once the lost pounds or more! In addition, this system often leads to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables. And excessive calorie restriction causes many side effects: nausea, headache, heartburn ...
To really judge the effectiveness of a system, consider the results in the long term. However, a scheme such as the Low-Carb is too monotonous and restrictive to allow adhesion and lasting weight loss. This has been confirmed by a recent study *, which showed that the weight loss achieved after three months found it hard to maintain beyond seven months ....
We must abandon the logic of demonizing one type of food. They are not fat or sugar alone that make you fat, but the imbalances. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that our contributions are composed of 50-55% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 30% fat. Certainly, for the moment we tend to consume more fat than necessary. The ideal diet is one that will especially teach us to eat better, restoring this balance, including avoiding hidden fats and sugars. Above all, it is important to adopt these good eating habits permanently. Because there is no point going on a diet and then go back to an unbalanced diet .... The best is yet to consult a nutritionist or a dietician to identify the most common mistakes and change smoothly ... And do not forget that power is not everything: a bit of exercise is essential.
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