Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Showing posts with label secret to lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret to lose weight. Show all posts

Among the secret to lose weight without faults..

Among the secret to lose weight without faults
1. I constantly cheat because I love snacking. Am I doomed to be overweight?

R: Yes. Snacks are an essential part of weight loss. This cuts cravings and prevent you from overeating at meals. Choose a snack under 150 calories and, where possible, high-volume but low in calories, such as fresh grapes, popcorn, or a cup of broth. Integrate them into your diet (vegetable juice is very nutritious, so excellent). Add protein as possible. And do not condemn the fat completely, the unsaturated fat, that of peanut butter, nuts and lawyers with satiety and facilitate weight loss.

Some examples of good snacks:
• a glass of vegetable juice
• a hard-boiled egg
• mini carrots with a little humus
• a piece of low-fat cheese with rye crackers
• a granola bar contains at least 5 grams of fiber and less than 150 calories
• half an apple with peanut butter
• 6 dried apricots
• 1 cup low-fat yogurt (add fresh fruit)
• 16-20 almonds
• 10 peanuts in shells (to slow down)
• a frozen caramel bar-88 calories or six squares of bittersweet chocolate (to appease a "crisis of chocolate").

2. If I reduce the calorie intake, do I still exercise?

A: Yes, for a balance due. Fewer calories are reduce weight in the short term, and exercise prevents back. In the study by the National Weight Control Registry, 90% of subjects who lost weight and is not included, have to exercise regularly. You know, even light exercise burns calories and increase muscle mass. And your muscle mass is impressive, you will burn more calories even at rest. The diet alone can be effective at first, but sooner or later you will reach a metabolic tray - and then he will become essential.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Washington found that people who cut 230 calories a day for a year without exercise lost weight, but also muscle mass, strength and aerobic capacity. Those who have made the year without cutting calories lost an equivalent weight without sacrificing muscle mass.

So between reducing calories and exercising, better exercise, even if it is a small program or walk much. So when researchers at the Baylor School of Medicine in Houston have submitted 127 people either a single plan or to an exercise program, or a combination of both, all participants lost a similar weight in the first year . After two years, those the regime had taken more than 1 kg of their weight at the beginning, while the other two groups had maintained a loss of 2.5 kg.

3. I walk regularly, but I would burn more calories. What can I do to lose weight faster?

A: First, congratulations on your attendance to walk! You will see results. But if the pounds do not decrease fast enough, there are several options (in addition to the reduction in calories). For example, you can walk longer, more often, or choose a route with climbs. Walking canes allow calorie burning up to 40% greater in seeking the upper body.

One of our favorite things is training with periods of greater intensity. This is peak intervals. It increases endurance and burns more calories without increasing the promenade. Behold, after 5 minutes of walking, increase the pace for 30 seconds, then return to your regular schedule. Gradually increase the number and duration of these periods of more sustained activity. Presumably, these tips will apply to new muscle fibers will burn more calories without forcing you to a more challenging workout time or rigor.

If this is not done, you will want to increase your muscle strength. More than aerobic exercises, movements that require strength help to burn calories long after the workout. Start with simple movements like pushups on knees and adjustments three times a week.

4. Is it true that stress impairs the ability to lose weight?

A: Of course, as the lack of sleep. When you are tense, your body releases hormones, including adrenaline that makes you feel better, but also cortisol which has a devastating effect on weight. It is a powerful appetite stimulant. He is responsible, in part, the frequent movement of people stressed towards the cookie jar and fridge. In addition, high levels of cortisol appear to stimulate the growth of fat cells in the abdomen, triggering the filing of a linked to heart disease and insulin resistance grease. If walks in the fresh air is not enough to reduce your stress, focus time to relax

                                                    Good Luck To All!!