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Showing posts with label stretching exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stretching exercises. Show all posts

Jogging is good for weight loss...

Jogging is good for weight loss
jogging is good for your health, is to get rid of stress, and lose weight. It's like a drug to the extent that it is practical dosing effort to avoid excessive fatigue and injury, knee especially if overweight is especially important at the end of winter ... 

Must be PATIENT for the first results. DO NOT WORRY you double a runner, there will always be people faster, stronger, smarter than us. Alternate sessions at your own pace, age, current form, the season, but be'' Regular'' even if the summer is more conducive to better listen to your body. Other endurance sports such as cycling, swimming, hiking in the mountains in addition are also beneficial for reformatted. The relaxations are needed, remember to ask advice, and again others will be more likely to stretching exercises ...

 The purpose of the sessions of stretching and jogging is to bring well-being to his body as his head. So "DO NOT BURN THE WINGS". After 40 minutes of jogging (Alternate with walking if you are a beginner or resume the race), you begin to burn fat, even during the hours that followed, including night. Efforts to compensate, feed you watching your diet with carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, water varied. THAT platitudes! but they heard about a thousand times you are not addressed, it is a little voice inside me that advises the TO PRACTICE in the long term.

weight loss is evident with a frequency of 4 x 40 minutes / week.

initially run about 3 times a week and do not hesitate to alternate walking and running small strides as soon as you can support the effort.

- Run very slowly., Never force.

- Be careful to observe the temperature rises early sessions, about 10 minutes, and of course, stretching after -jogging.
- Run preferably in the morning.
- Pay attention to your diet, it goes without saying.
- Remove the sugar in his coffee and snacks between meals.
Alone and without meat sauce.
- Prepare salads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
- Always add the garlic and freshly cut.
- Prefer water to coca. Drink regularly during the day.
- Attention to alcohol and tobacco.
- Focus on green tea to coffee.
- it is possible to alternate jogging sessions with swimming sessions or even jumping rope.

                                                Good luck to all !