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Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

7 secrets to lose weight, lunch..

7 secrets to lose weight lunch
When you want to lose weight a few pounds, the solution begins with the lunch. Here are seven ways to lose weight lunch.

Find the balance

A good breakfast includes a portion of protein, one serving of fruit and one serving of whole grain carbs. This is the perfect blend for a healthy diet and not hungry a few hours later. Unfortunately, many people think that breakfast is a muffin, bagel or a bowl of cereal - all contain carbohydrates that quickly raise blood sugar, to make diving a few hours later (which means that you will be looking for more food). For stable blood sugar and less hungry, make sure to take a range of foods.

Switch from coffee to green tea

In addition to its protective qualities of the heart, green tea has benefits for weight loss. One study showed that a cup of green tea increases the rate at which you burn calories and speeds up the rate at which your body uses fat.

Prefer granola cereal home

Most brands of granola in stores are full of sugar and fat. To make your own, mix 2 cups of oatmeal with 1 cup dried fruits and grains and a little brown sugar. Let roast 3 to 5 min in the oven and store in an airtight container.

Forget the latte

Swap your large latte for a little skim milk. This substitution will prevent you to 100 calories or more each day. It will also help keep sugar cravings at bay and stabilize your blood sugar.

Forget the usual breakfast foods

Why limit yourself to the usual breakfast foods? Nobody ever said that you absolutely need to take cereal, eggs, orange juice or growing daily.

For more variety and better health, take a bowl of soup or a bowl of remaining whole grain pasta with sauce, dinner the night before. Similarly, a sandwich and an apple is perfectly healthy breakfast. Out of the box (cereal)!

Take at least 5 grams of fiber each morning

Fiber fill your hunger, clean your digestive system and have no calories. It is the perfect ingredient for weight loss. Yet most of us take far less than the recommended daily amount.

Fill this deficiency by eating foods high in fiber for breakfast. A few bites of a large apple, 1/2 cup of high fiber cereal, 1/2 cup blackberries or two slices of rye bread with whole grain you provide 5 grams. Or, try a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh berries.

Garnisssez plain yogurt

Yogurt is one of the healthiest food in the world and is an excellent foundation for a healthy breakfast (think of it as your portion of protein). Beware of yogurt with fruit or fragrances. They contain sugar and calories. Instead, take plain yogurt and fill it yourself with cereals, fruit, honey or even a little dark chocolate. This is so much better for your health.

                                                           Good Luck To All !!

4 secrets to lose weight without faults...

4 secrets to lose weight without faults

Lose weight and stay slim is difficult, but not impossible. Read on to discover what really works and how these strategies will tip the scales in your favor.

1. There are so many diets, which to choose? Will it has a simple way to lose weight?

A: Certainly. Experts say to note every day that you eat is probably the most effective strategy to successfully lose weight. This "food diary" is one of four areas of the National Weight Control Registry in the United States, made ​​up of people who lost 12 kg or more and maintain their weight for at least one year.

Most people do not realize what they ingest. Studies show that dieters underestimate their calorie consumption by up to 50%. The food diary eliminates this problem because we found there in black and white what we ate. A simple notebook will do. Write down everything you eat and drink. Then consult a specialist book or go to a site like the to estimate the number of calories each corresponding day. Some foods take you away from your goal? Eliminate them and you begin to lose weight.

2. What should my daily goal in terms of calories?

A: Here's a tip: add a zero to your weight in pounds. This number represents your metabolism rate (BMR), your basic energy needs: 1 kg = 2.2 lbs - multiplying your weight in kilograms by 2.2, you get the number of pounds). Multiply your MB by one of the following numbers depending on your physical activity, to determine the daily number of calories needed to maintain your weight.

Sedentary = 1.2
Low activity = 1.5
Assets = 1.75
Very active = 22

If you weigh 150 pounds, your MB is 1500. If you do a bit of physical activity, 1500 
 multiply by 1.5, which gives 2250. In this case, the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight is 2250 per day. To lose 500 g (1 lb) per week, cut 500 calories per day.

3. Calories, it's boring. I could not just watch the carbohydrates?

A: A diet low in carbohydrates (or carbohydrate) accelerates weight loss, especially early in the regime. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, subjects who followed a low-carb diet for 12 weeks lost an average of 5 kg, while those who followed a low-fat diet lost only 2 5 kg.

A low carb diet is actually a diet low in calories and high in protein. A burger with a salad instead of fries and a drink without sugar is a meal low in carbohydrates and calories. In addition, low-carb diets are easier to hold because the proteins and fats that are stored creates a feeling of satiety.

But there is a downside: studies show that over a year, the weight loss due to such a system slows and stabilizes at a low calorie diet: people get tired of "sandwiches without bread "bored or rice. If your goals are short-term, low-carb diet will do. Good habits for the long term, choose a diet low in calories.

4. Should I take a lunch, even though I'm not hungry?

A: Yes. People who lose and maintain weight loss eat breakfast. People who give up lunch resume the calories in the day. Researchers at Vanderbilt University in the United States recruited obese women who do not take breakfast. All began a diet 1200 calories / day. One group continued to take the lunch and dinner. The other group took a lunch, dinner and supper. 12 weeks later, subjects in the group with lunch had lost 7.5 kg while the others had only lost 6 kg. The group with the best lunch merely 1200 calories. Lunch also restarts the metabolism slowed down during the night.

                                                                       Good Luck To All !!

8 mistakes to avoid to lose weight...

8 mistakes to avoid to lose weight...
  If you have trouble losing those extra pounds, you are questioning strategies. See what are the 8 most common mistakes not to make when you want to lose weight. The following tips will help you.

1. Diet too rigid

Do not think that diet is a straitjacket. People watching their diet 90% of the time, may rejoice to have reached their end. Regarding the remaining 10%, they are reserved for small pleasures, like this irresistible drink or meal with friends that have a reputation for being mad all that is forbidden.

2. draconian regime

Some diets oversized, we are collecting food as a threat, not a source of livelihood and well-being. The repetitive weight-loss, which are constantly flex balance, are certainly not very beneficial. When you reduce your food intake, the body slows down your metabolism to conserve energy reserves, by way of self-defense. This would explain the sudden cravings for chocolate, felt by some to quickly restore energy levels, and weight decrease less obvious in the weeks following the start of the diet.

Tip: To achieve and maintain a realistic body weight, follow a balanced diet consisting of nutritious foods, which will help prevent disease and to provide energy and optimal psychological well-being.

3. Protein deficiency

Loss of muscle mass usually begins in middle age, resulting in decreased metabolism and a possible increase in weight. According to some studies, a diet consisting of 50% protein suitable for most of us (except for people with kidney disease). An adult weighing 130 kg can easily consume 70 grams of protein per day. This protein intake is generally low in fat and calories.

4. Lack of sleep

Fatigue push us to eat comfort foods that are not necessarily good for health. But according to Joey Shulman, author of The Last 15 A Weight Loss Breakthrough-established in Thornhill, Ontario, it would also affect hormone levels. "People who do not get enough sleep usually secrete more cortisol, a hormone responsible for increasing the level of stress, which thereby activate the mechanism of accumulation of fat," she says. In addition, lack of sleep is associated with a change in the secretion of leptin and ghrelin, two hormones responsible for appetite and satiety.

5. Workout routine too

Can be as effective as a program of physical training, force to do the same repetitive actions every day, you eventually get bored and discouraged. In his first book, 5-Factor Fitness, trainer Harley Pasternak Hollywood suggest we do new exercises every day to work a different part of the body. By varying the number of repetitions, alternating cardio and endurance, we manage to avoid monotony. "We must at all costs introduce a different routine every day," says Pasternak.

6. The excesses of the weekend

If you want to avoid binge on Saturday and Sunday, decrease the portions of each meal, weigh yourself every day (or at least on Friday and Monday) and monitor your alcohol consumption, a source of empty calories potentially reduce the inhibitory effect on food intake. According to some researchers, people ignore that they tend to eat more on weekends, especially on Saturday, the day during which they consume more fat. Calories absorbed and have the effect of reducing the process of weight loss.

7. Cluttered kitchen counter

Counters should be used only in food preparation and not leave hanging containers of cookies or other temptations, says Peter Walsh, author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Do not live in disorder. "It is difficult to make a healthy choice in a kitchen crammed with all sorts of disparate objects. Could you eat in a restaurant where there is a mess? ".

8. Eager to lose weight

You have decided to follow a diet, believing obtain satisfactory results and immediate. However, the idea of ​​losing a pound a week you put in all your statements: what about those women who manage to lose 15 pounds in just one month? After a few weeks, you give up, convinced that you failed, not being managed to lose weight referred to in the time that you had set.

Tip: Remember, it took you years to reach your current weight, so you will also need time to lose. The people who lose weight gradually are more likely to maintain their ideal weight over a longer period.

                                                                    good luck to all!

Why your diet does not work...??!!

Why your diet does not work

You follow to the letter your diet, but you do not lose weight? Here are 6 reasons for this lack of 

Your goal is unrealistic.

Let's be honest, most of us do not have the body of a mannequin. Our body resembles that of Naomi Campell or rather that of Oprah Winfrey, our silhouette depends largely on our genetics. "If I put two people in a controlled environment and I make them eat the same number of calories, one can easily gain weight and the other not, that's what makes genetics," says Arya Sharma, physician and president of the Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta.

You continue to consume soft drinks.

Most soft drinks and processed foods contain corn syrup high in fructose, a sugar substitute cheap that would be linked to obesity, according to a study at Yale. The study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that consumption of fructose does not calm the appetite "remains the desire to eat," said Robert Sherwin CTV, an endocrinologist at Yale University. Clearly, the consumption of corn syrup high fructose does that stimulate hunger, thus contributing to weight gain.

You eat too fast.

Chew your food well. This board reminds you he childhood memories? It turns out that your mother was right to insist that you eat slowly. "The eating quickly prevents your brain to interpret the satiety signal that sends your body," says Richard BĂ©liveau, Chair in Prevention and Treatment of Cancer at the University of Quebec in Montreal and author of the book health by the pleasure of eating well. The result? You always have the feeling of hunger, when in reality, just give some time to your body so it can signal the brain that you are full.

You do not sleep enough.

"The regulation of sleep depends on the hormonal activity. In addition, when you are tired, you tend to eat unhealthy foods (fatty or sweet). In addition, lack of sleep increases the secretion of cortisol (a stress hormone), which has the effect of increasing fat storage in the body, "says Joey Shulman (Thornhill, Ontario), author of The last 15-A Weight Loss Breakthrough.

You resume your old habits.

It is easy to resume his old habits after completing a diet. If this is the case (you start to nibble at Spread generously, eat dessert every night, for example.), You are likely to regain lost weight.

You do not follow your plan weight loss during the weekends.

We tend to eat more during weekends than during the week. In fact, researchers
of Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis (Missouri), have shown that dieters lose weight during the week, but not during the weekend. So prepare healthy meals during the weekend and pay particular attention to portion sizes can help in this regard (especially in the restaurant).

                                     Good luck to all !