Start by defining what is meant by "low carb diet or carbohydrates." There seems to be no consensus on the proportion (in%) or the quantity (in grams) of carbohydrates recommended for this diet. The values quoted in scientific studies vary between 4% and 45% of energy needs (calories) a person for a day, which is lower than the proportion of 45% to 60% currently recommended for people with diabetes by Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA). For example, some plans such as the Atkins Diet, limit the daily intake of carbohydrates to values between 50 and 150 grams (g). For reference, 50 g carbohydrates represent the equivalent of three slices of bread or three servings of fruit a day! diet for Low Carbs hight carbs diet
This scheme therefore highly restricted, and often without distinction as to their nutritional value, consumption of certain food groups containing naturally occurring carbohydrates such as starches (breakfast cereals, rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, legumes), the fruits, vegetables, and milk and alternatives (soy milk, yogurt, kefir). However, it more than makes up for high-protein foods such as meat and meat substitutes (fish, eggs ...) and sources of fat (oil, butter, olives).
According to proponents of this approach, parl'ACD consume the recommended amount of carbohydrates result in excessive secretion of insulin by the pancreas in order to penetrate the blood glucose into the cells. This additional effort required to cause the pancreas exhaustion or long term, compromising its ability to reduce blood sugar to normal levels within two hours following meals. The high insulin levels in the blood also favor the reservation of fat in adipose tissue in the form of triglycerides. Concretely, this could promote the development of type 2 diabetes and increase the risk of complications (heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves) for individuals who are affected. hight carbs diet hight carbs diet hight carbs diet
2-Impact on weight diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs hight carbs diet
The popularity of reduced-carbohydrate diets based largely on the promise of rapid and significant loss of weight. Is this really the case? Is actually observed a substantial weight loss in the first days of the adoption of such a diet. Failure to provide a sufficient amount of carbohydrates to meet its needs, the body must draw on its reserves of carbohydrates stored as glycogen. However, the use of glycogen also causes the elimination of the water it contains, which contributes to weight loss. Decreased appetite and achieving a state of satiety with a lesser amount of energy (calories) associated with this diet may also explain the weight loss.
In early 2008, the ADA has stirred controversy by adding the use of a reduced carbohydrate also acceptable as an alternative that reduced lipid (fat) diet for weight loss diet. This recommendation is for people with type 2 diabetes sufferers are overweight, however, is subject to some important caveats with respect to the reduced carb diet: diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs hight carbs diet hight carbs diet hight carbs diet
It must provide a minimum of 130 g of carbohydrates per day to reduce the risk of ketoacidosis and the needs of the brain and central nervous system; diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
Its duration should be limited to a maximum of 12 months. Not only the long-term effects of this type of food they are unknown to this day, but research has shown that no additional weight loss was observed beyond one year; diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
It should be accompanied by a medical monitoring of blood lipids (good and bad fats in the blood), kidney function, and hypoglycemic medication. We will explain why in the next section dealing with limits; diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
It does not replace physical activity as an important measure to lose weight and more
importantly keep the weight lost in the medium and long term. diet for Low Carbs
Both diet (reduced fat or carbohydrates) proved as effective for weight loss in the short term. In fact, weight loss is not caused by the composition of the nutrient regime, but rather due to the fact consume fewer calories than the body expends in a day. diet for Low Carbs
Thus, caution should be exercised when considering a change in eating habits involving a significant reduction in terms of calories or variety of foods consumed. This involves weighing the risks and limitations of this type of diet in relation to expected benefits. diet for Low Carbs
3-Risks and limitations of reduced-carbohydrate diet for people with diabetes diet for Low Carbs
As mentioned above, the amount and proportion of carbohydrates are not clearly defined. This leads us to ask the following questions: diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
1. What amount or proportion of carbohydrates do you keep in your diet? hight carbs diet
Carbohydrates and foods that contain them fulfill certain key functions for the proper functioning of our body. Not only carbohydrates are they the only source of energy (calories) to the brain and nervous system but carbohydrate foods provide fiber and are the main sources of certain vitamins and minerals. diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
hight carbs diet hight carbs diet hight carbs diet
Insufficient intake of carbohydrates may result in a deficiency of B-complex vitamins such as thiamine (B1), folic acid, pyridoxine (B6), fat-soluble vitamins (A and E) as well as in minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. Insufficient fiber intake can also affect the functioning and health of the digestive and the glycemic control tube after meals. This could possibly explain the side effects reported in studies or diarrhea, weakness, headaches and muscle cramps and bouts of constipation. diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs hight carbs diet hight carbs diet hight carbs diet
The risk of hypoglycemia also remains present for people with diabetes treated with insulin or insulin-sécrétatogues as Diabeta ®, Diamicron ®, Amaryl ®, Starlix ® and GlucoNorm ®.
Finally, the elimination of many carbohydrate-rich foods deprives us of variety on the plate which results in less color, flavors and textures! The monotony of the meals is also the main obstacle to maintaining the long-term diet and explains the high dropout rate observed in this study and, after only a few months. diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
2. For what do we replace carbohydrates removed from our diet? diet for Low Carbs
Various options are possible. They basically boil down to increase our intake of proteins or lipids (fats) to fully or partially replace the calories provided for our needs carbohydrates for energy (calories) for a day. Some choices may present risks to health. diet for Low Carbs
arrow Increased protein intake: diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs
possibility of deterioration of kidney function in some people with diabetes already have at this level, diet for Low Carbs diet for Low Carbs low carbs recipes
increased consumption of bad fats for heart health (saturated fat and cholesterol) if the protein sources are mainly animal (meat, meats, cheeses and other dairy products rich in fat) instead of plant (legumes, soy).diet for Low Carbs low carbs recipes
arrow Increased fat intake: diet for Low Carbs low carbs recipes
weight gain or difficulty maintaining their weight because of the large amount of calories provided by fat diet for Low Carbs low carbs recipes
increased risk of cardiovascular disease. diet for Low Carbs low carbs recipes
arrow inadequate consumption of calories and protein:
decreased muscle mass and overall health due to the use of muscles to provide fuel for our cells. hight carbs diet hight carbs diet hight carbs diet low carbs recipes
4-Benefits of reduced carbohydrate diets for people with diabetes hight carbs diet hight carbs diet
What benefits attributed to this type of food? The positive effects most often cited in the literature are the decrease in blood sugar (mainly those measured after meals), some bad blood fats (especially triglycerides) as well as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The prevention of type 2 diabetes is also mentioned. However, most of these studies have significant weaknesses, which casts doubt on the reliability of the results and the role due to the reduction of carbohydrates in achieving these results. Many researchers believe that the positive health effects could be explained by the greater weight loss generated by these diets. They also wonder whether the positive effects can be maintained following the abandonment of the plan or even a moderate increase in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
5-Reduced carb diets are they recommended for people with diabetes? hight carbs diet
Several questions remain unanswered about the effectiveness and safety of these diets. Additional studies on more structured pre-diabetic and diabetic type 2 are therefore necessary to determine whether such diets could possibly be recommended to them.
However, do not forget that there are already feeding recommendations promoting better diabetes control and reduced risk of complications. low carbs recipes low carbs recipes
This includes: low carbs recipes low carbs recipes
Opting for a healthy and balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods from all groups (starches, vegetables, fruits, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives, fats and even some more foods rich in fat or sugar time);
Consume about 50% of its energy needs (calories) of the day in the form of carbohydrates. Otherwise, a minimum of 130 g per day is required;
Meet its carbohydrate opting for nutritious foods that naturally contain and put the color on the plate: whole vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals, low-fat dairy products, legumes;
Choose more often sources of vegetable protein (legumes, soy) and fish;
Consume a small amount of healthy fats;
Reduce, if necessary, the number of calories consumed to obtain a moderate and gradual loss of weight;
Respect their diet plan.
If you decide to use a reduced carbohydrate diet, it is best to consult a nutritionist to review your diet plan or develop one. It will ensure that your diet suits your needs and recommend a supplement of vitamins and minerals, if required. It will also ensure that the weight loss, if necessary, is done safely while promoting its retention in the medium and long term.
Good Luck To All !!!
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