(diet south beach) (diet body beach) (diet body beach) (diet body beach)
The multivitamins can they really offset the effects of a poor diet? No, says Shauna Lindzon, dietician Toronto. "The vitamins and minerals should come from healthy foods, because many compounds in foods are destroyed during processing in supplements. We do not know if the body properly absorb vitamins and minerals from food supplements. "Healthy foods, she says, contain nutrient compounds other than vitamins and minerals, such as enzymes, fiber and phytochemicals that do not provide food supplements. "The important thing is to eat healthy, unprocessed foods." (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach) (diet south beach)
Myth: caffeinated drinks cause dehydration. (diet beach) (diet beach)
For years, we were told that caffeine has diuretic effects that increase the urinary activity. Research refutes this idea. A study published in The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, was unable to demonstrate that caffeine had a significant effect on the hydration of the people who ate compared to those who took a placebo. "For that caffeine causes dehydration, drink large amounts of caffeinated beverages," says dietician. It also stresses the importance of keeping hydrated, especially for athletes. "The rule is as follows: for every hour of exercise, you should drink about 500 ml of water." (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach)
Myth: Avoid breakfast helps to lose weight. (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach)
At first glance, avoid breakfast to lose weight seems like a good idea, but you are likely to have twice as hungry during the day. Indeed, a study published in 2005 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that subjects who ate breakfast tended not to consume more calories during the day than those who took a lunch, which made them take weight. "It is important to have lunch before training, says dietician. I recommend people to stay hydrated in the first 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before going to the fitness center. "It suggests the consumption of fruit smoothies including yogurt, milk, fresh or frozen fruit, a banana, some ground flax seed and wheat germ to give you energy before training. "We must avoid overeating or having a full stomach, but be sure to store enough energy for your workout." (diet beach)
Myth: A diet rich in carbohydrates is fattening. (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach)
People believe that eating too many carbohydrates is fattening. Sheila Kealey, World Masters champion in skiing, explains Nutrition Digest (Volume 8) that "it is the excessive consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats resulting in weight gain, not the appropriate use of these substances. Carbohydrates are the foundation of a healthy diet, "she adds. Happen to carbohydrate foods back to abstain from consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that contain other compounds essential nutrients, so do not try to avoid the consumption of carbohydrates, she explains. (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach)
Myth: Drinking fruit juice is also beneficial to health as eating fresh fruit. (diet beach)
It is true that it is easier to drink fruit juice as eating fresh fruit: it does not stick to hands and they are not likely to make a mess, but the juices lack important nutritional compounds . According to the dietician, the main nutrient compound that is lacking in fruit juice is dietary fiber, which is separated from the juice when it pulls out of its fruit. "You need dietary fiber to regulate the level of sugar in your blood, so" eating a whole fruit will help you more to regulate your blood sugar that drinking fruit juice, "she says. If you love juice, then limit your intake to 125 ml (1/2 cup) per day, and make your own juice, using a Vitamix blender as that can grind the whole fruit maintaining its fibers so you remove the benefits of the whole fruit. According to the dietician, the ideal is to abstain from drinking fruit juice processed and drinking water to which is added a whole fruit like an orange, a lemon, a lime, blueberries or raspberries to enhance the taste. (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet beach) (diet south beach) (diet south beach) (diet body beach)
good luck to all !!!