Here are some solutions that can help!! 


Showing posts with label programs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programs. Show all posts

4 programs to lose weight and stay healthy...

4 programs to lose weight and stay healthy
You are concerned about your weight or your relationship with food? There are several programs, as good as each other. We present four.

Choosing to lose weight?

Choose the program to lose weight? is a group process developed by ÉquiLibre to help women concerned about their weight. The program is offered in some CLSCs, hospitals, women's centers, community centers and private clinics across Canada.

Weight Watchers 360°

All the success of Weight Watchers 360° based on a simple principle: nothing is forbidden, but should be eaten in controlled amounts. A specific amount of points is assigned to each food, and you have to meet quotas which you are entitled. Result? A varied and balanced diet with reduced fat intake.


Based on Canada's Food Guide, Minçavi is a food program that is aimed at people who want to lose weight and those who want to learn to eat healthy. Since this is a program rich in protein and low in fat, menus kinds provide 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbohydrates.

Kilo project

Kilo project offers to make small changes to your lifestyle losing weight meal at a time! For 12 weeks, the program teaches you how to control your food portions by eating the foods you love. More than 85 recipes for delicious and healthy meals to help you plan your meals. The program offers a variety of treats such as pancakes, muffins and pasta and cheese.

                                                       Good luck to all !