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Why is it necessary to low-protein diet? Disposal of high-protein diets

diet for low carbs

A low-protein diet is a diet in which the amount of protein that is normally takes is less. This type of diet is more effective for those who are diagnosed or suffer from kidney and liver diseases.

So that the body is healthy supply of this amino acid should not be missed. If there is a significant amount of additional proteins in the body , the excess causes a domino effect of organ failure that can lead to anxiety or inability to produce waste products. It is processed by the liver and its metabolism , urea is produced as a waste product .

If there is too much protein in the body, liver function is flawed and metabolism is endangered .

 It will also lead to the failure of the kidneys to excrete urea. Then there will be an accumulation of urea in the blood and this will cause anxiety and loss of appetite. This can be avoided by a low-protein diet .

We should not discount the fact that there are types of proteins that the body needs to enable it to function effectively. These types of proteins derived from two main sources: animal products and plant products .

Animal products are complete proteins and these include , eggs , dairy products, fish, poultry and meat. In contrast, plant products have incomplete proteins .

These products include cereals , pasta, rice , beans and bread. We can reduce the amount of protein they consume stretching the protein-rich foods in their meal recipes instead of completely eliminating the recipe.

Here is a list of foods that are low in protein :

o mixed cereal, toast , pita bread , wheat, rye bread and oatmeal
o grain ready -to-eat
o baked potatoes and unsalted
o plain waffles , chocolate cake , Boston cream pie and pudding
o cocoa
o raw broccoli and mushrooms

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